Hi all I'm new to the site, I had a ultrasound scan and transvaginal scan yesterday they said to call my doctors in a weeks time for the report. I received a phone call this morning from my gp surgery to say they had received the report back and the doctor wants to discuss it. I'm in the doctors on Friday. Should I be worried? Xx
Scan: Hi all I'm new to the site, I had a... - My Ovacome

Hello...welcome! Just so you know, the first bit where they are looking at scans talking to the whole team about what they can see etc can take time and often be a bit inconclusive. This is because the team looking at your results do so meticulously, then order further tests to get more info. A friend and I went through the process at the same time- she had a lump but it wasn’t cancer- mine was.
I am sure you must be worried and it doesn't help to say 'don't worry ' but try to stay in the moment if you can and please avoid Google!
You can ask anything you want here and if like my friend it all turns out to be benign- we will be very glad for you xxx
Thank you lyndy for the reply. I have bowel bronlems I have had some pain in my left groin and lower back for some time but last month it was that bad it brought me to tears. That's when my gp ordered the scans I had also had absent periods for 8 months blood test come back I'm not overlating. I have now got a period that Iv had on and off for 2 weeks. The blood is very dark at times (black) I thought it was due to being under so much stress. My mum having recently had bowel cancer and cardiac arrest a few times. Then my 15 year old daughter having took 2 overdoses. I just put it down to this. Xx
Should of said I'm worried xx
So sorry you are now dealing with this after all the stress and worry you have had recently with your family . You are going to obviously worry about your results but try and keep busy this week with things you enjoy . Unfortunately we can't change the results with all our worrying and you may need further tests and investigations . The good thing is you have started the process of getting answers to your health issues .
sending you best wishes and positive vibes for Friday .
Love Kim x
Hello lovely and welcome,
At my special persons TVS she was told on the day that there was a lump on her ovary so we kind of had a suspicion then, however she was told she'd need a biopsy before they would diagnose/confirm anything. At least the wait isn't too long for you just keep your chin up and keep us updated xxx
Hello. It's just impossible to tell at the moment. You've had a tough time recently and our bodies do react strangely to stress. Try to have some treats to keep your mind off it till Friday. Arebthere friends you can call on? Waiting for results is just awful. Lx
I was told that I had a large cyst straight after the scan. They faxed the result to my gp the same day, I saw the gp the next morning and had an appointment with the surgeon within 3 days. Yours does not sound as drastic as this! Wishing you the best for Friday.
You really have had it tough havent you, I suppose your gp want to discuss the results with you and go through any questions you may have. It might be good to take a friend along with you as a second pair of ears. It is of course a very anxious time but try not to worry. Hopefully your gp will advise you of what to do next if needs be

Thank you Suzuki for the reply. I sure have had a fair share of stress. My husband is going to come along with me. Thank you again and I will let you know what happens on Friday xx
Hi there, anyone and everyone in this forum will tell you how hard the waiting is. It's one of the worst things we have to deal with. It's easier to form a battle plan when you know what you're dealing with.....that's why it's stressful when you are dealing with the unknown. You can't form a plan or get prepared. It can be a distressing time.
Try to distract yourself with things you enjoy while you wait. Worry, but worry little my friend always says to me.
It sounds like you've been having a really tough time..... try to be kind to yourself. This forum is full of wonderful ladies, who will support you whether it's good or bad news.
All the best for Friday..... do share how you get on x