Reclast IV… has it helped you? Any serious side affects. And how long do you need to be on this drug?
Reclast: Reclast IV… has it helped you... - Osteoporosis Support

Hi 310102, I had my first Reclast IV last week without any side effects at all. I had been on Prolia shots for 5 years just prior and have to take Reclast for two years to safely stop Prolia. I have to do this to prevent any chance what’s called rebound fractures after stopping Prolia. It turns out one of the side effects of Stopping Prolia without going on a replacement drug like Reclast IV for two years creates a chance of one or more of my vertebrae fracturing. I plan to then stop any drugs since In my case I only have ever had osteopenia and probably never should have ever started any drug treatment to begin with. I know Reclast IV and Prolia too possible side effects to watch out for is jaw problems after dental work that are severe.
Thank you for your reply. I had been on Fosamax several years ago. Then again for the last 2 years. Although my dr suggested Forteo since my scores diminished, I chose not to since I already take Enbrel which is an injection as well ( just so much a woman can take!). Because of my hesitancy she suggested Reclast. Your positive report tells me not to be so hesitant in taking it. Thank you!
Hi 310102,
I was given 5 doses of
Re-Clast from 2008-2013 which were successful and no side effects.
Two years ago, my bone density declined and last year I was given another dose; no side effects.
I drink plenty of water throughout the day and take calcium supplements.
So far, this has been the best solution for me.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for your reply. I have been on this roller coaster of what to do. I read several bad experiences taking Reclast so it is good to hear of your positive experience. I opted for another round of Actonale but my results of my bone density really indicate a much more aggressive approach. You’ve encouraged me to not be so apprehensive to try Reclast. Thankyou!
Do your t-scores show you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, because generally speaking, you should not take reclast (zoledronic acid) or prolia for osteopenia. If you do have osteoporosis, did your doctor mention oral bisphosphonates (alendronate), they are safer than the infusion from.
I took alendronate for 1.5 yrs, but had to quit because of digestive tract issues. Note, oral bisphosphonates are known to cause/aggravate digest tract issues. I took a 4 month holiday and in November 2021, I had my 1st zoledronic acid infusion. I had my blood work done the week before the infusion to make sure my Kidneys and calcium levels were fine and on the day of the infusion I drank plenty of water and took 2 Tylenol before the infusion and the infusion was administered over at least 15 minutes and after the infusion I continued to drink plenty of water and took more Tylenol later that day.
The only side effects that I experienced were, a couple of hours after the infusion I felt sharp sensations in my neck but it didn't last long (no more than 10-15 minutes) and it wasn't really painful.
Additionally, a few days after the infusion I had a little bit of sore throat and I experienced dry mouth but that seems to have cleared up.
Note, it is EXTREMELY important that you have a full dental exam prior to starting bisphosphonates and you should discuss it with your dentist also.
I do not/have never smoked.
One of the benefits of starting with Alendronate (pill form) is that you have a chance to see if you can tolerate bisphosphonates in your system.
Additionally, my t-scores
Femoral Neck -3.0
Total Femur -3.2
Lumbar Spine -3.9
Total Left Femur -2.9 (this was a 9% increase per notes on my DEXA but I really question my DEXA results for several reasons)
Total Right Femur -3.0
Lumbar Spine -3.7
My 2021 DEXA is pre-infusion so I won't know for a while how much the infusion is/isn't helping.
Although I haven't had any real issues with the infusion my current plan is to not have another infusion at least not this November. Although I've always had a relatively healthy diet/lifestyle, I've made several improvements and I am going to try to work on naturally improving my bone density.
Changes I've made:
- eating 5+ prunes a day
- eating 1 serving of almonds 5 days a week
- added vitamin K2 (MK7)
- completely gave of carbonated beverages (had been drinking diet ginger ale)
- quit drinking all coffee (had been drinking 1/2 caf)
- breaking up my calcium supplements so I take smaller doses over the course of the day rather than 2 large doses (the body can't absorb large amounts of calcium all at once)
- was taking 1 long 40+ minute walk every day - have broken this up into two, 20+ minute walks to make sure that I keep my pace up (I walk over 20 minutes per week)
- joined a gym and am slowly working to increase amount that I lift.
- added in heal drops, balancing exercises, back extensions, and stomp each foot four times twice a day, as if I am crushing a can.
You seem to be doing all the right things. I did not give all my info with my question. I definitely have osteoporosis and not osteopenia. I took Fosamax off and on for several years with slightly better results. It was suggested I take Forteo for better results but I did not want another injection since I take Enbrel injections once a week for RA. So other choices were continue on Fosamax or similar drug (Reclast), or try Prolia. I am hesitant to take a drug that is given once a year in case of side effects. I have my next bone density test in December. If things don’t improve I’ll need to go to another drug and bite the bullet with Prolia.
I too take Calcium, I walk and take a Gentle Yoga classes. With my RA and my poor bone healthy I feel like I’m falling apart. I am 74 and had been active. Just got to keep at it! Thanks for your info, it is very helpful!