Just heard yesterday that my CA125 was 6. Very pleased, to say the least. As you will see from my updated profile, I have had my ups and downs in the last 4 months. Had stupidly added in aspirin 75mg daily after Christmas, to my ibuprofen and omeprazole regime, and developed an inflamed stomach in March, due to the aspirin I am sure, as had been ok on ibuprofen for 20 months.
Had to stop aspirin and ibuprofen, and take higher dose of omeprazole. Now, for the last 4 weeks, on a different anti-inflammatory, celecoxib, which may be slightly safer on the stomach than ibuprofen, though I think it was the aspirin (added to ibuprofen) that did the damage. I had even tried 150mg aspirin at the start, but had quickly found that upset my stomach.
Very relieved to have got away with being off an anti-inflammatory for 2.5 months. It was a stupid idea to add in aspirin anyway. Not to be recommended. I had read one paper only, from 7 years ago, that suggested more than one anti-inflammatory might give better results, but no-one else thinks that.
I just thought I should highlight that no drug is without side-effects, and great care is needed when trying things out. I knew I didn't have the best of stomachs, and my father had a massive bleed from a stomach ulcer in his 40s. Needless to say, I am still taking omeprazole to protect my stomach - this is vital, if taking an anti-inflammatory (nsaid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). My GP (female) has been a great support.
For those of you who don't know, I am a retired GP with primary peritoneal cancer, a variant of ovarian cancer. See my previous blogs to see why I am taking an anti-inflammatory drug to try to prevent recurrence of cancer. There is some evidence that such drugs, ie aspirin or other NSAIDs, may help some people with cancer.
By the way, I am going away for an 8 day break in North Uist (Outer Hebrides or Western Isles) from tomorrow afternoon, and will not be looking at emails when I am away.
Best wishes.
Eileen xx