Morning all, I finally got a copy of the letter that was sent to my GP following my ct scan a few weeks ago. When the Consultant rang me, he said there was a very slight change near my diaghrafam, and they would scan me again in four months time. I was ok with this and had pushed things to the back of my mind. However the letter that arrived this week said the changes are over the right lobe of the liver. It threw me a bit, and needless to say, I didn't have my Friday night wine last night, which was a bit of a bummer as by Friday I'm well and truly ready for a glass or three. Still never mind, I opened the Christmas chocolates instead, lol. love Kerry xx
Life is certainly a roller coaster: Morning all... - My Ovacome
Life is certainly a roller coaster

I know the liver is where the diaphragm ( I have a mental block spelling that word ) is located but its the word "liver" that surprised me. x
Oh, I bet that was a shock. I don't understand how whatever stage it is how differently it affects us all. I had the wine for you sadly had the Christmas chocs too, can see my diet slipping over the horizon. What's the plan now for treatment?
Enjoy the wine, get your feet up and hope you have a wonderful Christmas xx
Rude not to, bloody predictive text x
I don't think, from what you say, that the Consultant means that the liver is involved. He's just using it as a place marker, like I might say 'the tinned tomatoes are over the baked beans', in a supermarket. This is the bit of the diaphragm he is keeping an eye on, not that there's anything wrong with your liver. At least, that's how I'd read it.
I'm in two minds about those letters. I remember how much it shook me, pre-diagnosis, to see the word 'carcinoma' in print. My Consultant had told me he thought it was benign and then sent a letter to my GP saying he was operating because of the possibility of 'granulosa carcinoma'. Well, obviously it was a possibility. You don't get put on the 2 week pathway for nothing. But it suddenly made it all more real.
Anyway, they wouldn't be leaving it for 4 months, if they were worried. So nothing to stop you on the 'eat, drink and be merry' front in the meantime. Enjoy the run-up to Christmas!
In2010 I had a recurrence in my liver and in2011 I had surgery to remove a small tumour . The following day I was told that they had removed half my diaphragm as well because of tumour.Six months later I was absolutely fine ,your diaphragm adjusts and I have no breathing problems at all. More importantly I have had no more recurrences. Longest gap yet. Good luck. VIV xx
Morning everyone, Thanks Sue, you've put things into perspective and it all makes sense now,. it was a bit of a shock when I received the letter and I've been struggling to get my head round it all. This is why this forum is a godsend. From now on I'm going to take your advice and eat, drink and be merry. Xx. Thanks to you Tutti as well, very reassuring. love Kerry xx
HI Kerry, have read the posts and agree, if they were worried, they would see you before February but we always read things into letters and remarks that arent really there. Sometimes it is better to bring someone with you at appointments. Though I have only been doing that in the past few years. I was a go it alone lady to apts and treatments until they asked one day, why wasnt I telling family. My hubby was in the army so was used to going it alone when he was away so thought nothing of going to the hospital. But they told me in hospital, I had to change all of that. I would always tell them how I got on before that, it wasnt a secret but that was my coping mechanism. Now hubby drops me off for Avastin every three weeks and collects me. He comes into consultant with him. I hate that, but its because I dont want pity then again it is good for them to hear what is being said to you. My last scan was good in Oct so next scan due March, seeing consultant in January and meantime if bloodwork or urine goes wonky they let me know in the chemo unit. Of course I get aches and pains and wonder should I ring or visit gp but I know myself I am overdoing it again.
Hi Suzuki, Thanks for that. I'm normally pretty level headed but when i read the letter when I got home from work after a stressful day I read it wrong and panicked. Silly woman, I need to get a grip. My hubby has been fantastic since this all started two years ago and I don't know how I would have coped without him. He's come with me to every appointment and has been great at asking questions. I got the results of the scan over the phone and one of my children was near by so I didn't like to ask too many questions.
Take care of yourself Suzuki and thanks again, Kerry xx