now I know what it is like to be a ping pong ball - OvaCare


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now I know what it is like to be a ping pong ball

10 Replies

Hi Ladies, well been to the Beacon as referred by my team here in Cork. I have had staging scan and hope to start treatment in about ten days. Waiting for confirmation. However here is the rub!!! I was recommended for the Stereotactic treatment because it was more accurate and less of a chance to affect my only working kidney. So Beacon said they applied and were turned down for this treatment for me because it doesn't have a recognised code. I emailed VHI very strongly stating my case telling them about kidney problem and referral from Cork. Then the ball went back to Hospital Court as VHI maintain they never received anything from hospital, Today they actually received the pre approval so the medical team whoever they are at VHI examined my case and came back to me stating no they were not paying for treatment because I have other options. In addition to this, they had no code on their system to approve my treatment and return to my Consultant to discuss other options. They will be contacting him as well but with the long weekend, it would be before Tuesday. However they gave me an email address to give him and requested me to ring him with this straight away. Ping Pong Joan Nil VHI 5. Now on my table of benefits, its says Radiotherapy covered in full with no astericks asking me to refer to paragraph anything. I told the lady on the phone this and she said she was only the messenger and didn't make the decisions. I would much prefer to have this Sterotatic for a small but painful recurrence, Its a waste of chemo for one spot and ordinary radiotherapy would be a threat to my kidney. The Health Insurance don't want to see this point but wait for it, they do give payment towards accommodation while I am having treatment. To me this is totally non sensical. So this precious email address has been passed on and yes I did use it myself to inform the Health Insurance that their decision was unacceptable. Ladies, other ladies with OC have found themselves in a similar position and have had to pay the hospital. Going forward, it is a treatment that could be used more for OC. They do cover it for lung and brain Cancer so it seems I have got my tumour in the wrong place. It is stressful enough being away from home for a few weeks without the added stress and the side effects of treatment which will happen. I really don't have the energy to fight two battles. But the game isn't over yet and I will not back down.

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10 Replies
estherg profile image

Dear Suzuki, this must be incredibly upsetting and frustrating for you. It's ironic in health care the individuals get lost in treatment and money becomes the driving force. I hope and wish you every success in fighting both of these battles and on both fronts.

Your strength and courage will prevail I have no doubt.

Sending you lots of positive thoughts and wishes. Love Esther

Chickpea5 profile image

You are an amazing woman and always have been Joan. You are not just fighting for yourself but for all ovarian cancer patients. Hugs galore Chickpea x

in reply to Chickpea5

Exactly going forward this treatment can be used for OC patients for recurrences which don't warrant chemo. So have sent VHI another email requesting that the information given to me on the phone be sent in writing to me and not just to my consultant, They have agreed to do this. Think my consultant is pleased that my claim actually got seen by Medical Advisors whoever they are!!!! No one has got so far before with the VHI. So leaving it there for now, I need the treatment and will arrange to sort the Clinic but what am I paying health insurance for I don't know. By the way, I have also mentioned it casually to some one in NCCP,

Hi Suzuki, Sorry you are going through all that rubbish it's is stressful enough with all the treatment we have to deal with, keep your chine up I know you will not back down good luck my friend. Lorraine xx

Naimish profile image

Attagirl Joan. You are the will overcome. Keep the Faith.


gemmamckevitt profile image

Talk about splitting hairs! I do hope and pray that it works out for you. Your energy should be for fighting cancer not Health Care Officials. Wishing you all the best.


MarieRB profile image

Yes, having to fight a battle on several fronts must be so debilitating - hang in there! Blessings.

Caroles1 profile image

Frustrating and exhausting lovely, just time to rest and re group, I am sure you will find the best path for you, it always comes from us in the end.

Send you lots of love,

Carole xxx

HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Joan!

Sometimes I wonder why we pay health insurance too!! I hope they cop on and sort it out! Thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck with it all!!


Hi D hope you are well, actually it hit me today that when working I did take a few applications for health expenses Loans now I know why. I think we accept the word" no " too easily in this country. Well it seems my new Consultant is the best for this job so it is going ahead. He is also pleased with the fact I got my emails reviewws by the medical assessment committee whoever they are. Mostly people just accept what the call operators tell them. I hope they are slightly more in tune with medical conditions than the call operators who just say aye or nay.

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