Im middle aged and had asthma since birth and in the last 5 years or so I've had quite bad flare ups and in the last 2 years bad reflux. On reflection I'm convinced the flare ups had a reflux element as oral steroids and increased inhalers did not shift it and in fact it seemed to get worse. I take seretide 250 x 4 and Lanzaprozole 15 x 2 plus antacids etc when its unbearable. I've had 2 endoscopies and nothing and a CT scan and nothing no Barratts no Hernia. So whats causing it? Well the health proffesionals cant't help me. So this week I've gone to a non acid diet and a low FODMAP diet plus added in Proboitoc and Papaya enzyme. To be honest my diet was not bad and id excluded acid and caffine, gluten and dairy months ago which did help. Ive reduce the steroid part of the inhaler down by 25% and I tried to reduce the LABA but Im so wheezy from reflux that im keeping that where it is. Id be interested in anyone else's experinces.
Asthma and Gerd my experience so far... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Asthma and Gerd my experience so far...
Sorry to hear your struggle. I do not have asthma however long time suffered of acid reflux GERD. Lansoprezole etc prezole group medicines are PPIs and they are useless (in my experience) once the acid reflux has been triggered. Because the prezole med is meant to reduce the acid production, and in the occurrence of acid reflux one of the best med is gaviscon advance syrup. However there comes a time when it's worth throwing it out which is beat for stomach.
That's from my personal experience.
Hoping you will find some information you seek for.
I do not know about some of the medication you quote, nor much about asthma, and this is unqualified speculation:
There are some people who believe that reflux is due to the stomach contents fermenting, and that the bugs in your system can get out of balance and create these problems. And that therefore adopting a different diet, using probiotics, and similar approaches can be helpful, sometimes using antibiotics to combat the bacteria that stomach acid would otherwise have destroyed were it not for the fact that PPI medication removes some or all of the benefits of that stomach acid. Adjusting your diet and finding out what type of food is causing more problems can be quite a lengthy process and you have to be systematic. Having an allergy-type test might be helpful. Also checking that it really is acid and not bile, but if Lansoprazole works when it is bad, that would suggest that it is the acid that is the problem. Trying Gaviscon Advance might also help because that works differently because it is an alginate that creates a protective raft for a few hours.
It sounds like you have been systematic, but keeping a food diary correlating your symptoms might be a good idea.
I also wonder whether talking to a specialist asthma nurse (if there are such people) might help. And a consultation / second opinion with a gastroenterologist?
This forum is unusual because so many people have shortened digestive systems because of having their oesophagus and/or stomach removed so there may well be better sources of advice elsewhere?