Grateful: Hi Ladies and gents who are on the site if... - OvaCare


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31 Replies

Hi Ladies and gents who are on the site if any, I just wanted to share something with you. As you mostly know I have had OC for ten years now exactly this week officially. I have been through tough times and on second chemo my sons partner lost twins at 26 weeks, this was very traumatic for the family, However the following year they had a little lad who is now five years of age, a little spoilt but understandably so. So yesterday the baby I was afraid to become attached to five years ago had his first day at Primary School as is called in Ireland, So believe it or not we travelled down the country to see him coming out of school. I just want to say I felt grateful to be there and it was my priviledge. So ladies, nothing is impossible and it is good to appreciate the events we are able to attend be it weddings family get togethers etc

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31 Replies
LittleSan profile image

How lovely. Special days are even more special now eh?

Sandra xx

Chickpea5 profile image

Delighted you had another magical moment Joan. 😊 Your post is very touching and your gratitude inspiring.

Your biggest fan

Chickpea X

angeladale profile image

Wonderful . so wonderful ....I had no idea you were diagnosed ten years ago , and that alone is a wonder ...and to share your story with us is the best thing you could have done . You've given us all hope ....and a jolly big smile .


thesilent1 profile image
thesilent1 in reply to angeladale

How are you doing Angela?

kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki, I know it was a special time in your life to see you grandson start school.May there be many days like that to come.I seen a photo of you all at what can be only described as a very proud and loving Granny and Grandad with an equally beaming Grandson. Kittie

in reply to kittie

HI Kittie any thing like that is something to celebrate, I was afraid to get too close to him when he was a baby because of negative thoughts really but here I am and delighted I have seen this,

harpist_UK profile image

Ten years - that is an inspiration. Also inspiring is the way you help and support others.

GBIRVMIC profile image

Aww just wonderful to hear your 10 years on with OC.. you are an inspiration. I just love to hear news like yours. Then to see your grandson at school.. wait for the Nativity play!! Congratulations to you. Love Michelle xx

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,

Don't know what to say apart from you know I am a nana and every step we go through is a milestone,so I know you must have been emotional and proud to have witnessed your grandson coming out from school,worst if you had seen him going in,I wouldn't have let him lol!

10 years, amazing! You always have help and advice and a welcoming ear to us ladies when we need it, so be proud of yourself too and take a pat on the back from me

Carole xxx

in reply to Caroles1

No I behaved myself last week, the wedding was the one where I cried through the ceremony and our nephew was one of the celebrants and he thought I was in pain but it was in joy, But he understood I think!!!!!

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to

Oh I cried too at the wedding,but I find I can cry at the drop of a hat!

I think maybe it's because we realise how precious life is?

I've got beyond being ashamed and so long as I'm not getting upset for the sake of it and people understand it's better than bottling it up,so, let go Suzuki, better out than in!!! Xxx

in reply to Caroles1

I wasnt really ashamed but embarrased that Richard noticed but what the heck he understood. You are right, it is easy to cry at the drop of a hat out of nowhere!!!

thesilent1 profile image

This is so true. When I was diagnosed In June 13, my little grandsons were 14 months and 11 months old. I didn't think I'd be around to see them start school. Yesterday Arthur, the eldest started Primary school and Zack started Nursery school. They both have a younger sister too and I am grateful for every day. Life is for !living. Ann xx

in reply to thesilent1

Yes we treasure days like these because some people dont have them, I saw a Mum running around the shopping centre looking for school stuff the other day and I felt sad because I know one lady who wasnt there to do this this year, We have to make the most of what we have

Damelza profile image

Thank you Suzuki, cancer changes a person in so many ways but the one positive is that we do relish the special times in our lives so much more.

in reply to Damelza

You are totally correct, we enjoy our trips out more and appreciate things better and also we walk away from stuff or people who upset us, Life is too short, Today I called to my former workplace where they were having a celebration because they have a new system and also changing as in amalgamating with a similar office, So I just dropped in to wish them well but they were all so busy so I had time to spare and gave them a bit of a hand, Its good to know my brain can work although slow at times, I came out though with a sense of achievement and a few sweets,

Naimish profile image

Hi Joan, very happy for your family and you . You have always been my 'go to person' and may you be my guide forever Little wonder then that I called you Ovacome Guru in an earlier post. Btw, today is the first time that mh wife Gauri is venturing out of the house on a three day journey after over seven months of house arrest.



IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to Naimish

Naimish. That is also wonderful positive news. I'm so happy for you and your wife.

You have always sounded like a wonderful caring person who shares his knowledge with all of us. Thank you so much.

Naimish profile image
Naimish in reply to IrishMollyO

Thank you Molly. This site is all about caring and sharing, so I am doing just that. Btw, I have been following you, my wife being 3C High Grade.


IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to Naimish


You well probably know that I was in a bit of a roller coaster last week, what with a slipped disc, and an angry sick cat etc. It was one of those weeks that I wanted to rewind and start again ! This week is starting a bit better but it's only Monday ! My best wishes to your wife . God bless you both

Naimish profile image
Naimish in reply to IrishMollyO

Thank you Molly and God Bless. Trust you have put the week gone by behind you by now. Cheers


in reply to Naimish

HI Naimish, I know what you mean, when I get a three month reprieve on check up, I call it an escape from Jail card as in the game Monopoly, I hope Gauri will have a safe and uneventful journey, Best wishes

Naimish profile image
Naimish in reply to

Thanks Joan, we just got back after three days in the hills and Gauri has taken it well, so more such in the future......and you just evoked memories of my childhood. I loved to buy Mayfair, Piccadilly and Trafalgar Square, in that order.What a wonderful world that was (no apologies to Louis Armstrong).


in reply to Naimish

Well I am glad you had a nice few days and I wish you many more. Now the evenings are setting in, why not treat yourself to a set of Monopoly to relive old times and pass the time away on a winters evening. all the best

Naimish profile image
Naimish in reply to

Hi Joan, I dont think we get the lovely game here anymore. These days its all digital and iBox or whatever they call these games. Very soon the Daily Newspaper will also get extinct. My grandson, who lives in Dubai, started using his very own iPad, even well before he turned two.


Gleedy profile image

Brought a tear to my eye. What a wonderful day for all of you. Xx

Hairlessbeauty profile image

Thank you for sharing. So there is a hope for all of us. I was diagnosed when my little baby was 4,5. At this stage I thought that this is it and I won't see him growing. He will be 6 next week. Your post giving us hope and strength to keep fighting and think positive. I want to believe I will be dropping in my grandchildren to school some day. I'm happy for you, enjoy every minute of it!! Best wishes, Zaneta, xx

Chamber profile image

Fantastic ! You are always ready to give support and advice on this forum and thank you for that. Here's to the next 10 years

Judy xx

mummybear59 profile image

Aw what a wonderful post Suzuki. 💜Really made me smile, moments like this are sooooo special. I just think it sometimes takes momentous events like a cancer diagnosis for us to realise this. In some ways we are very lucky. 🍀

I do so hope I get to see our grandson (who has just has his first birthday) and our granddaughter (who is 8 months old and lives in Italy) starting school.

Thanks for the hope. 😀🌞🌈 xxx

IrishMollyO profile image


What a lovely happy story and overall positive post. It is a message of hope for everyone. Long may it continue .


Barlow1951 profile image

Hi Suzuki,

Thanks for sharing that lovely news and congratulations on reaching 10 years. You are an inspiration to all of us on this site and long may you continue to be so!

All the best,


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