I have had 8 ect therapy treatments for symptoms I have. A very intrusive procedure, didn't work out well for me. Can some of you shed some light on erp for me to explore, thanks.
What is erp: I have had 8 ect therapy treatments... - OCD Support
OCD Support
What is erp
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ECT? Really, I didn't know that was still in use. The best thing you can do to understand exposure response prevention is to get a book on OCD.
It isn't an easy thing to do, and isn't pleasant to do, but it does give relief. Think of it the way you would the pain you'd feel stretching a frozen muscle. Painful, but the muscle stops aching as much.
It involves doing something that makes you unnecessarily anxious, like not redoing something your OCD makes you feel you need to redo, or not cleaning something, or whatever form your OCD takes.
I've been taught to think of the anxiety like a wave gathering strength until it breaks, or clouds overhead that move off and disperse. It does subside, though it means tolerating it for a while. Do it little by little, with the things that cause you least anxiety, and build up gradually. Make sure you allow the anxiety to subside. Then if you still feel you need to carry out the ritual or compulsion, do so, and give it another go after.
Don't be afraid of failure. It's little steps, and you won't get it right always, but it does add up to progress.
You just suggest to receive literature from internet sources and maybe doctor ?
It's best to do this kind of therapy with someone trained. Doctors don't do it. It's outside their job description. It's the job for a therapist trained to deal with OCD cases. But the doctor can give you a referral to a therapist.
However, having literature about OCD can help too, either to supplement what a therapist is helping you with, or if you have trouble getting a therapist. There are lots of self help books that have case studies of various sorts of OCD, and go over how exposure-response prevention and other forms of CBT work. They tell you how you can draw up an exercise programme of your own.
I often suggest Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and The OCD Workbook because these have helped me, but it's what works for you that matters.
Thanx miss Sallyskins
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