Just thought I share what a lovely weekend I had with my girls their husbands and grandchildren all eleven of us we had a trial run of Christmas with dinner snacks games and drinks it was in a cottage that was donated to the big c charity for one week for people to stay in ,well I come up trumps and was pick even the dog was able to go ,as I am not spending Christmas with my family this year I am away it is the perfect tonic, I also waiting to get results of cat scan on the 17th so it has taken my mind of things as I am not sure what the next stage of treatment is as I have now finish my eighteenth cycle of avastin I also have brought my Christmas cards here at the cottage so I can write them out and take my mind of things sending hugs to those who are reading this like to hear your news
Country retreat: Just thought I share what a... - My Ovacome
Country retreat

Hi Bobby O, I am glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend despite the horrible rain we had. I imagine ye didnt escape. My weekend was spent with family in Dublin and also very lucky to attend a concert of my idol, Andre Rieu. It was pure magic and all cancer worries were totally forgotten. I travelled on my own on Friday and even that freedom was like I was a normal person same as everyone else. I managed quite well in fact. Hubby then joined me Saturday for the concert. We travelled back yesterday. it is good to do something else for a change I agree waiting for results of scans is horrendous. I always think after the scan, well they have the picture and I cant change it so just have to go with the flow. However, waiting in the waiting room to see consultant, then it hits me hard. Good luck with the results, enjoy your break and keep those Xmas Cards coming best wishes

Glad to hear you had a fantastic weekend I agree these breaks should be on prescription, also I found my self eating like its Christmas already I just had a couple of pieces of millionaires shortbread of which my 17year old granddaughter made for us at the weekend she is in catering college at the moment. Weather was not to bad very windy but still enjoyed ourselves have a lovely Christmas onwards and upwards

Andre Rieu .. Absolutely, a first class Wonder Man! How lovely Suzuki.. Xxx
That's really lovely. I'm going to bedeck the place tomorrow myself. Sending hugs back. Xxx
That sounds so lovely, glad you had a good time, thanks for sharing that. I'm getting through first cycle of carbo/taxol, CT scan on 18th and then completion surgery early Jan. I'm finding Christmas a nice distraction this year. Hugs, Julie x
Hi BobbyO,
Just had a lovely week where I retired (early through Ill health) and they gave me a wonderful send off. They festooned the training room in bunting, raided cupboards and set it up like a tea rooms and I was surrounded by love, hugs, tears, flowers, gifts and cards.
I've found a new GP (first ever change as I couldn't get appointments) who has put me on beta blockers for the migraines caused by Avastin (16th infusion). CT mid January.
I'm not organised for Christmas yet but I really don't care :).
Off for a back massage this morning and off to London this weekend to see my youngest daughter and have tickets to see Texas.
Wishing everyone well. Sandra x
Hi Bobby, What a lovely post and a lovely thought to share with us. I'm so pleased you've got the country cottage and are having a pre-Christmas with your family around you and the dog. It looks wonderful!
I shall be travelling to hospital for an 8:30 MRI scan on Christmas Eve, then on to my daughter and son-in-law's for a big family Christmas.
Boxing Day my husband and I are flying out to Rome for a week. It's good to get away from hospital appointments, scans and treatment. I'll face all that in the New Year when I get home.
Enjoy your cosy Christmas. I'm feeling bad I haven't even started writing my cards yet but must do it soon. xx Annie
Don't worry I still have not wrote my cards out just got out of bed looked out window and it's raining so might start today hope you have a lovely time in Rome my daughter loved it have a lovely Christmas and all the best for the new year
It's so lovely to hear us all doing fabulous things through all our trials and tribulations.It is always good to do something to take your mind off other things and I love to hear how others are coping, it gives us all hope through the bad times.
Me...........I'm off to see Duran Duran tonight at the O2 and yes, I will be up singing and dancing,they are still easy on the eye and yes I'm probably too old to be behaving in such a manner, but, who cares!!
Love to you all
Carole xxx
Sounds absolutely lovely, I love Christmas and any chance of an early celebration is great. Good luck with the card writing, mine have moved around the sofa but not yet made friends with the pen. Wishing you a lovely Christmas.
LA xx
What a treat. A chance for you all to get together and share some family time, and a bit of a distraction from the day to day. Just starting to get Christmas rolled out at home, Tree up and hoping to get cards started tomorrow night. Will gave a mince pie and some Grabbies mulled ginger wine to help set the scene.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
Have no decorations up yet hope to them up when I get home daughter did offer but hubby likes doing them the people that own this cottage make it like Christmas have got to get more logs for fire now never tried crabbies ginger wine before used to drink stones when I was little
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and may all your wishes come truexx
Hi Bobbyo, what a lovely post and such a nice photo too. Glad you and your family had some quality time together and congratulations on willing the time in the cottage. Good luck for your CT scan.
I too have an upcoming CT scan, its on 16 Dec. I expect I won't get the results prior to Christmas though. I don't get anxious prior to the scan but do prior to results. Keep thinking to myself I'll be told this time that it's time to start chemo again. I have been on watch and wait since Aug 2014!
I am off to Krakow on Sunday morning with 4 girlfriends. We will be home again on the evening oif the 15 th. We got a good deal on our hotel and return flights weren't bad either. Looking forward to the Christmas market. Starting to get into the Christmas spirit now lol.
All the best, Ann xo
Just waiting for results on the 17th always a worry hope you enjoy your break so you can be yourself enjoy and do have a merry Christmas all the best celiax