Starting my first Chemotherapy tomorrow for 6 cycles. Hoping all is going to be well
Chemo: Starting my first Chemotherapy tomorrow... - My Ovacome

I wish you all the best!! You got this!
Be thinking of you. On my third one. Sending good vibes
I was terrified before my first chemo, I remember sitting in the chair thinking what the hell am I doing here! but it was ok, a kind nurse explained what was going to happen and how long it would take, before long a tea lady appeared with sandwiches, fruit etc and tea and coffee. I had my phone so kept occupied with crosswords, messaging family and friends etc the time soon passed. I have in total had 18 infusions and none the worse for wear. You will be fine - Good Luck
The first one is the worst as it’s the unknown. If you’re having the combined treatment then take a bag of tricks as you’ll be there a while, something to read/watch/puzzles maybe a snack in case none of the food tickles your fancy (I took various things with me) and comfy clothes that are easy to go to the loo in as I found I peed a lot and manoeuvring the drip stand slows you down!
Good luck and enjoy the Piriton nap xx
You can do it, probably won’t be anywhere near as bad as you think it will be. It’s scary but you got this lovely lady.
Drink lots of water before cannulation, it makes the veins so much easier to access and take a book or something with you to occupy you during the infusion.
They’ll most likely give you anti nausea drugs and steroids to bring home, take them, they really help.
Take lots of care and look after you. Virtual big hugs across the interweb ❤️Xx Jane
Good luck tomorrow & hopefully you will get through with no hiccups. We had booked(in Nov 2018) to go on a holiday abroad for July 2019 & then I was diagnosed in Jan 2019. I wouldn't let my husband cancel it & used it as a goal to get through my chemo. I did get through it, with only a kidney infection. It kept me feeling positive & we went off on holidays 10 days after I finished my chemo, bald & exhausted but it was the best thing. I was able to forget that I was a cancer patient for 2 weeks, to just relax & do nothing. I know we are in different times now but even if you make a promise to yourself that you will have a luxurious weekend away somewhere after your finished it will help you focus . My tip for you when you are in for your chemo is bring a pair of comfortable non slip, warm slippers or furry socks to keep your feet warm & a warm cardigan as you can sometimes get cold while having your infusions. You will get through this & like someone else said it's the fear of the unknown but it's really not as bad as you fear. Will be thinking of you & let us all know how you are getting on 🌸 X
Good luck - you will be fine. I was so scared when I started, particularly with the possible side effects: just couldn't believe I was in this position! In the event, I was a bit tired and had achy legs for a couple of days two days after the treatment - not even as bad as a bout of flu - and found it helped to keep moving. No nausea at all - I did get constipated but that was due to one of the anti-sickness tablets (Ondansetron - which is known for it) so I don't take that one now and have had no problems. I rest when the tiredness kicks in but otherwise I am doing everything as normal. The nurses and staff are brilliant and I found the whole thing painless - gets a bit boring as I was there all day so take a book or something with you.
Very best wishes and let us know how you get on,
Good luck. Actually having the chemo isn’t bad at all. People vary in their reactions to it. I was fine for four days after and then the side effects kicked in on day five and for me lasted til day 10 or 11 but many people have an easier time of it. You’ll get through it and kick the cancer into remission!🌻🌼🌺
I was really nervous before my first chemo, especially knowing my husband couldn’t be with me because of the virus. The nurses were so attentive and kind and answered all my questions. Between reading, texting, watching TV and visiting with the staff, the seven hour day actually seem to go by pretty quickly. I had no side effects until day four when I was constipated. If that happens, let your doctor know and they will tell you how to manage it. And like someone else said, It was nice to get out of the house and have a change of scenery.
Wishing you well. Bring something warm to wear and your favorite snacks.
Good luck.
Thankyou all lovely heavenly people. I wish I could only postive news but will share some positive news first and then the negative bit. Positive bit is I am fine and at home and did have a go with Chemo, negative bit is, paclitaxel (Taxol) which is for 3 hours gave me a serious chest reaction. So the Chemo stopped after having all the pre drugs nicely gone into my system. So they will be trying again with the new type of drug. Fingers crossed. xx
By now you will have completed this milestone...I’m hoping all went well and that you are doing well.
Joy x
Just FYI to all. I had my first chemo yesterday with a different drug called Abraxane which is a different version of placlitaxol. It went all fine. So thank you all again for your best wishes and hoping this would be the case for the rest of the chemo.
That's great. I hope it knocks everything into touch xxx