Due to have last of my chemo yesterday, but 2 counts of my blood were to low. Bit of a pain in the bum as I wanted it out of the way. But in a way I am glad as my Xmas dinner will be tasty rather than tasting of cardboard lol. They wanted me to have it on Xmas eve!!! 11am!! I am having carbo/taxol and am usually there for 5-6hours and I get a tad sicky that night. So I told them no. So being the nice oncologist mine is they rescheduled it for 2nd jan. I haven't written a blog for awhile, but all going well I think lol. I have recurrent lady garden cancer. Onc is not sure if curable but fingers crossedlol. I was originally going to have 3 chemo a scan then maybe 3 more if all going well. Needless to say yesterday would have been no 6. Scan showed it had shrunk and had gone squishy inside. Good I guess lol. Feeling so much more comfortable and can sit down now lol. Looking forward to Xmas. Not sure what new year will bring or what they will do next but here's to fighting my squatter with a vengeance. Merry Xmas and a happy new year ladies. Kelly xx
No chemo this week: Due to have last of my chemo... - My Ovacome
No chemo this week

Dear Kelly
I love your blog. You're sooooo funny you should be writing a book.
I'm really pleased that you can now enjoy your Christmas Dinner and hopefully have a glass of wine too. Much better than cardboard!
Keep up the fight dear girl. I'm with you on that!
xxxx love Annie
Hiya Annie and thanks for that think no matter what you have to keep your sense of humour. I agree I should write a book, been off work a few weeks now and my brain is getting so bored lol. Am looking forward to my Xmas dinner and maybe a little tipple. Am sure it would taste even better made in your kitchen with your view lol. Hope you are enjoying it immensely
have a great Xmas yourself. Love Kelly xx
Hi Kelly
Make the most of your chemo delay, I know its frustrating as you just want to get
it out of the way - the same thing happened to me at the end of my chemo cycle.
Enjoy Christmas dinner and eat lots and lots and also a few glasses of wine.
oooh and lots of choccies too.
Happy Christmas
Angie xx
Hi Angelina it is abit of a pain but at least I get to enjoy Xmas. Hope you have a fab Xmas too. Best wishes Kelly xx
Small mercies...! Right there with you - got my last on 28th, just in time to ruin new year, but who cares? Fingers x'd for you to get it out if the way soon too
You must have started yours around the same time as me then sue. I don't think I was too bothered about new year this year. Just wanted my Xmas dinner to taste yummy lol. Hope your treatment goes well for you too fingers crossed all the way. Kelly xx
I know the feeling. Sounds like similar timeframe, doesn't it, Kelly!
Everything tastes of grey again by this time, right? And my husband is a bloody chef -he does a wonderful, never traditional, Christmas dinner. I have trio of lobster as a starter (mini bisque, tortelloni and a mousse) which just sounds divine <sigh>. Got my second-to-last chemo tomorrow, so not v confident it will taste of much
It's an awful taste. All my fav foods just taste of nothing. But shouldn't grumble it's all for the greater good. God aren't you lucky having a chef for a hubby, that food sounds wonderful. I suffer from hollow legs syndrome I think lol as I constantly eat. Maybe when you have finished your treatment and your food tastes better, you should have a rerun of your Xmas dinner sue your on weekly chemo? So this time tomoz it's 1 down 1 to go. I hope it goes well tomoz 4 you
Hi Kelly, now you can enjoy christmas properly ...so the delay isn't a "bad thing" at all! My last chemo was delayed by nearly a month due to low blood counts but I got there in the end. Re-charge your bateries with the chemo break and you will be all set to go again in the new year and reach that all important last chemo milestone!
All the best.
Hello Kelly, I must commiserate with you having squamous cell carcinoma in such an awkward place. I can imagine how uncomfortable /painful it must have been so I'm really glad it's shrinking. I had to have one removed from the back of my hand last year, plus a melanoma, and a skin graft, and one from my wrist the year before. They were SO painful if I knocked them!! Must have really hurt if you sat down heavily.
Enjoy your tasty Christmas dinner and sending positive wishes for the 6th chemo to really do it's job in the New Year.
Keep smiling, Solange
Hi blue and no It's not. I'm quite pleased with it actually. Even though the chemo is important and it's just a meal really when all considered. Things have a way of turning out. Am going to make the most of it. Yours must have been pretty bad to have to wait a month. You got through it fine in the end though? Calendar waiting for last tick lol
Hi solange, what a lovely name. I must admit this type of cancer has been very painful. As for sitting heavily, I couldn't sit at all at one point or get dressed. I had to lounge all the time. Had got to be the most awkward spot lol. It's so much better now thanks to chemo. So moaning about missing Xmas dinner abit naughty. It must have been awful to have it on your hand as we tend to knock them a lot too. I plan to enjoy my dinner at Xmas so much. I hope all is well for you now to. Have a great Xmas and new year. Kelly x
Hi Kelly, yes I got the final chemo dose eventually. They were thinking of skipping the last dose entirely because of my low wbc counts ...but it reached an acceptable level in the end and they were "kind" enough to give it to me. I was a little concerned that my CA-125 was 34 after cycle 5/6 and had only dropped to 31, 6 weeks after finishing chemo. However 3 months later it was down to 17. Next blood test early next month, so I will see how it goes.
Have a super christmas (even though it is just a meal! ... I so agree!)
Hi blue. Very kind of them I must say. Sounds almost like they were doing you a favour. Very good that your CA-125 is down low. Seems like the chemo keeps working for quite a long time afterwards. Least most of the side effects have long gone lol. My fingers and toes will be crossed for your next test. Ill see your blog here with your news am sure pig out time here we come x