Does anyone have experience of this? Any advice very welcome.
I wake from sleep with a slight discomfort, it builds and builds until I have to stand up very straight just to get a tiny bit of relief. Crouching and slow shuffling around also helps very slightly but sitting or lying down is excruciating.
It is very central breastbone based, spreads between shoulder blades, then all the way from collar bone to pelvic area and can last for 3-4 hours.
Paracetamol will allow me to get back to sleep but it wears off fairly quickly and I wake up again.
The gaviscon double action can’t help me.
This happens after exercise and only since I had to take PPIs for 3 weeks to get rid of a bad cough.
The only other time I’ve had a PPI is 3 years ago as part of H.pylori eradication along with 2 strong antibiotics.
(I’m female age 46) My condition:
H.pylori eradicated with antibiotics 2020 Followed by:
diagnosed with dysbiosis
General gut discomfort
Hunger cramps, constant hunger
liver cysts showed on CT scan but nothing else, ultra sound showed nothing
Chronic irritated ear canals, very itchy
Sleep apnea & snoring
Post nasal drip plus runny nose
Morning hacking cough
Itchy, watery eyes
Clothing causes pain if too tight around abdomen
Foods I have to avoid: dairy, soy, gluten, onion, garlic, tomato, potato, alcohol, coffee, tea, seed oils, sugar, carbonated drinks. Recently cut out eggs and mayo too.
Nothing of any use from NHS gastroenterologist or various other appointments throughout the years.
Following my CT scan I had a delayed allergic reaction to the contrast dye and was covered in painful rash from top to bottom- given steroids and antihistamine for 2 weeks- to my surprise EVERYTHING else went away too, all the symptoms listed above. Unfortunately I know that long term prednisone use is not possible. It was nice to feel normal for a few weeks till it all returned.