Better results,: I am delighted to hear the Gynae... - OvaCare


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Better results,

11 Replies

I am delighted to hear the Gynae Consultants in Cork University Hospital will at last get the help and funding they need to treat the 4700 women on their waiting list. As said at the Ovacare Patient day, it was a very serious issue which needed to be addressed. It was a disgrace that the HSE left this list grow to this extent and by the time everyone is seen hopefully there wont be malignancies. Thank you to those who listened to the pleas of two of the speakers and it would appear that many of us took up the gauntlet to help achieve this result, Miss Fitz and Daisies would be extremely proud of this day.

11 Replies
IrishMollyO profile image

Good for you too Suzuki. I know you did a lot yourself to help the campaign. My niece had her first baby Luke there yesterday morning . An eight pound eleven ounce baby but he is in neo natal unit with an infection and will be there fir a few more days.

annieH1 profile image
annieH1 in reply to IrishMollyO

Congratulations on the birth of your new grand nephew MollyO.What a weight he was !! I'm sure he'll be out of neo before long and home to start the sleepless nights 😀👪

IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to annieH1

Hi Annie

He was twelve days overdue and they started inducing on Brexit day. They were calling it Bexit day as in baby exit! The poor thing had mercunium in his lungs which have to be cleared out . I'm not sure if I have spelled that correctly but I hope it all gets sorted. Take care


in reply to IrishMollyO

Congrats on the new grandnephew, they will be happy to have him home, a good size baby thank god. It will take them a few days to help him get better. But hopefully they will have him home in a few days.

IrishMollyO profile image

Sorry Suzuki

Went too soon. I also wanted to ask you how you were doing yourself ? You are so good at helping other women that sometimes we don't know what you are going through yourself . Take care


in reply to IrishMollyO

HI Molly O, I am doing okay, I got a cancellation for my endoscopy which was clear, they took biopsies but they came back negative for bacteria, I really over did it yesterday heading to Dublin so caught up on my beauty sleep this afternoon. My check up was last Monday and as I had issues with my tummy hence the scope. But it could be the Fosovance causing the problems. So was told, I can have a yucky tummy or a broken hip so what a choice. Need to see my gp regarding the Fosavance maybe change to another drug. I am not taking the Fosavance at the moment to see if the tummy calms a bit. It could be stress, Fosavance is a medication for those with osteopenia to help the bones. Will keep you informed

IrishMollyO profile image
IrishMollyO in reply to

Hi Suzuki

A trip to Dublin would deplete your energy quite a bit and especially when you have other things on your mind. I hope your GP can sort out an alternative medication for your tummy . Good result that the biopsy was negative for bacteria . That must be a relief .

I may be in Cork quite soon supporting my big brother. He has to have a bypass and for some reason the cardio chose Cork when Dublin would have been the better location for both of us. But then patient convenience would not be a consideration with some consultants . I am becoming more and more cynical . At least we will get to meet baby Luke !

I hope the conference went well and that you enjoyed it.


annieH1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,indeed it's well overdue news but I'm delighted to hear there's progress at last.As you said it should never had got to the stage it did! We seem to be the poor relation in Cork.Daisies and Miss Fitz are smiling down on us today.They never gave up the fight.Well done you too.I know your in Dublin today at the conference,I hope it's fruitful and I hope you don't overdo it!

in reply to annieH1

Hi Annie I fell asleep this after noon for two hours on the recliner. I was wrecked, the stop and start bus did make it to Cork eventually, Once we hit Tipperary it behaved. It was an electrical fault and a 161C bus into the bargain, it was a relief bus rather than the air coach. Yes things are progressing with the project and if you want a copy of the first report, I can email it on to you if you wish. Or have it for you at the next Ovacare coffee morning. Hope you are doing okay, great to see sun sea and sangria or pina colada.

kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki, this is great news for Cork I know it is an issue that is very close to your heart. Two lovely Teal Angels up there looking after us all. Kittie

Yes indeed Kitty and I did mention them both to the Irish Cancer Society because I know they interacted with them while they were able to do so. So please and I do hope the plan will follow through.

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