so yesterday I went for my chemotherapy cycle 3a d they just gave me paclitaxel and I had to go back today for my Carboplatin desensitization. I had it broke down to 3x hour bags 1mg,10 mg, 50mg and then the 4th bag was over a 3 hour period of 560mg . Well I had a mild reaction half way through the 2nd bag of 10mg so gave me piriton and the rash didn't progress anany further and put me on oxygen to get my sats down and carried on my chemo. They gave me another antihistamine just as started my bigger 4th dose and all good I managed to complete my carboplatin in the end. Was there for 9 and half hours in total as had another canula put in half way through final bag as previous had blockage and took 7attempts to get a successful come home happy, less apprehensive but covered in lumps n bruises from the failed canulas. Next stop CT scan and then hopefully operation before completing the rest of my chemo. Good news is I checked my ca125 and its at 89.7ao it has gone down which I was worried it hadn't due to missing my carboplatin last cycle.
Carboplatin hypersensitivity Update: so... - My Ovacome
Carboplatin hypersensitivity Update

Well you got there in the end but what a nightmare! Great that the ca is down too 😊try and relax and recoup now and I'm sending positive vibes for your results X
What an ordeal! Well done for seeing it through and coming out so positive. Good luck on the next stage xx
What an ordeal, is right! I’ve had Carbo twice. 2nd time I had mild reactions and got through with extra steroid & antihistamine drips. I started it again this month and have had serious issues after the 1st dose. In hospital now getting blood & platelet transfusions, IV antibiotics, etc. I’ve a huge, angry rash covering much of my body. It didn’t start until Day 10. I wasn’t sure if they’d give me the next dose but your story has given me hope. Thank you so much for sharing it. It’s so important for us to hear these experiences so I really appreciate you taking the time and trouble to give us all the details. It’s actually invaluable information. You’re a ⭐️The very best of luck with the CT! I’ll be thinking of you.
You’re mighty!!!
Anne 🤗

Oh Anna sounds like your experience was worse than mine,last time really scared me so was really nervous about this time. The next option was to change my carboplatin for something else which still might be an option with having a reaction with rechallenging but I will know more after my operation if they are just going keep going with carboplatin. It's quite common so there are def other options of treatment out there. Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon. X
thanks for thinking of me.
End stages here. Liver failure.
I wish all of you a better outcome.

Hi Anne, thinking of you and sending peace, love and hugs x
Sounds like your doing well, and l remember my chemo sessions were long 9 hrs Carbo/Taxol but somehow we get through them dont we, you are indeed a warrior thank goodness you got your treatment. And the great news its doing its job already and bringing your CA125 down which is marvellous and worth all all the bruises of which lve had many. My veins didn't play up until the last session but l was like you very bruised tired and fed up. But 2 and a half years on its been worth it lm NED. My c.a125 was in the thousandsIts 16 at the moment. Just got to get my hernia sorted out. Just on the waiting list for that.
Keep strong 💪 keep well make sure you eat properly it really helps to keep your strength up. And like l always say keep positive we can do this. So many positive stories on here. Love & hugs SheilaFxxx
I too have had an hernia in my groin ( which found my OC when I had ct scan on it) . Apparently due to my weakended wall after having a c section year earlier and the acsites pushing it out but they didn't repair it and I've had no more probs with since but I also have one in my back that id been complaining about around same time and mri scan confirmed so I'm going see if they will look at but prob put me on waiting list for it and they did say any issue they would refer me for it. My ca125 was 79.4 in April but obv rose during awaiting treatment in July but its def coming down they have said which was my worry with not finishing treatment last time. Great to hear you are doing so well x
Long day for sure, I too am glad you were able to finish treatments and yes you are a strong and positive lady. Praying for successful surgery. Hugs to you
Blimey that was an awfully long and exhausting day for you!Your a strong lady! Now time to rest and recoup for a few days take care xx
Wow! Kudos to you for making it through that. Maybe you should ask about getting a port so you don’t have to go through all that attempted cannulation. Xx
I'd second the recommendation to ask for a port (or a picc line if they won't give you a port). It's a lifesaver if you have rubbish veins!