I had a horrible period so bad my ob sent me to the e.r. to check for hemmoraging..they did a pelvic exam and bloodwork and said it was all normal that i was not hemmoraging and it was just a heavy period.they did an u/s and found a large 6cm cyst on my right ovary.i followed up with my ob who didnt seem too concerned he said its "a simple cyst " and it shouldnt cause pain he suggesred birth control but any time ive taken pill in the past its made me emotional crazy and have horrible periods so i opted not to take it.i have been having pain in my belly back rib area and thigh i bled almost 3 weeks during my last period PMS symptoms are way worse than norm im on "watch and wait" goin back for a u/s to see if it went away on its own.my grandmother had ovarian&uterine cancer (&beat both) ob knows this but still wont order a surgery im not so much worried about cancer as i am having my ovary twist and rupture its very stressful and painful how do i convince my doc to remove it and test it? How can they tell a cyst from a tumor on u/s ?
6cm cyst on ovary: I had a horrible period so bad... - My Ovacome
6cm cyst on ovary

Hello, welcome to our site. If you have a look at the Ovacome site, ovacome.org.uk you may find some info that will help you in the BEAT ovarian cancer with Ovacome heading. There is a symptom tracker that you can record your symptoms on and printi it out and take it to your appointment. I am not sure what the healthcare system is, though, if you're not in the UK.
All the best with getting some answers
Love Wendy xx
I had a 6cm cyst on my ovary which they did operate on in the end even though it didn't look suspicious and it turned out to be cancer. Please insist they operate and also do a CA125 test.
They act like oh well just live with the pain theres no way its cancer etc im scared thank u for sharing..how did ur treatment go?
you either need a second opinion, or speak to your doc about having a scan. I have had my left boob lump dealt with urgently, and thankfully was benign. I have also had to have a general op to allow docs to check for abnormalities in the cervix. Again, thankfully that seems to be clear, but they appear having trouble actually getting a decent sample! This could, apparently be the thin lining of the womb, now that I am in my 50s and going through hrt.
I myself, am returning to the doc to deal with hrt, as since I recently lost a dear brother suddenly, I keep forgetting the Vaginex pessary...now I seem to be spotting again! grrrr. Good luck with pushing for something to be sorted luv.Jx
Ask for ct scan and insit on what u want. Dont walk away until u do. Bring someone with you for support. The longer the wait the worse it gets. Good luck. X