Well today I finished work as I've been made redundant, and I left work feeling a bit out of sorts. I got home to find a letter from the hospital informing me of the date of my follow up scan. It's the 23rd November which is exactly a year to the date of my surgery. Isn't that spooky ? Thankfully, it's a Saturday, so it means that I won't have to ask for any time off work when I start my new job. Ironically I'm going to be working for the NHS at my local Hospital. I can't believe how much my life has changed over the past twelve months. Xx
CT Scan: Well today I finished work as I've been... - My Ovacome
CT Scan

Hi there .. It's strange how life turns out sometimes. Good luck with your new job .. Love Tina x x
Wishing you lots of luck in your new job, and Good luck with your scan as well. I think we can all echo your words about how life has changed in 12 months. Love Trish xx
Wishing you good luck in both your new job and scan.Its true was Trish says life has changed. Funny enough I think mine has and all good, except of course for getting OC.
Regards Barbara
Dear Kerry, I hardly know what to say. Redundancy, scan, new job - the spooky reminder of last year.
I can only hope that by focussing on the positives in this you will derive strength and determination to carry on and look back at the last months/year as an experience that must have some meaning and direction.
I'm hoping beyond anything that the scan brings you positive news and a fresh start to the coming year.
Sending loads of love and hugs. xxx Annie
Redundancy is S**t at any time! I am just reclaiming my brain! Good luck and good vibes! M
I am taking control at last after 3 recurrences two ops, breast cancer and a loss of confidence! I will not give in! I repeat that daily! LOL! Bolshevik cows rule! OK! Love M
Redundancy is horrible - hope you at least got a decent payout. It's great that you have a new job to go to, though! Best of luck with both your scan and your new job,
Hi Kerry! The only good thing about redundancy is that it draws a line under things and you can move on.... You will get beyond that negative feeling it gives you, I am sure. A new job sounds great, a new start and, hopefully, not so much stress. All the best for the scan, the new job and everything else
Thinking of you,
Love Wendy xx
Hi Kerry,
Good luck in your new job and I hope your scan results come back with good results.
Love Ally xx
Hi Kerry. Look forward, not backwards. You will be great in your new job. Let's hope CT comes back all clear. Best wishes sent n hugs Izzy xxxxxx
Hi everyone, thanks so much for all your lovely messages of support and encouragement. The redundancy thing didn't come as a surprise as I was given notice three months ago. Twelve months ago I would have gone into a total panic at the thought of having to find another job, but I've surprised myself. I went along to my first interview with the attitude that I could do the job and if they didn't like me, then tough. The interview went really well, and I didn't fall apart when they did a spelling test, maths test and typing test. A few days later I was offered a second interview. Then I had my interview with the job at my local hospital and straight away I knew it was the job for me. I was offered the job two hours later. Despite the fact that I will be earning less for doing more hours, I accepted the job, and turned down the second interview. Again, I wouldn't have done that, twelve months ago I would have gone for the second interview, and accepted that job if I had been offered it, as the money was better. These last twelve months I have had lots of ups and downs, but I can honestly say that I actually like myself now. I've always suffered from low self esteem in the past, but not anymore. I'm not the person that I thought I was and I finally like me. Love to you all and I'll let you know how I get on in November. Kerry xxxxx
Hi Kerry .. What a lovely post .. I'm really glad. Love Tina x x
Oh dear Kerry, what a bummer that is. Am sorry its all so traumatic at the moment. Sorry am just playing catch-up on the site so only just saw this. Big hug. There is life and future behind redundancy, I promise. I had to oversee redundancy communications for over 38,000 people once Go forth and find new paths and directions. They are there, you just have to find them!
Sue xxx
Thanks Sue, 38,000 people, you don't do things by halves do you, lol. After years of walking to and fro I've finally bought my own car. My new job is two miles from home and i start at half eight so there is no way I can get there on time as my ten year old doesn't leave for school until 8.20. I love my new found independence so I'm off to find my new paths. Love Kerry x x