Well the nausea and lack of appetite has well and truly arrived 😡 missing my fave cuppa tea 😢. Upwards and onwards no pain no gain
Well the nausea and lack of appetite has well and truly arrived 😡 missing my fave cuppa tea 😢. Upwards and onwards no pain no gain
Aah, rough isn’t it? That cuppa will taste all the better when you feel better.....let’s hope soon 🌷🌸☀️ Is it 4 weekly Samjane? Sorry if you’ve told us, chemo brain! I didn’t believe that existed at first.....do now! 😂
Good luck to you love, we all know what it is like, just be strong and aim for the end game.....just get rid of the blighters.
Weather is good, you can curl up in the sun on your bad days, be kind to yourself, mine was in the winter and I used to light the fire and wrap myself up and have a nap.....oh, I still do!
Appetite will come back, take it easy,
Lots of love,
Carole xx
Me too Samjane, I had Carbo/Caelyx yesterday (under sufferance as neutrophils still rather low) but I am better this time than the last, I am taking Emend for the nausea which works really well. I have the added joy of a Neulasta jab this afternoon to boost the bloods. At least under this treatment my CA125 has plummeted so hold that thought.......onwards and upwards and be kind to yourself and enjoy the beautiful weather 😊🌹🌝💛 Hugs Sophia xx
Samjane-my pattern on your brew was Day of treatment: Felt OK, day, after, felt ok enough to do things (but maybe not socialize) Day 3 and 4, nausea and chemo brain, day 5 till the next treatment---back to being me. Hold on--hoping the same for you....I just kept telling myself I can make it through these first few for 3.5 weeks of normalcy (and back to your tea!)
oxoxoxxo Judy
Hi Samjane. Hope as today dawns, you are feeling a bit better. If not yet, then very soon. Which anti-nausea medication did you receive? And have you tried seabands in addition?
The cup of tea will be waiting. Stick with it if you can.
Hugs, Maus.
Morning, no not much better but it’s early yet! I’m taking Ondansetron but making no difference mouth tastes damn awful.
Hugs back x. Thank you
Smjane--do you get steroids when "coming off" the chemo? After round 1, my onc prescribed a dose that kept lowering for four days (Chemo Friday, steroids Sat-Tues). It helps not to suffer the effects as much and by Wednesday I was feeling good again without meds. Hoping you say today you are starting to (minimally starting to) feel better. oxox
OK--that sounds like you are getting better. Is a cup of tea the telltale sign that you are back to being you? ooxoxx Hope you forget all about it by tomorrow!!!
Just eating what I fancy whenever. Salt and vinegar crisps at min! Yeh cup of tea was last time, cant taste it vile 🤮. Onwards and upwards xxx
Thinking of you Samjane as each new day comes. Salt and Vinegar chips always my son's favorite and well, I had to buy them for him while making sure each bag was edible by test tasting! Hope your palette is getting more accepting and you're feeling better. oxox
Nothing to add except thinking of you- in hindsight I told everyone chemo was not most fun I'd ever had but doable- I'm holding that thought close ahead of my onc appt for possible recurrence! Enjoy the crisps- best flavour ever x