Hello all,
Please anyone with gastritis, I have a few things I need to ask… health anxiety here too!
1. Once you’ve had gastritis, once, does it tend to be a condition that “flares up”? That’s how mine seems and I just want to know if that’s normal, I suppose?
2. If you have flare ups, are these directly linked to stress / anxiety? I’m a highly anxious person and know I’ve been stressed recently (I had shingles last week) and it seems to have come on again since then?
3. I still have PPIs left from when I was suffering a few months ago, should I continue to take these when/if I get a flare up?
Also, I have had h~pylori test and that was negative.
I am currently having CBT for my health anxiety and trying really hard not to think the worst/ constantly phone the GP about the same thing so anyone who relates please do let me know if this seems like a “regular” gastritis issue. I really would appreciate it.
Thank you 😊