for almost a week I’ve been experiencing on and off burning sensations in the centre of my sternum / oesophagus and sometimes the very bottom of my throat. I thought it might’ve been some kinda infection but I’m now thinking I’ve developed GERD or will be about to given the length of time I’ve had it.
At the moment, I don’t have regurgitation, trouble swallowing or weird taste in mouth.
I have tried Rennies/ Gaviscon which bring temporarily relief but it returns. There is no set pattern, it happens constantly all day or a few hours In the morning then I won’t have it all day. I wouldn’t say food particularly brings it on as it happens before meal times.
I am planning on seeing a doctor Tuesday. I’ve never experienced symptoms like this for so long. Did it start randomly for you? I am 37, maybe slightly higher BMI than I should be but otherwise fit and healthy.
I do suffer from bad health anxiety too so I’m not sure if it’s in my head or whether I do have this condition but it’s made worse through focusing on it.