Thank you for all your good advice and support ,when I went on my rant about 3weeks a go ,since my wobble my son has passed his A levels and got into university (he has decided to have a gap year and go next September )my daughter starts her first job as a teacher and I had a birthday last week so I should be cancer49 so at the moment I am a very proud mum .
Big thank you.: Thank you for all your good... - My Ovacome
Big thank you.

Well done to your son and daughter and a proud parent rightly so! We never stop worrying about them do we! Hope you had a lovely birthday and rant all you want
Love Wendy xxx
Many happy returns for your birthday last week, and congratulations/good luck to your son and daughter. It's fantastic knowing our children achieve well at the various milestones.
Your post is a lovely one because it is a reminder for us all that the bad days pass and good things are in store. Enjoy all the celebrations! xxx Annie
Congratulations on these big milestones for the children and happy belated birthday!
Belated happy birthday to you and glad your family are doing well, these things give us a boost. A few years back, I remember picking up my driving license which expired this March and thought, well I may not have to worry about renewing it. But I have done so, although with the new system here, the photo looks dreadful. So it is amazing how many milestones we reach. My next big one is 2016 when my son hopes to get married. I intend to be there for him.
Thanx for sharing your good news with us and belated Birthday wishes. We all need to have a good rant sometimes, better than bottling things up.
Take care
Annette xxx
I never had the chance to have children but I am so glad you are a proud and happy mum They sound like wonderful children smart and good and thats great xx
How lovely to read your good news. Long may this "Up" last. We need them to balance the "Downs" in Life. Congratulations to your children. You can be one proud Mum!!
Love, Solange