Hi all I'm 4 weeks into a 8 week course of lansoprazole. Had some days where I think things are getting better and the odd days where symptoms are back and I can't understand it. Seems however to have got worse the last 3 days or so. Suddenly last couples of nights having trouble with acid coming up at bed time which hadn't really been an issue before. However my anxiety and even depression about it has also been through the roof the last few days. The usual circle of feeling symptoms so then panicking the medication isn't working, which causes the mental side which then probably makes the symptoms worse. Then in your head you don't know if it's the anxiety or that summat else is wrong other than acid. Has anyone else had the same issues half way in where as they got stressed found acid to suddenly be getting worse despite being on the medication to so called stop it. I have maintained a decent diet and have taken my ppi properly on a morning a hour before eating something small like a cereal bar.
Acid reflux on lansoprazole - anxiety - Acid Reflux Support
Acid reflux on lansoprazole - anxiety

I would imagine that anxiety would cause/ worsen acidity problems. Can you afford some therapy? Or you could read about mindfulness perhaps.Good luck.
Thanks, it's just a vicious circle isn't it. You get symptoms still that you can't understand because surely the medication is supposed to work, so then you get anxious about it and is it something else if its not fully working, and then I'm guessing the anxiety on your body makes symptoms even worse, so again you worry its something further. It's like both sides play off against each other.
Hi, sorry to hear about your symptoms. You could try taking your tablet either before your evening meal or two hours before bed. I do this as my acid reflux is worse overnight.
I tried some gaviscon last night and I seemed to have a better night. How long have you been on your ppi if ya don't mind me asking.
Hi, I have been on a low dose of 10mg Omeprazole for nearly 7 years due to GERD, Acid Reflux and Hiatas Hernia. I also take Gaviscon 5 minutes before bed and have to sleep propped up as the acid still breaks through during the night, giving me a sore throat in the mornings. My last Endoscopy in 2019 made things much worse, so I am put off having another one.
This can be par for the course I'm afraid. Acid reflux comes and go's though, so you will improve. I've been on omeprazole many years, some months barely need it amd other months need double the dose. I would recommend you lose any additional weight assuming you can and pay attention to gut health and exercise. I'm not sure any of us have the full answer and the system is complex. I'm suffering at the moment and trying everything. Due to go back to consultant. I do know at some point it will flip back and improve though but it can depressing on the meanwhile for sure.
Yes same for me I've been on nexium for 10 years sorry but it's that or multiple tums daily. I've noticed diet is the best way to fight acid. Stay away from trigger foods onions and garlic are the worst and of course acidic fruits and spicy stuff and anxiety doesn't help