Gynaecologist/specialist consultation - My Ovacome

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Gynaecologist/specialist consultation

Selkington profile image
15 Replies

Hi all - hope everyone is as well as they can be and found a reason to smile or laugh today. I had my specialist appointment today and my older sister came along. What a nice surprise to see two old workmates greet me as I walked into the clinic, one was the booking clerk from my days in Interventional Radiology and the other a nursing colleague who had left my current workplace. Both wonderful ladies and a blessing to have some familiar faces at such a nerve wracking appointment. The gynaecologist completed a brief interview and then completed an assessment of my abdomen and a smear then internal exam. He advised me that Melon is not likely cancer, that there a very small chance of malignancy, however, he can not guarantee it, it will have to be removed and sent for testing. He will not be completing the surgery so the questions I had lined up became irrelevant for me to ask him. He said the surgery should be in 4-6 weeks. I have been losing sleep over this appointment and it was kind of an anti-climax really. All of this information I have learnt from all you wonderful ladies on this site and from my own research. But at least we are closer to getting a date for surgery. I asked my children this morning if I should ask for the tissues to be returned to me after testing so we can see what Melon looks like. They agreed!! Haha I’m not sure I want to but it would be interesting to see what it looks like. Love and light to everyone - not clear of the woods yet but the trees are getting thinner and the light is shining through.

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Selkington profile image
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15 Replies

Hi, So glad you are feeling better about your treatment plain now count down to surgery ,

once this is done you will feel so much better, as for looking at the tissues 😝😝.

Take care of yourself Lorraine xx

Marieloiuse profile image


You're almost out of the woods! And I'm my opinion the medics don't like to come down on the side of benign if they're not pretty confident. I know, never say never. But all the runes are good!

Keep us posted.

Catherine x

charlie12 profile image

Great news , doctors don’t say this sort of thing lightly , so fingers crossed it’s all benign.

Try to get yourself in the best possible shape emotionally and physically and I’m sure you will be fine.

Hugs xxx

Lindaura profile image

I agree with you, Selky,

Not a very satisfying result. Have you had the cancer marker blood tests at least?

Can you do anything about getting that surgery moved closer? Seems like an awfully long time to wait on something they cannot guarantee is benign.



Selkington profile image
Selkington in reply to Lindaura

All bloods returned within normal ranges - again I’ve been told no guarantee. But I have to stay hopeful and again wait. I know the weeks are going to go by so quickly, am looking into seeing a private gynaecological oncologist rather than just gynaecologist. Love and light xx

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to Selkington

I have to agree with the idea of a second opinion and try to get more info on the surgeon and hospital where you will be operated on.


Cropcrop profile image

Sounds really positive, I truly hope it turns out to be benign as suspected. I saw my basketball sized tumour on a scan during diagnosis, it wasn’t the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen but not too sure I’d want to see it in the actual flesh though, but each to their own. I hope seeing it will give you some peace, not sure the children should see it though 🤔 but that’s just me. Pleased you got good news lovely ❤️Xx Jane

Roobarb1 profile image
Roobarb1 in reply to Cropcrop

I got a photo of my (ruptured) cyst from when it was removed and I have to say I am strangely fascinated by something that has caused me so much trouble 😛 one else is fascinated though!

Good news on a benign result though selkington, v pleased for you! Xxx

Nancy222 profile image
Nancy222 in reply to Roobarb1

I, too, was fascinated when I saw the tumour in my colon (which was a met from ovarian cancer). It was round and pretty and had veins in it. I saw it on the screen and thought, I've hosted you long enough, my pretty. It's time for you to go.

Caroles1 profile image

Hey, that’s good news, get rid of the melon, it’s only a squatter, of no reasonable use😳

You will feel so much better when it is gone and of a malign state, done and dusted👍

Let us know how you are,

Carole xx

Great news.

It sounds very similar to my sister-in-law's experience - her melon was preventing her peeing- which turned out fine in the end. x

Neona profile image

Good luck and fingers crossed that it is benign.

Nancy222 profile image

Best of luck. And you've got lots of time to prepare for surgery.

mrsgrinchburger profile image

I'm in a similar position to you Selkington, but I now have surgery potentially booked in for 12th May, it couldn't be done sooner as the surgeon was booked up the rest of this week and next week so we've decided to go ahead with our holiday to Italy at the end of next week. Hope you get your date soon. Fingers crossed xx

Selkington profile image
Selkington in reply to mrsgrinchburger

That dates not too far away - so happy to hear you have a date for surgery!! Hopefully your symptoms are manageable until the surgery. Enjoy your holiday xx hoping surgery goes well ;)

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