Hi all hope you are all fighting fit as many of you no it's been nearly seven weeks since a stay in hospital with blood clots and cellitis and was drained last Wednesday swollen up again been to the royal marsden now been to Bristol to have monthly chemo with trial drug Pissarro now woke this morning and my left side of my neck collar bone is swollen been on google I thinks it's this dreaded disease gone through me went doc they said it could be a allergic reaction I so tired and lazy thinking I'm done any answer would be very helpful feeling very down and low hope you are all ok thanks for reading xxx Rosanne
Help needed: Hi all hope you are all fighting fit... - My Ovacome
Help needed

Have you been taken off Pissarro now? Thinking of you, Nicky xxxx
Hi Rosanne I am sorry you feel so rotten today. The neck swelling could be viral. Can you get to a doctor tomorrow to see what is going on.?

Hi Suzuki I went to the doc today but not bothered thinks it could. Be a reaction to something basically you will have chemo soon I can't do nothing I no it's not good and I am or was a strong person now I'm week as a child sorry for being so depression but I feel like crap fed up why have we all got to be tortured like this why can't I get run over by a bus I wouldn't no anything it's on my mind every minute now when I look in the mirror I see a frail women with a large neck I've lost loads of weight I do eat I just don't no what's going on hope you are ok xxx
Look when are you back at clinic or for treatment. Perhaps ring your nurse on Monday. For now rest though I suspect you are sick of resting. Take paracetamol if you need it. It could be glandular fever when you feel so tired. Keep hydrated even if you can't be bothered. I am doing ok seeing onc mid August for result of c.t scan from June. We do go through a lot with OC dont we. Mind yourself
Got to go to Bristol on Monday to sign up for trial then it will two weeks to start chemo so I'm thinking the 15th august as for glandular fever I would have a temperature I would think and I do drink plenty thanks nice to hear you are doing ok and I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself thanks for replying to me xxx
Rosanne, you are wise to pay attention to swelling in your neck. This is not to be dismissed. What may initially appear as fluid build up can actually be the start of infection. It is possible to have infection WITHOUT fever. So, be sure to be seen by your doctor soon. (How do I know this? Had a swelling, no temp, was infected, needed drain installed to get all fluid out.)