I was diagnosed July 2012 with stage 3 high grade OC
Had surgery and chemo
Been on trials and this year it's back in left kidney spine and it's grown more in lymph nodes
Seen Oncologist who recommended chemo was on caleyx and carboplatnum but after three sessions the side effect of the caleyx was to much ended up in hospital for a week having two blood transfusions and had low magnesium and potassium and sepsis as the caleyx wiped me out
So decided on just the carboplatnum and half way through had a reaction arm went bright red and raised gave me hydrocortisone and iv piriton and wanted to go ahead with the rest of transfusion but said no
Went yesterday for just the carboplatnum again and before the transfusion they gave me the hydrocortisone and piriton and half way through the same reaction so they gave me the hydrocortisone and piriton again and we always agreed that this chemo is not working so seeing my Oncologist next week my magnesium still low
Problem is what can they offer me if anything
I noticed on the chemo sheet it said palliative chemo
Any help please xx