The Carousel Journey Again: Ladies. Posted only... - OvaCare


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The Carousel Journey Again

daisies profile image
10 Replies

Ladies. Posted only 5 weeks that my review was great...oh, how soon that ended. Began to have signs of similar symptoms within the past 2 weeks and it was getting worse. So went to my GP to ask for ca125 test (thinking & hoping I was being over cautious). Saw him at 1 o'clock last Monday and at 5pm was being admitted to hospital.

Usual x-rays, blood tests, scans followed and you know the language and words are too choice to use here. CA125 reading still within normal range ----frightening that part. I never did rely on that particular test.

Options discussed and so back on treatment - was to have a biopsy on Wed but as on aspirin, it was deferred until next week. So, new regime began on Thurs with carboplatin and gemcitabine on day 1; on day 8 Gemzar and then 2 weeks 'free'. Avastin will be added in on cycle 2 or 3... Previously I was on carboplatin & taxol.

For some reason, even though I had carbo without any allergic reaction - this time, I did. So it slowed the infusion down and was dosed with antihistamines & cardiac trace done. Slept through most of afternoon and kept in for another night to ensure I was OK.

Tumours on same site (which is good as no additional sites) and biopsy is on tumours on surface (serosal) of liver. That is going to London for possible inclusion into a phase 1 clinical trial on mutations of cancer cells... the phase 1 will be for research into molecular treatments. While I know I may not be suitable & the trial may not go ahead, it give me additional hope.

My Oncologist and myself, I can tell you, are shocked with the speed of recurrence symptoms but it means that when OvCa becomes active with me - it manifests quickly and so I am faster having treatment. Know that sounds like a false optimism, but it does help. Another good piece of news was that my blood pressure is back to normal and so, some meds are being reduced....yippee.

This is line 4 now and while it is really only 7 1/2 months disease free - I am thinking that it was on 15th August 2014 when diagnosed last - so using that as my date...see happy vibes still with me.

Will meet some of you over the next few months and for others will keep you posted , hopefully regularly and with positivity!!!! but may have a rant & emotional meltdown also for you.

Did leave the hospital with a much happier view of care etc that my last visit - so my faith is restored.

Love to all on treatment like myself and best wishes for continued good health to those who are finished treatment.

Daisies xx

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daisies profile image
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10 Replies
kittie profile image

Hi Daisies. I am so sorry to hear you are as you say back on the carousel journey again, it is great it was picked up so quickly and you could start treatment. After meeting you at the Coffee Morning in Cork in May I know you are a very strong willed Lady and you will not let it get the better of you. I got my scan results yesterday and it was not as good as they wanted but more about that another time when I get my head around it . So for now onward and upward you take care. Kittie.

Gosh Daisies, I am really sorry you are back on treatment, it is scary how fast this thing can creep back up on you. I am sorry you had a reaction to the carbo this time maybe they put it in too fast so they will know better next time hopefully. I used be floored by the Gem until I asked for steroids. When I got Gem first time with Carbo, I did okay but the the last time they gave me nothing except motillium and I got the shakes when I came home. So went back day 8 that wasnt too bad, My second Gem Avastin the same thing happened when I came home so they then gave me steroids. After that everything went okay. Gem has alcohol in it so you cant drive for twenty four hours after infusion. I found if taking a meal out, I could barely manage half a glass of wine and was only fit for the leaba. Gem did the job for me so I hope you will have the same result and get a longer break. If you are eligible for this trial drug so much the better. I can imagine how you must have felt when getting the results, you have been doing so well. Yes focus on the fact it is there but hasnt spread so that is a plus. Hopefully we will catch up at some stage during August or September. I suppose I better be a good girl and do what my gp wants. I thought I would get a visit to the gastro clinic first for evaluation. So they check my bum first and do the talking after, I will be with the prof on Mon week and then will see if I need to stop Avastin for the coloscopy. I really would be slow to stop it because of something that may not be there. Well he is the boss so I will have to do what I am told. I hope you have a restful weekend. At least the weather isnt boiling hot so that is some consolation Best wishes Joan

daisies profile image
daisies in reply to

I like your comment - they check the bum first and talk later...had a little giggle.

talk soon

Well I am trying to lighten the situation, but in reality it doesnt make sense, I would think ask questions first then decide if it is necessary to do the this test. Not ask you why you needed it after the event. My gp secretary told me she had it done and the drink gave her the giggles all day, she would have another one no trouble

Taichipat profile image

So sorry Daisies to hear you are in this position again. Things not only change overnight but during the day too. Take great care. All the best with your treatment whatever it may be.


Connie8 profile image

The very best of luck Daisies . It's a tough one an we have up an down days . I empathise wit you as I am on that carousel also . So big positives all round now .your post has helped me Daisies Thank you .

thesilent1 profile image

Hi Daisies, so sorry you have had to start treatment again so soon. It seens like your Dr's are very proactive which is good for you. Just want to wish you good luck with this new régime. All the best, Ann xo

Missfitz profile image

Hi daisies. Just catching up on the news as I sit here in CUH. Sorry to hear you're back on "the carousel" again. I hope it's going ok for you. I was on a similar combo last summer - it was Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. Will keep you in my thoughts. X

IrishMollyO profile image

Dear Daisies. I am just reading your post now of 5 days ago and I am filled with awe at your courage . You were enquiring about how I am doing when all along you had your own situation to think about. I will do the only thing I am good at doing and that is to pray for you . I want you on this forum as you are one of the memorable names that I know since joining in May. Stay strong and positive like you always are .


daisies profile image

Ladies, another eventful day. The biopsy was done today , but the recovery period was longer that expected - BP etc dropped very low, so my 2nd week of treatment has been deferred until Monday.

However, the biopsy was not as bad as expected.

A bit of a rough week but survived......don't we always. The only sunny day of late and I a stuck in a hospital bed.

So onwards we go to the next date.

Daisies xxx

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