Has anyone had experience with AVASTIN and it's side effects?
Avastin and Granulosa : Has anyone had experience... - My Ovacome
Avastin and Granulosa

Hi. Yes very few side effects. Aching joints, probably the 'worst' was a bunged up nose with nose bleeds when you blew it. Use to take me prob half a box of tissues each morning to clear my nose. That's probably about it. Was on a trial for it back in 2008. Took it for a year. Best wishes xx
There is a wealth of information on this site about Avastin and side effects. Just use the "Search my Ovacome" at the top right of the page. This question is asked all the time and you may not get many replies. Good luck.
Same side effects as Katmal - achy joints and nose issues. Most days I feel pretty good, but some days the aches and pains can be quite intense. However, if it is working, they are a small price to pay.
Good luck!
TOAchy joints was a huge issue for me. Just easing now and finished Avastin in February
Hi Guys, My wife was on Avastin as a 'maintenance' drug for quite a long time. It worked very well in principle, but I agree with the other ladies that the aches can be really quite severe. It seemed to keep her CA125 pretty low and stable. She had very limited movement in her neck, it was quite incredible.
The other problem that we had, and indeed the reason she had to stop taking it, was the damage that it did to her kidneys. Just to be clear, she did have it for approximately 2 years, but she lost over one third of her kidney function. As we knew that more chemo would follow, our consultant took the view to stop the Avastin to give her time for the kidneys to recover, and then plough headlong into the chemo (she's having treatment 5 of 6 today!).
The tiredness was also off the scale during that time.
I hope that help to provide you with a more rounded view on Avastin? Really hope it works out for you Xx
Avastin had the above side effects for me and I also remained stable until now. In fact all tumours are still stable but I have a little one growing on a muscle in the hip area so a treatment plan awaits me.. But yes it was worth the pains and aches and mucky noise and hoarseness
Initially I had few side effects - runny nose, hoarse voice and some fatigue but they got gradually worse. I was on it for over two and a half years and eventually the cumulative side effects just got too much and my ca125 started to bubble upwatds. Once I stopped, the fuzzy head cleared within a month, the painful joints within 6 weeks, my blood pressure reduced within 3 months, the mucous is only just subsiding six months later and has contributed to lung damage and my voice is returning to normal unless I'm tired.
It did the job though and I feel it was worth the side effects. Mind you I've only just found out about the lung damage and not discussed the implications on chemo/treatment with my Onc.
I have the runny nose and bloody nose in the mornings. I have only had 3 treatments of the Avastin. My Ca125 was 56 when I started then 185 and now 734. I had a PET scan which came back clear. Doc says could be dome sand size grains of cancer in there that does not show up on PET. Not planning on doing anything different until can see something. Continuong with the Avastin. Scary scary
You mention granulosa, and if you mean granulosa cell tumour, I have that form of OC, (GCT,) but no experience of Avastin.
Initially my treatment was just surgery, a full hysterectomylast year and more surgery when it recurred this year, but I have recently been put on Anastrozole. So far, so good regarding side effects, but not sure if it's working yet!