Hi again all my friends!: I was wondering if any... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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Hi again all my friends!

16 Replies

I was wondering if any of the ladies(if they are members) of the ovacome site that have survived would like to put us newbies in a better frme of mind about recovery with their success stories. I did post a question the other day about my fear of dying and i had some beautiful inspirational answers.

One of the lovely ladies(i cant remember which one and cant find site again im not computer literate) put on that she knew of survivors and it made me feel a little better.

So please ovacom survivors please come in and share your stories i and i know many many others would be uplifted to hear of some hope

Love always and (((((healing hugs))))) Lynn XXXX

16 Replies


We Have all been where you are. Iam a survivor 5 years down the line and surviving 5 years of annual chemo. There seem to be quite a few of us that are still hanging on in no matter, others have been luckier and remain in remission. But we are all still here!The wonderful researchers out there are doing their best for us to keep us going

Today I had a wondeful spa day with my best friend! Life is a gift however long we have . There are always down days in any life, just try and enjoy the good days. We at least have a warning that noone is immortal .

So chin up and enjoy this wonderful site and wonderful life, have made so may fantastic aquaintences.

Love Sue x

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Lynnsa!

I am not quite such an old hand as Soapsuds but I am still here and, relatively, well 21/2 years after diagnosis with annual chemo and 2 lots of surgery. I do not think in terms of recovery and I am determined to enjoy life. Have not plucked up courage for a spa day yet, I am a bit self conscious about the unpredictability of the stoma, but I have joined slimming world (lost 31/2 lb in the 1st week). Today I am meeting friends for breakfast at a local hotel and goihg with two others to see a Gershwin musical at the University this evening. That is if I can get my car moving! We have snow and my grandsons, who live in Devon, are very envious. Life is for living but even I have dark days, I handle it by distracting myself, I live alone so, when I want to, I cry, I do not have to worry about anyone else. There was an excellent bit in the Saga online newsletter about the importance of our state of mind in dealing with illness. Not just in making us feel better but helping recovery. Things like trusting the doctor making us more likely to follow instructions and thus aid recovery.and other measurable positive effects.

Give OC the big 2 fingered gesture and ENJOY life as fully as you can.


spanishanna profile image

Lynn, I am now into my 6th year of fighting late stage ovarian cancer. I am on what is classed as maintenance chemotherapy. This means I will never be in remission and chemotherapy is keeping me alive. Yes I get fed up with it, yes I do have a fear of dying and know this wretched disease will one day claim my life far too early for my liking. But I remain positive.

My husband gives me Reiki once a week, I have regular manicures, pedicures and facials and really pamper myself. The only thing I have to do is plan my days out and rest a lot due to the fatigue.

Ovarian cancer is not necessarily a death sentence as you have seen with plenty of ladies on this site. Think positive - my motto is ';whilst I have cancer, cancer does not have me.

I live in Spain, so I am now just about to get myself ready and go to Gibraltar to Morrison's supermarket to do a good old British shop up in readiness for my son coming over to stay soon.

Love Anna xx

wendydee profile image

Hi Lynn

I am one of the truly lucky ones who was treated with surgery and had no chemo after, mine was borderline (1C), treated in 2002. I haven't had any recurrence ....yet! I never take my new life for granted though, and do what I can to spread the word about signs and symptoms, training as a ROCC helped me. I work with some local groups, including a local gynae cancer support group and NHS/Macmillan "Survivorship" group for the county where I live. There are quite a few of us who are getting on with life, after treatment and all the initial trauma that go with it. I feel more aware of all the things, big and small, that make my life worth living now ....look and you will see. I read years ago about someone who tried to find 3 things to be glad about before lunchtime. Even if it's just the slant of sun on the snow, or a smile from a stranger, it's worth looking. It gives me a good focus for positive thoughts ....but, "Polyanna" was always one of my favourite films! ;-)

Keep smiling, especially at strangers (you may run the risk of getting locked up though ...hahaha!)

Love Wendy xx

Fitzy profile image

Hi Lynn

Like Margaret, I too am 2 and a half years from diagnosis, with one remission of 20 months and now on 2nd line chemo. I had a lovely spa day on Thursday, courtesy of the lovely charity group run by the Oncology nurse specialists at my hospital. A full day of pampering, lovely food and the company of other ladies with similar diagnoses. Felt great, especially as it was a 'good week' for me (no chemo).

I love to get out and about as much as I can, when I am feeling well. I meet friends for lunch on a regular basis. I have retired early (12 months ago) so it's nice to catch up with old friends and have a good natter over lunch. I joined a gym whilst in remission and will pick this up again once this current chemo session is over.

I now treat OC as an annoying interruption to my life, which I will just get on with. I haven't always felt this way - for the first 6 months after diagnosis I was in a very bad place emotionally, but once I got back to work and had the support of my colleagues, as well as my family, I began to feel more positive and determined to get on with my life and enjoy it.

The Ovacome site has helped a great deal too. You can share experiences and ask all the questions you want. There are a great many ladies on this site who are surviving for years after diagnosis, indeed some have gone into remission for really amazingly long periods so there is HOPE for us all!!

Love Colette

nanaflo profile image

hi.lynn, i to was like you 12 years ago, and look at me now, i have survived, my treatment being, TAH plus 6 sessions of taxol/carboplatin, i have been cancer free ever since, than god. i was stage 3 and feel totaly lucky to have come through it. you can do it.PMA. possitive mental attitude. there is hope for you all.

love christine xxx

Becalm profile image

Yes, Lynn I'm still,here almost seven years after my diagnosis in June 2005. After 4 years of initial remission the cancer recurred and foir the last two and a half years I've had three spellsof chemo. with remissi0ns of 6-8 months in between. I've just started on my 5th line of chemo. and of course hope it will be effective but if not my oncologist is already thinking what might be the next alternative.Of course once it recurs you live with uncertainty but life is still ,very good and enjoyable. Today I have been out to a Pancake Coffee Morning( ahead of Shrove Tues.) to make funds for our local church. It was very good with a willing person behind the scenes knocking up warm pancakes by the dozen!! I then went on to have lunch with a friend at a local;bistro.

In my thinking the secret is to opt into life while you have it - and several ladies on this site have said the same. You will certainly never regret doing that. AND - incidentally this week I had a card from my greatniece who happens to be a researcher with a Cancer Unit in Canada. She says - -remember there are many people here working tirelessly to take small steps forward every day in cancer medicine.

I am not cured but I am quite certainly a survvior.

Hope these replies help - take real good care of yourself.


Having been diagnosed in 2009, had surgery and chemo I had my fingers crossed that I would be ok. I was fine until 2011 when it came back. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement. However, went through chemo again and guess what? I am fine again (for now). I go back to the hospital every three months and have regular CT scans and yes of course it is scarry but you know I remind myself that I am still alive and enjoying life to the full!

Although I am 63 I am still working part time as a counsellor, supervisor and trainer. I have just gotten a new puppy who keeps me on my toes and I love walking every day despite the weather.

I have no intention of leaving this planet - I have two daughters that I want to see married and I want to hold their children in my arms. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

I believe that there will be a cure for cancer within the next 10 years maybe even sooner - and I want to be one of the ones who gets the cure!!!

Don't give in. Plan things - holidays, days out, retreats, spa treatments - and enjoy them! Life can be good.

I have had cousins of mine die from heart attacks, car accidents, and other things who were much younger than me! They did not think they were going to die so why should we???

Take care

Eileen S

Hi Lynn

I'm also in remission since diagnosis and surgery of late stage oc (4). Albeit only 17months since end of chemo but who would have thought it? When I was diagnosed in April 2010 I didn't think I would see the end of the year, so I consider myself extremely lucky.............so far. I reiterate what all the other ladies say on this site. Enjoy each day and everything around you it really is precious. OC makes your perspective on life change and I think it's for the better, so hang on in there. Love and Hugs Chris x x

Silver-J profile image

Hi Lynn

I joined this site last November to post the fact that I was celebrating 25 cancer-free years after being diagnosed in November 1986. Quite a few other ladies responded to my post who were also long-term survivors. Someone also commented that survivors don't tend to be on sites like this as we are too busy out there living our lives, but we are out there and do exist! As I see these posts pop up in my Inbox I realise how lucky I have been, plus I went on to adopt two fantastic boys which is an experience I feel extremely priviledged to have had.

Sueart profile image

Hi Lynn

I was first diagnosed in l996 and went into remission after surgery and chemo. Since then I have had three more recurrences for which I have received further chemo and in two instances further surgery. After I developed breast cancer in 2007, for which I had surgery and radiotherapy, I was tested positive as a BRACA 1 carrier.

Although there have been some very low points during the past 15 years, I do appreciate how extremely lucky I have been to have survived so long and to enjoy remissions of approximately three years between treatments. When I was first diagnosed I had no idea how long I would survive, but I have been able to watch my children grow into adulthood and am looking forward to my son getting married later this year.

I know that, judging from my past experience, it is extremely likely that my cancer will recur, but in the meantime I try to enjoy every day and not to think too much about a further recurrence - at least until those dreadful check up days come round!

There have been some great improvements in treatments since I was first diagnosed and I believe survival rates are now much longer. I have been greatly humbled by the strength of character and support shown on this website. I wish you the very best of luck. Keep strong.

Love Susan

Cadbury profile image

Dear Lynn

I finished chemotherapy in December 2009 and have been trouble free since then with no sign of recurrence. I feel very well and now know that every day counts and life feels very precious.

The legacy of this disease is that no one who has experienced OVCA is left unscathed. Most women share two things: we worry about a possible recurrence but at the same time, life takes on a new meaning. When the raw feelings have a chance to settle, this new meaning is a positive influence and strangely liberating because one stops worrying about the small problems in life. This different perspective is life changing.

Best wishes


Frenchdeb profile image

Hi there

I feel for you, I really do. I'm still in the early stages and can't add any positive long-term stories but have got my first all-clear so am having enjoying my first trip back to the UK in over a year.

I did, however, find this site which suggests that there ARE support services where y are. Hope it helps:


Love and good vibes,


Hi to you all my dear friends ans supporters!

Thank you for the responses they really gae me some hope. You are all so considerate. I go for my scan on Thurs and to be honest im pooping myself. My Son is in hospital so ive sort of put it to the back of my mind but last night it hit me!!! Hell im petrified so i ask you all to keep everything crossed and say a little prayer for me. I will come back on and let you know as we get results straight away here.Love and hugs to you all



in reply to

Hi Lynn

Saying a prayer for you now! God Bless.



Hi all my friends thank you for kindness thoughts love and prayers! I AM IN REMISSION!! Yay and whoopee!! Im still coming down to earth but im there CA125 was 8 and full body scan had a few bits and bobs but nothing serious!! So here i am in remission after a long 6 months! Want to wish all the other cancer victims out ther GOD BLESS YOU ALL I PRAY YOU TOO GET GOOD NEWS! Love and hugs to you all you,re stars Lynn XXXXX

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