A sad day for us.: Good morning all my lovely... - My Ovacome

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A sad day for us.

Kryssy profile image
50 Replies

Good morning all my lovely sisters. I hope you have all woken to sunshine and a cup of tea - as I have. It is a sad day for us today as just a year ago - only 3 days after being diagnosed - our beautiful boy went to sleep for the last time. He is in the garden, not far from the house, in a lovely spot under trees. We will go out there shortly to plant another little shrub in his garden with beautiful white flowers which continue all through the summer. Hubby made a little patio next to his grave and he has a nice bench where we sit and talk to him - and cry of course. It's the most painful thing we've ever endured. Even worse that this bloody cancer. He was with us for 13 and a half years. He came to us from the local shelter, just six months old, unable to walk on his back legs and stinking to high heaven. He grew into the most beautiful and loving friend that we've ever had. He travelled everywhere with us. If Alfie wasn't allowed somewhere then we didn't go. Everyone adored him but no-one loved him more than we did. My heart is breaking writing this but I wanted to share the memory of our boy with you all.

Sometimes, in this life of crap and pain, there comes unconditional love from an innocent creature whose sole purpose in life is to make everyone he knows happy. Alfie certainly fulfilled that. And more.

My love to you all. xxxxxx

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Kryssy profile image
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50 Replies

Sending lots of love Kryssy. X

Juleswhee profile image

Thinking of you today xxx BTW I’m crying .

sjg81 profile image

They become part of your family. Thinking of you x

Cropcrop profile image

Love and hugs lovely, they’re our fur babies and a big part of family life ❤️Xx Jane

Nancy222 profile image

Big hugs, Kryssy. XXOO

January-2016-UK profile image

He looks lovely. All the best with your memories. His area of garden sounds idillic

Coutance profile image

Hi Kryssy, just got back from walking our wonderful yellow Labrador and am in tears reading your post - I can so relate to what you say. I'm not having the best of times at the moment but the affection and love I get from our 2 gorgeous boys - the lab and a big ginger tom cat - is really comforting. Must not forget the fantastic support from my great husband too, of course!! Thinking about you xxx

gmc920 profile image

What a beautiful boy. I adore dogs and can relate to everything you’ve said. Sending hugs.

xx Gina

CJR99 profile image

Kryssy I am so very sorry to hear this...such a beautiful face! Sending you a big hug,Clare xxx

dryden1 profile image

Hi, So sad to loose such wonderful loving ,trustful companions. My little Westie is coming up to 11😍💗💗💗and I love him to bits . My husband always says he knows his place it was my mumuntil she died, the dog and then him not exactly true but you get the drift. Love Chris

RonLitBer profile image

Alfie's face is lovely with such beautiful brown eyes. I just wanted to reach out and touch him. Our family also had a shelter pup that someone found trying to get up on the curb and could not make it as he was too tiny. It is quite the emotional connection we make to such loving creatures.I hope that you find some comfort in marking his absence.

ZenaJ profile image

I'm crying now. xxx

Katmal-UK profile image

Awww, we are coming up to the 1 year anniversary of our beloved Charlie, our Golden Lab, so believe me I know how you feel, hard isnt it. Sending you a hug xx

BeeWild profile image

Big hugs Kryssy I lost my little buddy in December she too developed cancer and it was devastating to lose her x

Hope you managed a few smiles amidst the tears as I’m sure he made you smile often xx

Bev xx

Lizz49 profile image

Awww lots of love to you Kryssy ❤️ What a simply beautiful dog he was, so handsome ! I can imagine how you’re feeling and know we get so attached to our dogs, they really do become part of our families don’t they? So much unconditional love and companionship!

I love Labradors, we have a Labradoodle and I honestly couldn’t have got through the past 6 months since my diagnosis and subsequent sick leave without him. He is such good company and always cheers me up, and I love walking with him.

You’ll never forget your Alfie and keep cherishing those golden memories of him 💙 big hugs,

Liz Xx

Sending a big hug 🤗 Kryssy. Remember those happy times with your Alfie.


Yoshbosh profile image

Lots of love, Kryssy. Our fur babies steal our hearts in ways that are hard for non-animal lovers to understand. I hope you have found peace remembering your special boy today. Vicki x

Chickysha profile image

So sorry for your loss,a family member.He ll never be gone Kryssy , he has left paw prints on your heart forever 🐾🐾❤️

Perthgirl profile image

Oh Kryssy, tears for you and your Alfie . Our animals are so incredibly special and they bring so much uncomplicated joy and love into our hearts so when they pass it is so hard to get through. Hold your precious memories close , big hugs xxx

Neona profile image

We have so many buried around our place having been here since 1970. It is very sad to say goodbye to such wonderful companions. We can only foster now because of my illness but we have a lovely foster mastiff called Naka who is 10 years old and who had lost his owner.

Solange profile image

Feeling sad for you and your lovely husband, Kryssy. I can only imagine how you must have felt losing Alfie so soon after being diagnosed. He looks gorgeous - and what a long life he had with you. You must have some really happy memories of your life with him.

Lots of love and hugs for you both, Solange 😊

CarolynA profile image

Hi Kryssy. I understand very well how you will be feeling - I’ve been there and it is heartbreaking. Sending you a big hug and love. Carolyn xx 🌷

tara108 profile image

Oh, I am so sorry. Losing a dog is like losing our best, best friend. So painful. I still grieve my last dog who died in 2000. Alfie looks wonderful and I know will be so missed. Sending much love from Oz and thinking of you all.

mrstadpole profile image

How well loved he was.It is such a sad time for you but think how wonderful you made his life xx

Katiebairdie profile image

So. Dry sad for you. I am crying buckets.


gwyn64 profile image

I totally agree with the sentiments in your message. Have a good cry but remember the good life he had with you. From another animal lover. xxx

Maxjor profile image

So So sorry Kryssy. His eyes say so much in that photo and love what you did about his grave and being able to sit and speak with him. My husband volunteers for our local shelter (no kill shelter) and we foster dogs a few times a year. Many have been through so much so I was happy to read you rescued him. Once one of us retires, we plan to adopt. I hope you are doing OK and know that with time, it gets easier. oxoxox

😥 💕

CallmeMum profile image

Awww my sweet! What a lovely post and a beautiful dog he looked absolutely lovely and friendly ❤️❤️❤️ If you want to chat you know where I am xxxx

Jackie0 profile image

Dear Kryssy , as a fellow dog lover, my heart goes out to you and your husband.

As you say, dogs give unconditional love.

Our bedlington terrier has given us so much support and love over the years and especially during the four years that I have suffered cancer. At times in the hell of it all our dog has provided the only normality in the house. Indeed one day when I had collapsed she was sick on the stairs! Talk about attention seeking!! But she would generally know when I was not well and never leave my side. She is 12 this year so we know her time left is short.

Parting is such sorrow leaving an aching heart, I am hopeful that your lovely doggie has left you with many happy memories of a lovely life that you gave her.

Hope you have a glass of lovely champagne to toast her life!!

Much love JackieO xxxx

Bubbles-1 profile image

Hi Kryssy, so sorry it's the anniversary of your gorgeous boy Alfie's passing. We have a lovely black labrador Reuben who looks very much like him. He's been there for all of us from the beginning of this diagnosis; we love him to bits, with all his naughty, funny, mischievous and unconditional love he shows us. Cherish those wonderful memories. ❤️Xxx

Lizchips profile image

Hi, Kryssy, I've been there , I fall so in love with all my pups, and when they go they take a large piece of our hearts with them. I know they are waiting for us and we will be together again. Much love, Liz

SuziTench1 profile image

So sad .. big hug xxx

Zena41 profile image

😭 hugs beautiful x

Chasinglight profile image

I'm so very sorry. Our pets are part of our family. They have souls so we'll all be reunited in the Eternal Life. I have several human & animal family members there. God bless you & your family Kryssy. I'll keep you all in my prayers. Sending love

PastorEd profile image

Kryssy, be assured of a reunion with your friend and family member, Alfie. You MUST read "Imagine Heaven" by Crane. He compiled a long list of near-death experiences of people who went to Heaven, came back, and while back, talked of something they saw and the listeners confirmed the sight - - proving it was a real experience. Several of the stories give accounts of seeing their pets and even hillsides filled with animals healthy, at peace and getting along fine. May the Lord comfort you on your loss.

Maggiemo19 profile image

Thinking of you with great sadness Kryssy. Xxxx

Irisisme profile image

Hi Kryssy,

They give so much and leave such a hole when they go. I still grieve for my Tess, a rescued cocker spaniel gone 4 years now but my hubby and I now have Buster (shih-tzu), also rescued, who has recently had a carcinoma removed from his liver- and no spread, phew! And our very own Alfie, who was badly neglected and is a mischievious but adorable terrier who knows when I’m feeling bad and comes for a cuddle. I had to give up walking them but hubby has taken over those duties very well.

Have a cry and remember your Alfie but have you ever wondered whether there was another dog needing to be rescued? If your hubby can do the physical stuff it might still work, maybe not a lively lab but a quieter companion? It hurts to be parted from our beloved pets but the joy they can give is so great I still think I would rather risk the hurt. If we had lost Buster we would have found a companion for Alfie for sure, so elated when Buster come through his op.

I love the photo and empathise with your loss, stay strong,

Iris ❤️❤️

Peg8080 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss Kryssy. I know how much he meant to you and was such a big part of your family. ❤️ My thoughts are with you Kryssy. Hugs Xx Peggy

Welshandproud profile image

Sending huge gentle hugs. I don't know where I'd be without my boy with his great big gallumphing paws and licky tongue. I feel your pain. We get so close to our pets in a way that non animal lovers can ever understand. I love my boy but still miss my beautiful rough collie who we rescued in a very skinny frightened state and loved until he was 13. They bring so much joy and love and ask for very little in return. It sounds like your Alfie had a very happy life with you.as he rip chewing bones in heaven xxx

Rlenesue profile image

I'm so sorry about Alfie. Our pals, our confidants, our most loving pals should never have to go over the rainbow bridge. So beautiful to have a commeration garden for him. Such a beautiful gesture to remember your Alfie.

jools53 profile image

We had to say goodbye 1 year ago to our beloved 14yr rottie ! Broke my heart ! Sending hugs xx

antifer1234 profile image

Hi Krissy,

I know just what you are going through, our Golden Retriever, Bailey, passed away on Saturday, she was 13 and a half years old and has left a huge hole in our hearts.

Lots of Love,


Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to antifer1234

I'm so sorry to hear this Anthea. And all the losses that our brave sisters have endured over the years. It just doesn't get any easier. But we try. Love to you all xxxxx

antifer1234 profile image
antifer1234 in reply to Kryssy

Thank you. Xxx

Sana59-US profile image

I am so very sorry for the loss of your furry friend. The type of unconditional love they give you is irreplaceable. The memories unforgettable, but they always walk with you as they are forever in your heart. Sending love and comfort 💗

Alifit profile image

Oh Kryssy, how awful for you - these things sometimes happen at the most difficult times. Alfie looks like such a lovely dog - I can only imagine how painful it must be for you.

Keep the memories he gave you at the forefront of your thoughts if you can.

With all my love to you, your husband and family, Ali x

Eriksendi profile image

2017 wasn't my year - I lost both my dogs. One just before my diagnosis and the other one (she was 14) looked after me all through my treatment and sadly left us a week before my last chemo. It was as if she hung on just to check I was going to be alright. They leave such a huge void in your life. I still talk to them most days. Try to remember the happy times... its hard I know x x x I did try with another rescue but it didn't work out so now I try to be content just watching other beautiful dogs.

Godskid51 profile image

I am so sorry to hear of the looks of your priceless friend.

My older Shepherd passed two years ago.

They are such sweet souls.

Praying for your good memories and comfort.

CynD profile image

Kryssy, I am SO very sorry for your loss and that I'm only writing you now! I know what that pain is like, how deep it goes, and how it hurts so bad it's like it grips us by the soul! Unfortunately, I know it all too well right now. My cat Quincy went missing March 10 and I was starting to think I would never have him home again. Quince has been my lifeline through battling this disease. Well, 4 months and 1 day later, on July 11, I got a call - HE'D BEEN FOUND! I was so happy I didn't even know what to do with myself! Suddenly, everything seemed brighter and like maybe anything was possible. I felt more hopeful about life, about surviving the OC and the colon cancer. Then I saw him. He'd lost half his body weight and was really unstable on his feet. I took him to an Emergency Vet and surprisingly all his blood work was normal, vitals normal, and other than the fact that he looked like a skeleton and was very wobbly, (I mean even his fur was okay, and he wasn't flea bitten or injured), he seemed mostly okay. But he wasn't, and he was getting worse by the minute despite all the info to the contrary. The next morning he was completely limp and had peed right where he was laying. I rushed him to another vet where he eventually died. Ten hours passed from the time he was home until the time he died and I struggle knowing I spent those hours with him hauling him around, in and out of a cat carrier, in and out of a car, on and off a cold, sterile examination table, getting him poked and prodded, trying desperately to save his life! I feel like it was just too much for him! Like you, I am inconsolable. At least when Quincy was missing I had the hope of getting him back and I always had something to do toward that end. But now he's gone forever - this sweet, loving creature that I used to have waking dreams about when I was so sick and in the hospital. He was my joy in the middle of a nightmare. He was my only family. It feels like a very cruel joke that I would have him back just long enough to watch him suffer then die. My heart is with yours, and my tears are for my Quincy AND your beautiful Alfie. Sending you love!



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