Hi worrying about nothing I'm sure. I'm 41 Ive had severe pain in left side since before Christmas also feeling full, and now pain in lower back. My stomach is really bloated. Went to emergency department 6 weeks ago. Had a Tv ultrasound and they thought they could see a cyst. 2 weeks ago had a ultrasound and Tv ultrasound in the main department and they said it was a complex. lovely ladd8es doing it said I would be contacted by the gynie team.I rang gynie last week and doc was on hols said they would contact me this week. Got no word so rang again Wednesday and Thursday with no one answering. I'vee no faith in my hospital as they botched up a job on me a few years ago but ive no private health insurance to go else where. Im from Ireland. Should i just wait to hear gor them as id say its not that serious as im sure they would have contacted me before now X
Complex ovarian cyst: Hi worrying about nothing... - My Ovacome
Complex ovarian cyst

lost, Ultrasound and Transvaginal ultrasound cannot detect OC. Your best bet to rule out OC is a CT/Pet scan. I was misdiagnosed for years before mine was detected at stage 3C. DO NOT WAIT! Boldly, loudly and persistently advocate for yourself and have them scan you ASAP to rule out OC. They can also run blood tests on you for CA125 to see if it's elevated, however, beware that is not definitive and cannot be solely relied upon to detect OC.
Hello ... don’t stop bothering them! And can you get your GP to chase this up? It sounds like - whatever it is and of course may not be cancer at all - it does definitely need to be seen to properly. Please dont let it slide ( I had a year of being around with wrong diagnosis !) and good luck to you it may just be something completely harmless but find out. X
Dear Lost,
So sorry you are going through this.
I agree with the above.
Don’t wait any longer. You probably need to go back to A&E.
Exaggerate your symptoms if you must, although they sound pretty horrific to me.
You should not be suffering and you should not be waiting.
Best wishes,
Hi Lost Totally agree with the other replies, get them to investigate further ASAP. This is exactly what happened to me mid January and the third time we went to A & E for hours waiting, got admitted to gynae ward and refused to leave on painkillers until they found out what it was. Unfortunately it was a very large cyst which was stage 3B ovarian cancer. I then had a full hysterectomy and omenectomy and am starting chemo shortly.
Their first diagnosis was sciatica! The second kidney stones!! So to then find out what is was shocking. My pain started as agonising in the side and back so I’m sorry to alarm you but please get yourself diagnosed quickly, it’s very true that those who shout loudest get seen to so don’t let them keep putting you off. Let us know how you get on and fingers crossed that it’s not OC for you
Claire x
Thank you ladies for taking the time to reply when ye have more than enough going on in your own lives.I kind of panic every time I go to this hospital because of what happened the last time. Even through i think my symptoms started in December it could have been from long before i was on so many tablets 28 daily morphine 3 times a day.And when i went off them all was great for a few weeks till my spinal cord stimulator stopped working. But you are all right I need to get it seen to. I'll ring again on Monday. I had left 2 messages on answer machine and I know the Secretary was there cause I rang the gynie ward 1st.I wish you all the best on your recoveries what a lovely group you are.X