That hurt. : Hi all. I hope you are all doing ok... - My Ovacome

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That hurt.

Suzanne333 profile image
34 Replies

Hi all.

I hope you are all doing ok and for those of you who are struggling and worrying etc I’m sending you all a massive hug.

I had a sigmoidoscopy yesterday. After drinking two litres of frogspawn and snot smoothie and going to the toilet 16 times, I arrived at hospital for the procedure. Wish I’d had a sedative as offered.

I really needed the gas and air though. Good news though, the thickening wasn’t there. I do have diverticulosis though but that’s not serious.

So I’m ok at the moment but feel a bit in limbo when not on treatment. Fingers crossed this disease stays away longer than it did before.

Love to you all. Xxxx

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Suzanne333 profile image
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34 Replies
LittleSan profile image

Ouch - so glad the results were better than anticipated. Big hug to you. Xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to LittleSan

Aww thank you. Yes it’s all good.

I hope you are ok. Hugs. Xxx

ZenaJ profile image

You do make me laugh. Glad there was some good news at the end of it. xxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to ZenaJ

Hi Zena.

Yes I’m relieved it was nothing bad. Was an unpleasant experience. I had to wear paper shorts with no back. That made me laugh. I should have taken a photo.

I hope you are doing ok. Xxxx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Suzanne333

I'm fine thanks Suzanne. It pains me to read so many sad stories. Some days I just can't read any more because I feel I need to get away from cancer for a few days. It's on TV all the time as well. Other days I talk about it a lot. It depends on how I feel. Once you have it there's no escape, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, enough self pity. I'm doing really well and just wish I could make everyone else better in some way. I think about you all, particularly when I'm going to sleep.

Best wishes and hugs, Zena xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to ZenaJ

Aww Zena. I know what you mean. I think we all feel like that. I feel well so I sometimes actually find it very hard to believe I’ve got what I’ve got. I sometimes think have they got it wrong. But I know they haven’t. It’s definately really tough psychologically. I too at times don’t want the thought to exist but there are reminders everywhere.

This site is so supportive. I go on the Facebook ovarian cancer site sometimes but find here is where I prefer.

Big hugs xxxx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to Suzanne333

Thanks Suzanne. I do want to give lovely ladies support and encouragement and let them know there is hope for the future but at the same time I'm so afraid of saying the wrong thing. Reading a post a couple of days ago about what people say and how it makes you feel made me even more nervous to post things. The last thing I want to do is upset anyone but in saying that everyone has different feelings and what might upset one person could help another. It's so difficult when you suffer from anxiety. I don't generally have anxiety only in upsetting anyone. I couldn't bear to think I'd hurt someone.

It's amazing what I can say when I've had a couple of rums, it frees my mind to say exactly what I think. Luckily, I haven't got a cruel nature or there'd be a few people not too happy with me. (I haven't had a drink before writing this lol)

I've never tried the Facebook site and don't think I'll try it. This site is very educational I can't begin to tell you how helpful it's been.

I've had a phone call from Great Ormond Street Hospital by the way. I'm going in May to discuss the BRCA situation.

Take care, many hugs and thanks for your support.

Love Zena xxx

Nancy222 profile image

Ahhh, lovely news. Thanks.

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Nancy222

Hi Nancy.

Thank you. Yes it’s a relief that I don’t have to deal with another health issue. 👍🏻

I hope you are doing ok.

Hugs xxx

Nancy222 profile image
Nancy222 in reply to Suzanne333

I'm doing okay, Suzanne. Thursday I meet with the liver specialist so I'm on the holding pattern that we all know so well.

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Nancy222

I hope it goes well with him and he can help you. Bloody disease. I’d do anything to make us all better. Hugs. Xxxx

GoldenGourd profile image

I think a career in advertising drinks awaits you, Suzanne! Xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to GoldenGourd

He he. It was vile. Sorted of tasted like mouldy celery. I actually gagged many times. 🤢xxx

Lyndy profile image

Eeew Suzanne was it Kleenprep? I had it for wasn’t my finest afternoon but found a whole raft of posts on internet from people who had also suffered...which made me feels little better.

Glad you got through with good results xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Lyndy

Hi Lyndy. It was movicol prep stuff. Putrid. Yuck.

I read about people saying how horrible it would be. I thought I’d be ok. I remember moaning and groaning and then apologising for the wind that followed. The nurse said gonfor it , so I did. 💨🤢xxx

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to Suzanne333

That sounds more like a colonoscopy than sigmoidoscopy.. I've had both and was only given suppositories on the day for the latter, but something horrible to swallow for the colonoscopy. If there's a next time, ask for Picolax instead - its infinitely more drinkable than the one they gave you and nowhere near as much of it...

harpist_UK profile image

Enjoy the limbo while you can - great that there's nothing there, but oh dear, that drink .... praying it never comes my way!

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to harpist_UK

It was awful. I’d rather pull my fingernails out than drink that again.

I hope you are doing ok. Xxx

harpist_UK profile image
harpist_UK in reply to Suzanne333

Going courageously on with disease progression - probably heading for the Rotterdam regimen now. xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to harpist_UK

I’m sorry to hear that. Keep positive. I’ve heard of the Rotterdam regimen.

This bloody disease , I f...... hate it. Thinking of you. Xx

harpist_UK profile image
harpist_UK in reply to Suzanne333

Thanks - between a rock and a hard place sums it up!

Luchie profile image

You always makes me smile! Well done for putting up with the taste! I'm so thrilled that it's nothing sinister. Enjoy your post treatment. We can maybe go out now for lunch, when you feel up to it. Lol take care. 😘❤️

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Luchie

Hi Luchie. The taste was indescribable. I’m relieved it’s all ok.

Lunch would be great. What about over Easter as I’m quite busy next week. Will be so lovely to see you.

I hope you are getting on ok. Will look forward to catching up.

Hugs. Xxx

Unlockes profile image

Yuck yuck YUCK! SOUNDS awful. I wish to never endure.sounds like you took it like a champ...take care Tina

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Unlockes

Thank you Tina. It was horrid. Disgusting drink.

I hope you are ok xx

Hi Suzanne, You got through it with your usual humor ,glad to hear it turned out well.

Take care my friend Lorraine xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to lorraine71-Australia

Hi Lorraine.

Thank you. The whole day experience was vile.

Horrible drink and a very unpleasant procedure. I don’t know what they did in there but my tummy is making the most weirdest sounds. 😂xxxx

January-2016-UK profile image

Sounds awul, hope you’re feeling better today v

Katmal-UK profile image

Sound horrendous! glad that yr ok xx

Eriksendi profile image

I had to have a gastrographin enema yesterday to check the join in my bowel in preparation for a possible stoma reversal. That was bad enough but at least I didn't have to drink what you had to!! I cried the whole way through which just seems to be par for the course with me now!!!!! I start as I walk in the door of the hospital and don't stop blabbing until I'm on the way home again. Glad your news was positive x x

Katsmum profile image

Love the description of that drink sounds like something from Alice in Wonderland!! Here’s hoping you never have to drink it again, or any of us for that matter. I’m doing the limbo thing at the moment having a break from chemo but 3 month check was cancelled due to beast from th east 1 however my onc phoned me the following week and as I have nothing to report we agreed another 3 months unless I get any symptoms.

I do feel a slight sense of freedom so have booked a trip to Venice next month and am striking a few other things whilst the irons hot!

Here’s hoping things stay stable for a very long time and sending love and hugs x


Maxjor profile image

Ah Suzanne--had the colonoscopy and the preparing must be very similar the way you describe it. GLAD to read the results (although you now need to stay away from popcorn if it was something you ate with your dx from the procedure) but a procedure with nothing serious is what is nice to read and hear. Here's to a very long remission or NED just stays with you! oxox Judy

Lizz49 profile image

Hi Suzanne

Your post made me laugh I can fully relate to the hideous movicol, had to hold my nose when swallowing it...I found the procedure ok but did have the sedation which helped! My bowel was also clear just this damn OC for which I’m just beginning to start treatment fingers crossed.

I’m glad your bowel was fine and wishing you a healthy and happy onward journey and sending virtual hugs your way,

Liz x

chrissapam profile image

well done Suzanne...long may it continue! love Chris xxx

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