Does gastritis always present pain ?
I have no pain
I was diagnosed gastritis in October last year after endoscopy
Prior I had hpylori treatment as bloods came back I had it Gone now through triple meds
I was still feeling sick mostly early hours 4am ish onwards would wake me then could not get back off to sleep
Was admitted hospital as family had enough as thus was and is daily
Had endoscopy and gastritis shown he said mild
Was given meds in hospital ppi ones
I did not feel better so nauseau worse
Released and I’ve not been right since
They then put me on gaviston etc
Still worse
Ppi in Dec again oh my that had me on the floor heaving etc and very poorly
So I stopped ppi 15 days ago
I do not smoke or drink
I follow a bland diet 5 small meals a day water to hydrate
So I’ve question also
I never actually have pain with it
I only have a tender upper ab feeling like a soreness above belly button below breast bone I guess
After eating my tummy hour later kinda fett egg is a bit raw in that upper and area ?
It’s defo gastritis as they showed me
But I assumed lots of pain
Whilst mines a sicky feeling same time every night
Will this ever go ?
My tummy gurgles after food
It never feels hungry
It never feels full
It’s like it’s stopped working
Before the ppi meds my tummy did not feel this way
Nauseaus same time every night 4 to 5 am
Then I can’t get back to sleep
Some neck pain also not sure if it’s related to gastritis inflammation can effect other areas in the body if tummy inflamed inside ?
And some ear ringing I’ve had that a while
And assumed h pylori a while which would have inflamed my tummy
Proberbly had fir around 6 years I guess without knowing
I’m trying so hard to heal naturally
Bland food
No irritants like meds etc
I don’t smoke I don’t drink
Hydrated with water
Exercise twice a day plus walks
Will this go
How long ?
If they said mild
Acute chronic ?
Mine can’t be acute as it’s lasting so long
So hpylori can cause chronic gastritis
I’m worried it will never go
Any ideas thoughts please
Also maybe the meds made me unwell as it reduced tummy acid
What if my tummy acid is low ?
How do you know
They say tummy heals by reducing the acid
Mine didn’t
I reacted badly
I have gastro app on the 15th soon
I wonder if they can tell high acid or low acid ? If there’s a test ?
If it’s low is this why my tum isn’t healing
Or how long
I’m pretty sure the treatment is similar
Bland food
Small meals x5 through out the day
No irritants
Any ideas please