I am 69 and have had osteoporosis for many years. My spine numbers were particularly bad the last two DEXAs (-3.8 and -3.9) and I did have a mild fragility fracture in my upper back several months ago. It never really hurt much, but it was confirmed with an MRI. Because of that, I have agreed to starting Reclast and I get my first infusion in a week. About 15 years ago, I was on Actonel for a year, but had significant esophageal side-effects and stopped it. I realize that an infusion of this same basic medication will not cause the same side-effects, but there are so many others I have read about and I am very nervous to start this process. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has been using the Reclast protocol - do you have tips to make the infusion go better (specific prep like drinking enough water, etc.) and /or can you share a positive experience? I have researched options and really do feel this is the best one of all the unappealing choices, so I am looking for reassurance that despite reading about so many negative side-effects, it’s also possible to have a positive experience and outcome. Thank you!