Hi, this is the first time I have posted on this forum. I have a diagnosis of undifferentiated auto immune disease with a wide range of symptoms and I get a lot of support on the Health Unlocked Lupus forum. I have had GI problems for many years, hiatus hernia (for over 30 years!!) and acid reflux treated with 2x15mg Lanzoprazole daily for the past 10 years. I had my gall bladder removed July 2016 because of gallstones and had hoped this would clear up the pain. Things have deteriorated since then and I now have bile reflux as well as acid reflux and developed severe pain (upper abdomen, under ribs and radiating to my shoulder blades). GP temporarily increased my PPI to 2x30mg, tested for H.pylori and had an ultrasound to check my pancreas. When nothing obvious was found, she referred me on the 2-week cancer protocol and I had an endoscopy this week. The report confirmed a sliding hiatus hernia length 6cm and Grade 3 oesophagitis, mucosal breaks that are continuous between the tops of mucosal folds but not circumferential, and gastritis, mild erythematous/exudative with no bleeding. Advised I remain on my double dose PPi and they have arranged a CT scan of the pancreas which I will have next week.
Sorry for the longwinded explanation but this is a whole new ball game for me. Any advice about managing this condition would be welcome such as diet (what foods to avoid) and pain management. I currently alternate between paracetamol and co-codamol on bad days to manage the pain associated with my autoimmune symptoms like joint pain.
Thanks for listening.