Constant reflux burning : Fed up with... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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Constant reflux burning

Jobianne77 profile image
23 Replies

Fed up with constant reflux burning as the title says. I was diagnosed a 1cm hernia in 2016 and I've been lucky that I only get flare ups, but this year is particularly bad. I've managed with zantac last 3 years but know they've been pulled. But my acid came back 3 weeks ago, suddenly too!! I tried omeprazole with no luck after a week, then I phone my doctor who prescribed lansoprazole 30mg on a morning, I got no relief after 3 days so I started taking 30mg morning and night, 5 days in and I've still no relief. I was drinking 200ml of gaviscon a day and I counted between 20 and 30 rennies daily. This is clearly overdosing which isnt great. This also caused severe constipation so had to calm down with the antacids. I don't smoke. I'm healthy weight. I don't drink. I don't drink caffeine only 1 cup if decaff. I've stopped the chocolate and spicy foods. I prop up to sleep, waiting for my wedge pillow to be delivered. I can't live like this. Constant burning morning noon and night with little relief. I'm now taking throat lozenges to cool my thr8oat. I've spoke to my Dr who said he would test for pylori if the symptoms don't ease. Looking back I've noticed pale pink stains on my bedding, this is obviously saliva with blood from irritation to my throat when I've had silent reflux I've also had bleeding gums which is obviously from the same thing as I don't have gum disease. I'm scared my throat has been damaged as my voice can sometimes go really high. I've only had reflux symptoms for 4 years but only flare ups. But I may have had silent reflux for longer. Shouldn't my medication be working after 2 weeks?

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Jobianne77 profile image
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23 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

I really think you must get back to your doctor for advice. The symptoms you are experiencing sound quite worrying and you need expert advice. I would ask for a referral to see a specialist.

Mauser1905 profile image

Sorry to know your struggle.

As roadrunner suggested please contact GP and ask for H.pylori test urgently. Plus referral to hospital GI team to carry endoscopy to see whats happening in your upper GI tract.

Flare ups can't be helped by h2 blockers(zantac or tidine group) neither prezole ( ppi group). Only gaviscon advance can provide some relief for temporary period of some minutes to hours.

Best is to throw out the excess acidic contents, then drink cold water and line up with gaviscon advance. But again for limited period. This flare ups require food to keep the acid busy in good quantity as well rekaxationphysucally and mentally to relax GI muscles and stop acid mentally exaggeration.

Herniated hiatal isn't *healed* by acid suppressants. And for anatomical issues medications which you taking did ever worked, then myself and many others wouldn't been lucky to end up writing on this forum.

Avoid passive smoke too.

Jobianne77 profile image

I've been doing a lot of reading lately as this has taken over my life at the moment. Its starting to sound like I'm suffering from silent reflux. I never get acid reflux in my chest or heart burn. I never get stomach aches. I simply suffer burning in the throat. Bitter taste in my mouth and lately the burning has felt like it was up to my ears!! Ppis are not as effective apparently with silent reflux. I'm speaking to my Dr tomorrow. Gaviscon gives me a few minutes relief and thats it.

Mauser1905 profile image

Try this symptoms checker, if not already done.

Also have a look at the post with link on acid reflux awareness below

adela1 profile image

Hi PPIs may take longer to work. Mine were prescribed for 8 weeks. 60mg or 80mg of Omeprazole or equivalent in another PPI should start to reduce stomach acid after a few weeks but may need longer. Even when the acid is reduced the affected area still needs more time to heal properly, especially if it’s badly inflamed.

Other than that you may need to see an ENT specialist if the most affected area is your throat, as there are other infections that might be causing the soreness. I do hope you will feel better soon and get this sorted.

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to adela1

Hi Adela, did you have the dreaded silent reflux too? Like I said I get no heartburn or chest discomfort just burning in throat , ears and sometimes face. Its horrendous. I've just spoke to my Dr who wants me to continue for another week. If no improvement he will refer to the ENT or the gastro specialist. He did also mention adding a h2 blocker with my ppis.

adela1 profile image
adela1 in reply to Jobianne77

Your doctor’s advice sounds ideal. I am not sure of silent reflux as I don’t have any symptoms now. However as I have a 4cm hiatus hernia I’ve been told it predisposes me to reflux so I’ll be on it for life. I’ve had a test for acidity over 24 hours which showed I was refluxing but it was not acidic and also a test to see if my esophagus was working ok. All fairly normal and showed the PPI was working.

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to adela1

Hi Adele Glad your symptom free. Mine is only 1cm so they said this would be the cause. I'm just unsure why mine is throat only and no chest discomfort. Its bizarre.

Judley profile image

Hi, aswell as contacting the Dr, using Gaviscon Advance (not ordinary Gaviscon) you could look at the rest of your diet to help, don't eat at least 3 hours before bedtime or lying down, wear unrestrictive clothes etc which I'm sure you know. In the meantime please think of looking at or ordering a book called the Acid Watcher by Jonathan Aviv, he is a World renowned GI/ENT surgeon. This book has been a game changer for many, it's available on Amazon.

Quite possibly though you might need surgery for the lower valve. Keep pushing for a specialist in this area; Silent reflux (LPR), I've heard the University hospitals are best

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to Judley

Hi Judy, yes I'm doing all that is asked. I've just ordered a reflux pillow and before I had this I think I suffered with nocturnal reflux in the throat as I used to wake with a bitter taste and a sore throat, so the pillow should have been ordered a long time ago, however the symptoms are there all day now. I've stopped the one cup of decaff, I don't eat sweet things as im more savory anyway, however I'm a liver of spicy foods, which I've stopped, I rarely have fried food. I love dairy which I know I will have to stop for now, my guilty pleasure is butter. I do take gaviscon advance that lasts less than 10 minutes. I will be pushing for a silent reflux specialist as I've just said to my Dr this is different to your normal gerd issues. My ears actually hurt and feels like my face is full with acid. I run my own business with nearly 40 staff who rely on me, so I can't be off work. I just hope this isn't a chronic life time of burning.

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to Jobianne77

If you can get a specialist in that area I'd advise you to do so as my friend didn't get anywhere with regular GIs. Also useful to know if it is definitely acid and not bile. Too little acid can also cause problems and bile problems need acid I think. There is a scope which tests for pH and another for the pressure which would also show how efficient the valves are. These are not regular endoscopies & generally done in larger or university hospitals. While waiting for a wedge pillow, hike your bed head end up by a couple of books each side in fact, aswell as. Ask the Dr for something to coat the throat and osephagus. Eat low alkaline foods, banana and melons soothe the throat and esophagus. Hope it helps and that you get seen soon. Please mention the blood as it could be unrelated. The blood could also be from your gums? Your gums could be related but also might not

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to Judley

I will order that book too.

Judley profile image
Judley in reply to Jobianne77

Burning is usually indicative of acid but best to press on and insist for a specialist.

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to Judley

Yes I never thought it could be my gums and not my throat. When brushing my teeth several weeks ago they were bleeding terribly, I brush daily and floss and see a dentist regularly so i know it wasn't gum disease now I'm think it could have been my gums irritated by the gums have more or less stopped bleeding when brushing, so this could be a sign that the acid is not as high and irritating my mouth. Just purchased that book so will have a good read today. I'm going shopping for alkaline foods today. Really appreciate talking to others that have experienced it.

Pepita933 profile image

I have used a wedge pillow, but found it ultimately uncomfortable. My gastroenterologist nearly blew a fuse when I said I was using a wedge pillow, and said I was to elevate the head of my bed. For many years I slept in a king with my husband, and he would have no part of that. Now with a sleep disorder I sleep in the spare room and have elevated the head of the bed.I use bed risers at the top or head of the bed only. Yes, I tend to start at the top of the bed and end closer to the bottom later on. But, the angle is consistent anywhere. This along with ppi and watching what I drink primarily has made all the difference.

Are you a tea drinker? That will cause problems with me, I think it is the tannic acid. As someone with Sjogren’s, and achalasia what I am drinking is a big deal.

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to Pepita933

Hi pepita I haven't drunk tea for years, I'm a coffee drinker but had to give that up years ago and go to decaff which I have only once a day now. 3 weeks ago I was fine then boom it came with an all mighty bang and hasn't left. Its just constant burning. I think I've had nocturnal throat burning a while but I just had a drink and the throat soreness would go.

Pepita933 profile image

I forgot to mention another recommendation from my gastro. Take your ppi on an empty stomach, 1 hour before you eat. I take thyroid med. so I get up take that wait an hour, take the omeprazole (40 mg) wait an hour then eat. At night I take another 20 mg. Yes, I used to feel like I had an elephant sitting on my chest. This has really helped. Oh, I’ve had the Heller Myotome fundoplication. Now my esophagus is failing, so I’ll wait!

Jobianne77 profile image
Jobianne77 in reply to Pepita933

Oh I'm so sorry for you, I'm here moaning about burning whilst you are suffering really bad. I take on an empty stomach morning and at night I eat around 5pm so its atleast 5 hours before I take it at night.

Pepita933 profile image

All of this is the Pitts! Check with your doctor, maybe it’s hpilori or a yeast infection. I’m hoping it’s quickly fixable!

Jobianne77 profile image

Had an horrendous night again. Phoned the dr this morning as i can't live with this burning burn, he's now adding a h2 blocker to my 60mg of lansoprazole! Then he said if no relief he will refer me to gastroor ent. I've read this is not favourable? I'm going to see him this morning for him to examine my throat to see if anything is there that can be making my burning worse. Anyone had combination drugs??

doris22 profile image
doris22 in reply to Jobianne77

Hi there. I have taken Omeprozole and Zantac. I still had some Zantac in hand so l was able to do this with Doc's okay. I was diagnosed with Esophagitis after an endoscopy a few months ago. I have for years suffered with silent reflux. In bad times it made me cough like I had the worst of chest infections. Anyway to the point. I think Zantac is a H2 Blocker which is good if you have food intolerance issues. Zantac was my go to untill they stopped making it. I still had some but was reluctant to use them and that is why I think I ended up with esophagitis. I never found Omeprazole and lansoprazole worked as well as Zantac for me because my main problem is food intolerance. I have now changed my diet. Eat less. Stop before being full and don't eat late in the evening. Gaviscon advance also saved me in bad times especially if you have the reflux cough . Hope you are much improved now. All the best.

Fronhaul profile image

Really struggling too. My consultant suggested Zantac but now taken off the market.

Jobianne77 profile image

Hi are you in the uk? As they do another tablet which is part of the zantac family.

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