Hello and a big hug to everyone,
I'm 40 years old and I'm very worried the last few days... 2 months ago, I had a U/S and the doctor found a dermoid cyst (at least he believes it is so...) in my left ovary about 2cm and a CA125 18, then after a month the cyst increased to 3,74cm and the CA125 was 28, and the next month the cyst was about 5cm but I haven't got the CA125 test yet. My OB/GYN told me that I have to have a surgery and remove the whole ovary... I've asked and searched around about this and some doctors say it has to done laparoscopically and not remove the ovary, while others say that it is safer to remove the whole ovary. I trust my gyn, because he was my doctor when I gave birth to both of my kids, plus he had saved my life once, when I was pregnant for a third time and I didn't really know it, and by the time I realized it, I had septic blood accumulated in my uterus and almost died. I lost the baby, but he saved my life. So, I trust him... but still, I'm so worried... is he right? Is it logic what he says? I don't ask for a diagnosis, but just your opinion would be great... (sorry for my english, not a english native speaker).