I have a hiatus hernia and for many years have taken 20 mg of Omeprazole daily. More recently, I feel I am getting silent reflux e.g cough and a slight asthmatic feeling. Has any one had similar? If so, what dosage are you on ? Or have you found other remedies that have helped.
Omeprazole dosage: I have a hiatus... - Acid Reflux Support
Omeprazole dosage

Hi yes I know how you feel ,I was in the same position as your self and I was taken lots of different tablets but nothing helped me , but I found eating pure black liquorice helped my symptoms, you may want to try this or even drinking milk helps . Good luck
I had the cough and felt that my throat was tight. 20 mg once a day was not enough for me with my symptoms. So, I take 2 x 20 mg a day (1 x20 mg before lunch and 1x 20 mg before main meal) plus Famotidine in the evening.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I had thought that perhaps 20mg daily wasn't enough. Some say these PPI's can make symptoms worse, so it's not always an easy decision. Have you found this has reduced your symptoms? Could I ask how long you have been on this medication and do you get Famotidine on prescription or can you buy it over the counter?
hi, I also have a hiatus hernia and was diagnosed with gerd a few years ago. All medication including ppi’s made my symptoms worse. I now follow a low acidic diet and I take dgl licorice root, amongst other herbal remedies that has improved my condition. . It also helps to keep the head of your bed raised, easily by just by using bricks under the legs. I also have low stomach acid and have found several remedies that have really helped me. Low stomach acid can cause a lot of these problems also, so it will certainly benefit you by doing an easy home test with bio carbonate of soda,, just google it. This is not 100% accurate but it will give you some indication and indeed if this is the route you should be going down. I found most my information watching Dr Berg, he has tons of useful information that has indeed helped me so much over the years. I’m afraid there’s no quick fix and lots of research to be done and it does take time to see what work for you, but there are certainly other remedies that can help you,, good luck!!!
Yes I did slowly wean myself off them, it’s very important you do that. I too have tried marshmallow root and slippery elm, whilst that has helped so many people, it didn’t do anything for me. Dr berg videos are brilliant and have so many useful information. Try and keep a diary and only add 1 thing at a time so you can see what works for you xx
you’re very welcome 😊
I take 20mg omeprazole also following surgery for oesophageal cancer leaving me with some pretty nasty reflux.
As another commenter said, milk really does help! When the reflux wakes me up at night I’ll sit and slowly drink a glass of semi skimmed milk and I’m good to lie down again about 20 minutes later.
I find that’s the answer for immediate relief, while the omeprazole keeps things in check day to day, if that makes sense.
Have you tried Gaviscon, I have what my GP calls a large hiatus hernia.I have taken 20 mg pantoprazole for 10 yrs or so. It is a PPI as are others, it just suited me better. I have had silent reflux on and off aswell as swallowing issues for some time. I take Gaviscon at night as an ENT doctor told it is more helpful for reflux affecting the throat.My reflux has been well controlled for a while, I periodically have a blip, and increase the pantoprazole to 2 a day for a while.
I did think that on the occasions when I feel this asthma like feeling, that perhaps a double dose would help. When you have taken the ppi twice in a day, have you taken them at the same time, and did you feel relief quite quickly? I also question whether a change of ppi may help.
I think the only way of knowing , is to perhaps take one ppi in the morning and one in the evening. If these symptoms subside, then an increase may be necessary. I'm going to try this for a few days, to see if it helps with the same symptoms, as yours.