I just wanted to say a big thank you to you all for the kind words. I have been struggling with the order of service for Mum's funeral, being an only child, with an 83 yr old step father who does not believe in funerals it has all landed on my shoulders, but I have to say I would not have had it any other way. I spoke to my auntie today and told her I just did not know what to write, where to start with the eulogy, she told me to sit down quietly and think of Mum, that Mum would help me. So this evening armed with my computer I sat down. After a slow start things started to come to mind and before I knew it I have 2 whole pages of memories of Mum, it all just flowed.
I then received a call from a friend of Mum's, she used to look after his 4 children, and one of the girls has offered to sing at
Mum's funeral. Tears in heaven. He told me to go to YouTube and search for flo Pugh tears in heaven and there she is singing, I cried and cried, Mum loved to watch her sing. By all means have a look, but have a hanky at the ready:). So I started the day with so much worry re the order of service and have ended it feeling much happier, we will do her proud.
Love to you all
Sylvia's daughter