I had tried slippery elm before but I was only doing one a day along with other stuff so I guess that’s why I didn’t notice the value of it. I have been having a really bad flare-up for the last 7 weeks and I came across an article that said slippery elm really helped someone get off ppi’s and eliminated their reflux. I already had some in the cupboard so I tried 2 pills. Then I tried 2 more after lunch and then 2 more at supper. OMG - no reflux, stopped all ant acids except Gaviscon. Woke at 4:30 this morning because I skipped my 10mg of Pepcid last night. I took 1 slippery elm and a Gaviscon and was good until breakfast where I took 1 more after bk. These are early days but I am liking the looks of where this is going. Also my anxiety which was really bad yesterday but lifted in the evening. Slippery elm has zinc and vitamin b’s in it. I wanted to share this in case someone else had never heard of this marvellous natural product.
slippery elm for gastritis: I had tried... - Acid Reflux Support
slippery elm for gastritis

I was looking at Slippery Elm yesterday, but I wouldn't be able to swallow the capsules, and I'm not sure how I'd manage with powder in liquid. You said you take tablets, are they chewable or could they be crushed?
It is very easy to open the capsule by twisting and tipping into a glass of water. Stir and drink.
You can also open the capsule and put the powder in your smoothie, that way you won’t taste it.
I have taking slippery elm from H&B but it says one capsule per day?
My bottle says take 2 after each main meal so that's 6 a day and each capsule is 400mg. I did do that the first day but I found it was a lot as I had a headache the whole day and night. Today I did one pill at a time after meals. No headache so far and still relief from reflux. Try at least 3 a day, one after each meal. Take gaviscon as needed. I hope this will help you as much as it helped me.
I'm so glad you have found something that helps.
Thank you Jumpey. I was at my wits end. Anxiety and depression. Couldn't eat , couldn't sleep. I feel almost human again. I can only see it getting better and better. Today was a great day. I had a few bumps but I ate some yogurt (a no no for me) but I popped one of those guys and took a gaviscon and was okay immediately. I will have to not mess around too much with other foods as the gastritis is still very present. It takes weeks to heal the stomach lining but I am very hopeful today.
Wondering what brand you use? I take mine before eating to line the digestive system. At least that's what I thought it did
I use NOW brand . You should take it after you eat. When you eat acid is released to break down the food which is good but this is when you get the reflux, the acid going up the les valve. Taking it after you eat keeps all the acid down because of the mucus coating the les valve. It only takes 10 minutes to kick in.
It may be useful to read Dr.Louise Kaufman's Acid Reflux Diet. She a world renowned expert on gastric issues. Her alkaline diet turned my life around.
Hi, I was interested to see you say that your hiatal hernia is stuck, leaving your LES muscle open and more acid coming up. Did your symptoms get worse after an endoscopy? I was prescribed Omeprazole 7 years ago for what was only really mild indigestion and of course I now can't get off them! An endoscopy in 2015 revealed mild gastritis, a 2cm HH and celiac but my symptoms were not too bad. In 2019 I had another endoscopy and about a week afterwards I felt SO unwell. The pain was awful and the acid was just pouring out upto my throat despite meds. I believe the endoscopy procedure damaged something at the LES. Since then I have just about managed to live with it. I have had to change my diet and lifestyle, It really affects my quality of life now. I have to sleep sitting up every night, which means I only get a few hours sleep. Even so, the acid still gets upto my throat most nights despite meds and Gaviscon. I know I should have another endoscopy but after what the last one did I am too scared.
ABSOLUTELY the endoscopy made it worse. I REFUSE to have anymore. A lot of gastroenterologists are just careless when it comes to doing the procedure. If it gets stuck they just ram things down there. So many people have told me how much worse it is after they’ve had the procedure. I will only do it if they have the pill that has the camera in it. You just swallow it and carry a Fanny pack all day and as it goes through it takes pictures. They have it in the States but not Canada.
I too have not slept in a bed for maybe 15 years or more. It’s been a very long, horrible journey. Very tired of this life.
That’s a long time to be on a ppi but I get it. What’s a person to do . I’m losing a lot of weight because I can’t eat much. 51 pounds in the last 3 months so I guess if I get skinny enough the hernia will just slide back down. Haha The stupid ER doc pushed so hard on it that I started to cry. What part of it’s painful did he not understand. Man, I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Seems like we’re in the same boat ParkSchool5. Nice to meet you 🙂but sorry we met under these circumstances. 😭
Hi. I've been searching web for other people like me. I had a gastroscopy in Nov and now I've worse acid I feel awful and I'm getting depressed. Went to gp with throat problems. Prescribed lansoprazole after 5 weeks not a great deal if difference and she said to do an endoscopy. I stopped the lansoprazole two weeks before. Wasn't an issue no rebound or anything. They found nothing on my gastroscopy but the following day I had chest pain. Thought It was from the biopsies. I also was getting stomach pain at bottom of sternum. It never got any better so I started nexium twice daily after 5 days I was really nauseous so stopped and tried managing with gaviscon. I booked a private ent to check my throat who also found nothing but said could be silent reflux. But then the chest pain got worse again and I felt like acid washing into my throat with constant sour milk taste. After a week of this I started lansoprazole again. I've been on that now a week. I feel like as soon as I eat as acid is Coming up. I'm worse on an afternoon and it's making me feel sick. Luckily I can sleep. Ive got stomach ache as well. I just don't know what to do. Gp just don't seem interested. I've lost a stone since August. All my bloods etc are fine so they just then dont bother. Is there any other test I can ask for that may show if they damaged something. I didn't have any stomach problems before. Its ruining my life
I am similar to you. I had many endoscopies quite a few years ago now. At the tine Gastritis and ulcers was the problem. Straight on antibiotics and omeprazole. Been on omeprazole ever since and after the last endoscopy which was a horrendous experience I am so scared to have another and I believe reflux was worse afterwards. I was also told 2 months ago I have silent refluxI sleep almost upright and on my left side sonot sleeping great. I want to enjoy life but feel I can't. I love the thought of going out for meals and a few drinks with my husband but not sure if doing this is detrimental to my health. I keep thinking I'm not going to be around much longer so then why not go and enjoy.
I don't understand anything any more. GP is just happy to keep prescribing Omeprazole.
Is this shortening my life. My anxiety is through the roof x
Stupid doctors. Honestly you would think they get a kick back from prescribing those ppi drugs. I told my doctor that when I take the ppi I get a sharp pain in my heart but she still wanted me to take it. They don’t listen to us. I refused. Told her that they are hard to get off of once you start and she said oh I can help you with that. Sure you can. No thanks I told her. Even h2 blockers were giving me side effects like depression. I was suicidal so I weaned off them using slippery elm, charcoal and Gaviscon and when I finally managed to move the hernia down off the vagus nerve by doing the stomach massages that Pam Fox talks about in her YouTube videos the pain went down and the depression went away. As long as I eat carefully my days are much better. The hh is still stuck and the les muscle is still open a little but I’m hopeful that I will eventually get it all the way down. Don’t give up curlywurly80. Wean off those ppi’s slowly, watch your diet carefully and life will get better. It really will.
I completely understand how you are feeling. It's so depressing, especially at this time of year when you want to join in social activities and enjoy yourself but are always having to be aware of what you are eating and drinking and thinking are you going to regret it later on with the awful symptoms. I find lunchtimes are a good time for me if I am having a meal out or the occasional drink (I can't drink wine or spirits anymore, but I find Pale Ale seems OK as it's not too fizzy or acidic). I also enjoy afternoon tea's (as again, I can drink tea but not coffee). And eating earlier in the day does seem to help. I also suffer with anxiety and I am sure that contributes to making excessive acid when you are tensed up. Have you tried Famotidine? I sometimes take one at night if I find my symptoms are flaring up and have managed to wean down to 10mg Omeprazole before lunch and 10ml Gaviscon Advance before bed. You are not alone, there are so many of us trying to get through all this from day to day. My kitchen cupboard is like a Pharmacy with all the different things I have tried over the years. Try to relax your upper body and let your shoulders fall. I hope you manage to enjoy your Christmas and hopefully the New Year will be better for you. Regards.
Hi I've been on lanzoprazole for well over 20 yrs what a mistake!! I could eat and drink what I wanted but gradually over the years the doc has increased the dose until eventually I was on 60 mg a few months ago because I also had gastritis. Anyway the doc has decided to get me off them, because we both know they're dangerous! I'm now on my 3rd week without them I'm on 40mg famotidine in the morning and at night. I feel like you I dread any of my friends asking me out for a meal because there's not much I can eat! I love Xmas but I'm not looking forward to it as my daughter has booked Xmas Dinner and I don't know how I'll eat it!! Sometimes I feel so depressed that I feel like going back on them. My doc said if you know you're going to eat something you shouldn't just take pantoprazole which I've not taken before but I don't think PPIS work like that, I think you need a build up. I feel for everyone on here as its a horrible condition. I'm thinking of maybe gluten free helping. I have a HH by the way. There is something called iquoro but I haven't taken it out of the box as it can cause neuralgia which I get now and again but some people say its good. I'm trying slippery elm too. Good luck.
I’m so sorry. People trust their doctors and then they end up on these stupid pills that have done more harm than anyone thought was possible. I have gone glutten free and find it does help for sure. Sugar is a huge trigger for me so I try to not do that. When I give in and slip up I pay the price with a lot of pain. Dairy is another trigger as is fat. Hiatal hernia is the cause of the reflux. Stomach massages are very helpful but the diet is everything. Slippery elm is good. I’m still using that and Gaviscon when needed. You can eat the white meat on the turkey and potatoes just stay away from the gravies.
Mine are from Holland and barrett 370 mg a d says 1 a day