SPRING TIME,: Hi everyone although Spring is here... - OvaCare


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8 Replies

Hi everyone although Spring is here this morning is horrendous here in Cork. Talking about Cork I just want to remind you that the Ovacare Patient Day is here at the Imperial Hotel, Cork on Saturday 11th March, anyone interested may register on the Ovacare Page. This is a great opportunity to meet up with others with Ovarian Cancer and gleam information from our Consultants etc. I hope everyone is doing as well as they can be and I send kind thoughts to those on treatment. For me I wonder is the end of my drug free break coming to an end? Felt tired and bp was all over the place so had bloods done on Thursday so meeting with gp to discuss results next Friday. Hoping its anaemia or underactive thyroid. But I am aware I have been lucky had over 15 months since Avastin ended and almost three years since Chemo ended so cant complain. Sending best wishes to all J

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8 Replies
thesilent1 profile image

I can imagine your weather today, it wasn't very nice here in the North either. Did storm Ewan do any damage in Cork?

I'm sorry your having some problems. I hope they can be easily sorted by your GP. Ann x

in reply to thesilent1

Hi Ann well bloods should be back at surgery by now and if he had worries he would be on to me. There is a new receptionist there who isnt very forthcoming so no news is good news at least that is the slant I am taking at the moment. Interestingly enough won a facial and had it this morning and could feel something on my throat so thinking thyroid and would be happy with that. Whats another tablet.?

Naimish profile image

Joan the optimist, why the the negative thoughts? All will be well. Keep the faith. Maybe it's the weather playing up on you.

All the best for the bash on March11th


in reply to Naimish

Thanks Naimish you never fail to cheer me up, my chemo friend is very very ill at the moment so it could be my mind playing me up, have to think we are all different. I have visited her in hospital but now need to back away a little.

kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki, Spring is indeed on the way but very slow where I live in the midlands the only daffodils around are the ones I buy in Aldi. I am not sure if I will make the Patients Day as the trains are not compatible with the time(I would arrive late and have to leave early) and overnight stay to expensive but you can fill me in😀. I know it is a worry waiting for results of bloods etc but thanks to you I have high hopes for the Avastin I am now on and hope when I am finished I will get a long break. Could you ring your GP to chase up your results as the lab would have it up on your screen in the hospital even ring the day unit and they could tell you. I am glad last week is over because daily chemo with only one good vein was horrible but thankfully it lasted the week. I am due to have my new port fitted on the 7th of March but it looks as if it could be cancelled due to the upcoming strike which I know will not go ahead but Hospitals have to be prepared. Take care and look after yourself. Kittie 💐🌱

in reply to kittie

Hi Kittie, thanks for that, yes some things take planning and hotels have gone up in price as well. I would think they have the results back by now but have apt with gp on Friday, meantime if he is worried he is the type to ring me. I can ring the gynae liason nurse but I know she is busy and I am feeling a bit better so knowing me I will drag it out to the last. I hope the port goes in okay, it wasnt bad to get four years out of it though. Yes the strike could be called off but if not I am considering supporting my nurses on the picket line. Hope treatment is going okay for you

annieH1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,bad day here also,sleet and hail showers and cold.Nevertheless I donned my rain pants,jacket and shoes and had a lovely walk in Doneraie Park.Fed the swans,ducks and Robins.They were probably wondering about the crazy lady out in the bad weather ha ha.

I know we automatically think the worst when our health acts up and it's only natural to be worried and apprehensive but,I'm sure it's something that can be remedied,like BP,Anemia or Thyroid.Im waiting for my thyroid test to come back.Take rest until you know for sure and we I saw a Dr in CUH regarding Tyroid she told me to drink the Supermilk and take vitD.👍🏻🌺🌼🌹

in reply to annieH1

I have actually gone on the super milk a few months ago, I thought Noel and Grainne would object but as long as its not skimmed they drink it away. I have vit D in the Fosavance as well and also eating brazil nuts much to the detriment of my poor fillings. It just could be a blip hopefully. Glad you enjoyed your walk, it is a cold day today mind you.

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