Hi soldiers and warriors. Thank you for the messages I've received about my whereabouts these last few weeks. Most of the time I've been in hospital recovering from the chemo side effects. First time was 2 days after first chemo when I got severe neuropathy and ended up without use of my right arm, both legs and half my left arm. Six days later I was ushered out and to this day have not regained proper use of my hands, but I can knit and type now. Taxol was stopped and replaced with Taxotere.
Two days after the Taxotere I was vomiting, pooing for the Olympics and had a head full of eczema. I suffered for 10 days, lost about 8 kgs and our nurse came and phoned for an ambulance. My blood pressure was right down low but my heart was racing to try to keep me alive. I got told off at the hospital, but every day I thought I would get better.
Then, I told the oncologist that I needed to be well and at home as my number two and number four sons were visiting with baby Max, my grandson. So, went on weekly carbo and avastin only (that finished today) so that I could at least function. Which I did. Such a lovely time we had but so sad when they went home yesterday. I roped in two "aunties" to help me while the boys helped hubby with DIY stuff. Here is me au natural with the boys. Number two, left, has his head shaved but number four did it for support for me. I look dreadful but they said that I wasn't as bad as they expected. They should have seen me in hospital!! I've still got the dark baggy eyes from that experience.
So, next week I'm back early for chemo which suggests that when I see the onc on Friday he'll say he's putting me on carbo and something else nasty and back to every 3 weeks (and hospital stays in between probably). I'm having my PET scan tomorrow but the nurse didn't take the right blood test yesterday so I've no CA125 result in the post this morning. Just the usual stuff. I'm a little disappointed to say the least as I was hoping it was down and I'd have something to keep me going until Friday's results time.
So, that's me these last weeks but I've still got my sense of humour intact thankfully. There was one particular day in hospital for the first time that I just wanted the pain etc. to stop and begged hubby to just let me die. Luckily he rallied me around and I've not felt like that since, even when my head was down the toilet for hours on end. So be warned girls.....
love and hugs to you all
Kryssy xxxx
If I was able to put on another photo then I'd show you little Max - 14 months of energy and loveliness - and me in one of my wigs which rarely comes out of the cupboard. But, don't think I can. xxx