Good CA125 result again - still taking ibuprofen - My Ovacome

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Good CA125 result again - still taking ibuprofen

drdu profile image
62 Replies

Hi all.

Got CA125 result of 6 this week, which is a relief as it had been 8 last time in July, and I feared it was starting to go up. It is usually 6 or 7. I had been told it was most likely just a natural variation, but you always fear the worst, don't you? Am still taking ibuprofen as an anti-cancer agent, as per my previous posts.

Can anyone else who is taking an anti-inflammatory or aspirin as an anti-cancer drug please let me know how you are getting on?

My last dose of chemo was November 7th 2014, or thereabouts, and so coming up for 3 years in remission.

Best wishes to all in this community.

Eileen xx

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drdu profile image
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62 Replies
Agility profile image

Eileen I’m pleased for you. A great result and relief.

It’s strange you posted tonight. I was going to search you out. Can you let me know the dose of ibobrufen you take and whether you also take aspirin. I have just been cleared to take NSAIDs.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Agility

I take ibuprofen 400mg three times a day with or after food. And omeprazole 20mg capsules, 1 capsule daily, to protect the stomach from the anti-inflammatory pills. This is essential. It is all quite cheap, and so your GP should not object. Happy to answer any questions, but that is basically it.

Thanks very much. All best wishes and good luck to you.

Eileen x

Yoshbosh profile image

Hi Eileen,

I was taking low dose aspirin, but it hasn’t helped me, and I am about to start second line chemo after a year off.

I’m considering LDN or ibuprofen next, as I do think there’s a lot of interesting stuff about NSAIDs out there. I saw a kinesiologist a couple of weeks ago, who tested my various supplements and alternative drugs, and of all of them, she said the aspirin and resveratrol were by far the worst things I was taking - borderline harmful to me 😳 I have no idea how kinesiology works though!

Hoping for better luck with the second line of treatment. Carbo/Gem plus Avastin this time.

Vicki x

Andrea63 profile image
Andrea63 in reply to Yoshbosh

Hi Vicki - are you starting chemo next week? Good luck and also with the sleepover💤 Andrea xx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Andrea63

Hi Andrea, yes, I’m starting on Wednesday 😞

On the bright side, sleepover 1 is almost over, and the girls were pretty good, other than the guest maintains she only had 10mins sleep all night 😆 She goes home at 11am, and the second batch arrive at 3pm for a trip to the ice cream parlour and sleepover. In the meantime, the youngest daughter has a party to go to from 11-1 so it’s all go here this morning!

Vicki x

Andrea63 profile image
Andrea63 in reply to Yoshbosh

That’s brave, two sleepovers in a row but I’m glad last night went well. Fingers crossed for another good one tonight.

I hope you get a bit of rest and relaxation before Wednesday xx

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Yoshbosh

Have no idea what a kinesiologist is. Has she got a doctor's or pharmaceutical qualification? If not, I wouldn't trust her advice re any drugs. Also don't know what LDN is. Can you tell me? Am not on this site that often. That is disappointing re aspirin.

Good luck with your chemo. Would leave taking ibuprofen till after the chemo anyway, as the chemo is enough in itself to attack the cancer well.

All best wishes.

Eileen x

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to drdu

It’s Low Dose Naproxen, Eileen. Quite the thing in Cancer circles these days, not just your common old aspirin!

Kinesiologists are naturopaths, part of any type of ‘alternative’ treatment. I honestly have no understanding of the science behind it, but the lady I saw is very well respected. I’m not sure of the reliability of the drug testing she did, but the whole experience was fascinating. Luckily she said carboplatin was a good one for me 😄 Of all my various supplements, she was absolutely dead against the aspirin and resveratrol, and the others at worst she was ambivalent.

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Yoshbosh

Naproxen is an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen and probably as good. Do you know what the dose is? Sorry I don't have much faith in naturopaths etc. Wouldn't trust them myself, to be blunt.

Eileen xx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to drdu

No, I agree with you, Eileen. I was just interested to see what she would say. Interestingly, things started to go wrong for me soon after I started the aspirin, so maybe it’s coincidence, or maybe there’s some truth in what she said?

I can’t remember the dose of the naproxen, other than it is ‘low’ - it’s becoming more widely known within the cancer-fighting community. Lots of new research into it.

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Yoshbosh

Ok will look into naproxen research and use. That is very good it is being used as anti-cancer agent.

All best wishes.

Eileen xx

LittleSan profile image
LittleSan in reply to Yoshbosh

Ooh it's not often you see revestrol mentioned it Yosh. I've been taking it but recently have struggled to get hold of it. Why was the practitioner so against it?


Sandra xx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to LittleSan

This is where it all becomes a bit of a dark art, Sandra... She does individual tests using her kinesiology skills to determine what works for you. Apparently, in my case it showed a strongly adverse effect - I don’t know what that effect was or how she determined it, and although it was negative for me, it might be positive for someone else.

I asked her if it had been the reason the cancer had come back, she held onto my wrist for a while and looked thoughtful. Her response was ‘No, but it provided a gateway’ 😳😳😳

LittleSan profile image
LittleSan in reply to Yoshbosh

Ooh - very mystical! I'm struggling to get hold of it now anyway. It says it's only available through Health Practitioners. I ordered it through another company and they've taken my money and not delivered! Perhaps it's a sign..... X

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to LittleSan

Personally I prefer science to mumbo-jumbo and I would recommend that as the best way to deal with cancer.

All best wishes.

Eileen x

85live4ever profile image

Hi Eileen, I have read most of your pass post & glad you have found something that works for you.

My daughter in law wanted me to look into this but too many tablets up sets my stomach. When I looked into aspirin I have been told it can make you bleed. As for ibuprofen my onc thought it was worth a go. My stomach has been ok forvavwhile & I don't want to up set it. Good luck on a very long remission take care Cindyxx

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to 85live4ever

Thank you Cindy. You should be taking omeprazole 20mg daily or something similar to protect your stomach if you are taking ibuprofen (for dose see above) regularly, or else your stomach will get upset.

All best wishes.

Eileen xx

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to drdu

Hi Eileen, I think I have some of those tablets some where. If not I now have this lovely GP I think he has come down from the heavens 😀 He listens to me, he gives me medicines if I ask, he lets me cry & he makes me laugh. And my daughter in law really love him my daughter in law does not take kindly to fools. He is not no thank God.

My last GP was a complete bitch that took 5 years to find my oc then got even nastier as time went on. I had to changed surgery otherwise she was going to end up killing me. Well that's what I thought at the time cancer does funny things to your rational side. It turns it up side down & makes you feel everyone is after you. She knew nothing about oc, ca 125 test or the side effects from chemo. I realise they are not expected to know about cancers but I gave her enough guesses. My mum, aunty, cousin had oc & died of it & 2 other cousins had bc. My whole family has had their genes tested. I have been give the BRAC test I am negative so are the rest.

Thanks for posting this its going on my to do list, The list is put into photographes from here on to my phone. Then I slowly but surely go through it all. Take care Cindyxx

Patty802 profile image

Wonderful news! I started taking a low dose aspirin and Tamoxifen in June. I had my 7 month post chemo check up last Monday. I’m still in remission! I was diagnosed Stage 4B last November.

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Patty802

Thanks very much, Patty. Good luck with the aspirin and tamoxifen. That's great you are in remission.

All best wishes.

Eileen xx

27-359 profile image

I have been taking low dose aspirin but am also taking BP medication (high BP caused by Avastin) and know that the two meds should not be taken together, so might stop.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to 27-359

Are you sure? Most BP medication is fine with aspirin. But go with what your GP/oncologist says. Maybe check again with them.

Best wishes.

Eileen x

AnneSB profile image

Great news Eileen. I have been taking a low dose (75mg) aspirin everyday since my treatment ended in July 2015 and so for so good. I always take it with my breakfast to avoid any effects on my stomach. My CA125 remains around 9. Obviously I don’t know if it is doing any good but it’s not doing any harm either so I will keep taking it.

Good luck and very best wishes Anne xx

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to AnneSB

That's fantastic, Anne. Yes, definitely worth carrying on with it. Good CA125.

Good luck and best wishes yourself.

Eileen xx

Lily-Anne profile image

That’s great news. I asked my doctor yesterday about taken ibuprofen but she had a meltdown. Because my kidney function is poor and that would make it worse she has told me not to take them. It’s a shame because it helps my back

LA xx

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Lily-Anne

Yes, ibuprofen is not a good idea if your kidney function is poor, sadly. That's a shame.

All best wishes.

Eileen xx

BJ_UK profile image

I have been taking naproxen for my arthritis and my CA125 has been 8 at my last two following up appointments. (I'm on annual appointments now. ) That is the lowest it has ever been.

This week I'm trying topical diclofenac though to see if it does a better job of controlling my joint pain. My GP says I shouldn't be using naproxen at the same time. Any thoughts as to whether topical diclofenac (Voltarol) might have any activity against cancer?

Hope you continue to enjoy good health,


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to BJ_UK

Thanks very much, Barbara. Frankly in my day (I retired 9 years ago) these topical anti-inflammatories were viewed as pretty useless,certainly not as good as taking an anti-inflammatory by mouth. I don't like interfering between you and your GP, and he/she knows you better than I do, but in view of your good CA125 if I were you I would stick with the naproxen, unless you are having problems with it. It is not an expensive drug. You should of course be on something like omeprazole 20mg daily (also cheap) to protect your stomach when on naproxen. I don't know your background re ovarian cancer but if there is a risk of recurrence, there is a good chance that naproxen would help to prevent that.

Thanks again for your good wishes, and best wishes to you.

Eileen x

bibs73 profile image

I take low dose Asprin along with the COC drugs and I’m doing well.

However I’d thought I’d mention that the COC can provide a new ibuprofen that’s gastric coated or something and therefore you don’t need the stomach protection. I’m not sure of actual details but I’m sure they would be able to provide more information.

Really glad this is working for you.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to bibs73

Is that the clinic in London that gives patients several experimental drugs, like statins, and metformin? Yes, it sounds good, willing to experiment. Never heard of a gastric coated ibuprofen, and not sure I would trust it without omeprazole or the like, but things may have moved on since I was working, and am sure they know what they are doing.

Thanks very much. Best wishes.

Eileen xx

11209 profile image

Hi Eileen - I am in the USA - had a complete hysterectomy in March 2017 - no chemo - I take 200mg of Celecoxib 2 times a day. Good cat scan and CA125. Good article on the Moffitt Cancer Center web page on the effects of a nsaid (Celebrex).

Best, Jeri

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to 11209

That's very interesting, Jen. Will check out that webpage. Good luck with Celecoxib. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. Sounds like you were stage 1 ovarian cancer if you had no chemo. Is that right?

All best wishes.

Eileen x

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to 11209

Saw that article, Jeri. (Sorry, misread it as Jen before!) Quite old, 2002, the one I saw. But confirms that nsaids like celecoxib do have an anti-cancer effect. There have been many articles since then, confirming that nsaids have this effect.

Best wishes.


Cropcrop profile image

Great news on the CA125 of 6, you’re the same as me, I had my last chemo on 18th December 2014 so we’re not far apart. I can’t take ibuprofen due to a reduced kidney function caused by the chemo and just take my supplements each day and so far all is ok 🤞🏻It remains that way for us both. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your good news ❤️Xx Jane

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Cropcrop

That is a shame re ibuprofen, but things sound good for you so far. Long may it continue.

Thank you very much.

Good luck and all best wishes.

Eileen xx

Solange profile image

Hello Eileen, I 'd been wondering how you were getting on so very pleased to read that you are doing well. I have been taking 75 mg daily for years, even before I was diagnosed with Ov Ca almost eleven years ago.

I had 6 Carbo and Taxol after my debulking, then Carbo and Gem, finishing June 2014, alongside Avastin which ended February 2015.

Started Carbo in May 2017. Scan After 3 Sessions showed no shrinkage so my Oncologist added Caelyx. Recent scan, after 6 Carbo and 3 Caelyx, again showed no shrinkage. Onco said no more Chemo for 6 months as it's not working and blood in a bad state. Had hoped to go on daily Niraparib but unable to have it because there was no shrinkage. Blood state would have stopped me having it anyway. Very disappointed. Am thinking maybe I should now try taking I buprofen. I already have Omeprazole.

I hope you don't mind me asking you a question, Eileen. For my last two scans I have had to have the the IV Team with ultrasound to try and find a vein to take a cannula but with no success. Therefore, I've not been able to have the contrast dye. I can't help worrying that things could be missed as the scans won't have been as clear as if I had the dye. Do you think the lack of dye would make seeing things much more difficult?

Wishing you many more years in remission,

Solange Xx😊Xx

drdu profile image

Sorry I don't really know re lack of contrast dye - am not an expert in that field. That is a shame that chemo not working. Maybe ibuprofen and omeprazole is worth a try, but check with your GP or oncologist, as they know you and your medical history better than I do. I hope that they sort something out for you soon. That's good re 11 years since diagnosis.

Thank you very much for your best wishes, and all best wishes to you, Solange.

Eileen xx

Heidi-CA profile image

Hi Eileen,

I have been following your recent posts with great interest from California and am so glad to read you are doing great after so many years.

I have stage 3 serous borderline tumor/cancer (not really sure it’s technically a cancer or not) and I am feeling so blessed and lucky that it’s not malignant after getting over the shock of the initial diagnosis. Had a TAH/BSO and they were able to remove all visible traces of the disease. And the implants are non invasive,

Although I am told the odds are very much in my favor, Of course I am concerned that it may return, as borderline or low grade etc. Do you have any input or ideas about whether aspirin or ibuprofen would a good idea for those of us with borderline or low grade cancer.

Thanks much


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Heidi-CA

I would suggest aspirin 75mg daily or a similar dose. I know you have different strengths of tablets from what we have in UK. Of course I don't know your full medical history e.g. other conditions you have or other pills you take, and so would suggest you discuss it with your general practitioner or oncologist. Low dose aspirin is fairly safe for most people.

Thanks re myself. Yes have had my ups and downs but still here.

Good luck. Best wishes.

Eileen x

Heidi-CA profile image

Hi Eileen,

Thank you for the advice. I am not taking any prescription meds so I will start taking the aspirin. At least I will be doing something proactive vs. just wait and see.

Thanks much

Heidi x

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Heidi-CA

As long as you are in good health and don't have any other medical condition e.g. stomach problems, acid reflux etc. And still best to let your doctor know what you are doing.

All best wishes.

E x

Sue-m profile image

Hello Eileen. Sorry for the delay in replying but not been on email for last couple of weeks. I am still taking ibuprofen as well as tamoxifen. But my ca125 is going up slowly. Last result in August was 106. Latest ct scan shows progressive disease in lymph nodes. Oncologist still thinks to watch and wait. As I feel fine, I agree. Maybe my ca125 would be higher without the ibuprofen. Who knows?

So pleased you are doing well. Take care. Love sue xx

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Sue-m

Thanks very much Sue. Very sorry to hear ca125 going up. Yes ibuprofen might contribute to keeping it down. Thanks for letting me know.


Eileen xx

Hilsuk profile image

Hi Eileen , weve chatted before , I'm also a retired GP . I took naproxen from the start of my diagnosis of ppc in 2013 until January of this year when I was extremely ill with severe colitis in hospital. Ive now been diagnosed with crohns disease probably brought on by the naproxen ( if you read the literature about nsaids and crohns / ulcerative colitis ) . Fortunately since stopping my ca125 is still in single figures , although rose temprarily when the colutis was really severe . I know this is a very rare side effect of NSAIDs but one people should be aware of , especially if like me they have a family history of crohns or ulcerative colitis . My joints are dreadful since stopping it and miss it lots !


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Hilsuk

Oh dear, Hilary. I wasn't aware of that rare side effect. Will include that warning in future when I talk about NSAIDs, especially if there is a family history. I remember you well. Are you still taking metformin as an anti-cancer agent? And/or anything else? Just curious.

All best wishes.

Eileen x

Hilsuk profile image

I wasnt aware of it as side effect either Eileen but its there in the small print in the BNF .

Im still taking a small dose of metformin, and exercise regularly .

Pleased you are keeping well .

H x

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Hilsuk

Thanks Hilary. Sorry have been busy and don't look at this email site so often. I don't have a family history, and so will persevere with ibuprofen as it seems to be working, amazingly. All best wishes.

E xx

Gladles profile image

Wonderful news happy for you . Thank you for being such an inspiration. I have only just discovered this site and am so grateful for all help I have obtained so far. Your posts regarding Ibuprophen and references to the Aspirin studies have been so informative.

My Ca125 was rising before completing the treatment on Avastin and reached 135 . I took the Aspirin studies up with my Oncologist( a month ago )and he was aware of it. He was happy to put me on 40 mg omeprezole (nexium) and 1x 400mg ibuprofen which I take with breakfast . My last three Tumor marker results before the new treatment remained at 135 😜

I started my third line Carbo/ Caelyx last Tuesday..and will continue the lower dose Ibuprofen treatment. I am hoping I will be able to send positive feedback soon..

Gladys xx

drdu profile image

Sorry, Gladys, I have been busy recently and haven't looked at this email address recently. Good luck with the chemo and the ibuprofen.

Eileen xx

Luci22 profile image

Hi drdu, I'm new on this site which I happened to find while searching for OC survivor stories. I then found your posts and feel hopeful in finding new "ammunition" for my mother (age 63) who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer this past July - a shocking nightmare for my family, completely out of nowhere, as it certainly is for everyone. But I'm trying to be proactive and positve now, we all are trying.

In brief, my mom has stage 3, treated with neoadjuvant treatment. She had 3 chemo cycles followed by surgery. She'll be finishing 3 more sessions. But after that it's going to be a "wait and see" approach which seems anxiety-provoking. She has the option to take Avastin but would need to pay out of pocket since her surgery went well. Here in Ontario, Canada, health insurance covers it for a year if the surgery results are not optimal. He oncologist doesn't thin she should spend the money on it all year, maybe a few times only. I'm hoping he's giving good advice. Today I found an article about Letroloze, fertility medication, being tried or used to prevent recurrence (not sure exactly). Have you heard of this one? Each country seems took have different options, some are ahead of others so it's confusing which ones to trust or go after.

I see you have been taking aspirin and ibuprofen. Is one more preferable than the other & easier on the stomach? She has a sensitive stromach and has been taking Pantaloc for years. I'm worried it's still too strong for her. Also, how many days or weeks so you wait to start taking these after your last chemo?

I appreciate your advice. I call my mom a true modern day warrior and it's clear all of you women are too.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Luci22

Sorry, Luci, have been away a couple of times in last 2 weeks for a few days each time, and don't look at my emails on this address so often. I would recommend aspirin or ibuprofen, not both, and taken with a stomach protector like omeprazole. Pantaloc is pantoprazole, which is similar to omeprazole. I haven't used it myself, but if your mother is already on it for a sensitive stomach, she might need 40mg pantoprazole daily rather than 20mg, but you would need to discuss it with your doctor, your general practitioner if you have such a thing in Canada, or whoever advised taking the Pantoloc. And aspirin would probably be safer than ibuprofen if your mother has a sensitive stomach. Your mother's doctor will know her past medical history, and so you really have to discuss it with him/her.

Your mother would be best to be in complete remission, proven on CT scan, after the chemo is finished. If it is the usual 3 week chemo cycle, ie taxol and carboplatin, then I would start the aspirin 4 weeks from the last dose of chemo, as the chemo will be out of the system by then, and the risk of bleeding from the stomach will be back to normal, ie very low. I think many oncologists want to play it very safe and leave it something like 8 weeks from the last chemo dose, but honestly that may well be too late, and I started at 4 weeks from last dose after that chemo regime.

Thanks for getting in touch, and good luck to your mother and yourself. Yes she has joined the ranks of the warriors!

Best wishes.

Eileen x

Luci22 profile image
Luci22 in reply to drdu

Hello Eileen,

Thanks for being back to me, I hope I can still catch you on this as I just read your email.

I'm going to discuss this with her doctor in hopes of getting her on this.

I forgot to mention she will be having Avastin for either 3 more infusions or longer if her oncologist advises. He was pretty pleased with her results so far and thought it may be saved for later, so we aren't sure how much Avastin she'll need. Do you have any knowledge about taking Aspirin with Avastin or again having a wait time after?

I appreciate your feedback and advice! All the best to you as well.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Luci22

I am not an expert, but have heard that some oncologists have said aspirin would be ok with Avastin.

Eileen x

Luci22 profile image

Okay great, I'll dig deeper into that with her oncologist. I just hope he's open to trying the Aspirin.

Just one more question, if you know, have you heard of there any anti inflammatory supplement such as turmeric or circumin that could work similar to the NSAIDs? Taken alternatively or in addition? Sorry about all the follow up questions, I've just been doing so much reading and this has popped up in my readings as well.

I appreciate the information, so does my mom.


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Luci22

Curcumin does have an anti-cancer effect on some people, verified by a specialist on a patient he had with myeloma (blood cancer), though there is no guarantee it would work long-term (nor is there to be honest with NSAIDs). I don't think it is known how it works, though am not expert on it. I did consider taking it in addition to ibuprofen when I heard about this about last May when there was BBC radio 4 programme about it. However didn't know if it would interfere in any way with the ibuprofen I am taking, as the mechanism is unknown, and so decided against it. Worth a try though if your mother can't get aspirin. Very possibly it would be ok to take the 2 together, but as I say I am not clear how curcumin works. Turmeric is related to cucurmin, but probably cucurmin easier to take. I believe there may be a curcumin pill in health food shops etc, but would suggest you check up more about it.

Your mother's oncologist should be aware of aspirin as an anti-cancer agent anyway. There are various trials of it with some cancers.

Best wishes.


Luci22 profile image

It would be interesting to see some more research put into these two spices and how they interact with other medications, and effects on patients. So for now I'll discuss the aspirin and do some side readings, poke around at the health food store.

Thanks Eileen, all the best.

drdu profile image
drdu in reply to Luci22

Best wishes, Luci. Turmeric has curcumin in it, I understand. Curcumin is the basic anti-cancer agent. The website Cancer Research UK probably has some info on Curcumin. It is a useful website, and tells the truth, unlike some other sources, which are just trying to sell something to desperate people.

Eileen xx

Luci22 profile image
Luci22 in reply to drdu

Yes, important to find true sources, ones we can count on for sound information. Thanks for the site.

in reply to Luci22

This is also a respectable source of info on all herbal etc stuff

Luci22 profile image
Luci22 in reply to

Thanks for the website source, looks good.

antifer1234 profile image

Hi Eileen,

Read your post with interest can you take ibuprofen when on chemo??


drdu profile image
drdu in reply to antifer1234

I wouldn't while on the usual standard chemos which are strong enough. Would start it after chemo over - discuss with your doctor. Many doctors would be happier giving someone aspirin than ibuprofen, which needs omeprazole along with it to protect the stomach.

best wishes

Eileen xx

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