I have Osteoarthritis of the back and neck which has been going on since December 2016. During this time I have been taking Tramadol as it’s the only painkiller that works. However I am very conscious that tramadol is not a good thing to be taking long term. I have private medical care through my employer and I have been using this since January last year. Basically nothing worked until I tried Osteopathy . I have had the following treatments/procedures to date:
1. MRI scans and x-rays of my lower back & neck – These showed normal wear and tear for my age (56) & no inflammation, damage or injuries.
2. Various blood tests.
3. 2 months of physio.
4. Cortisone injections in various joint of my spine and neck
5. 4 sessions of acupuncture.
6. A 5 week course of Gabapentin (nerve blocker)
7. A course of Robaxin (muscle relaxant)
8. 8 sessions of Osteopathy which actually helped and the therapist found the cause of my pain.
9. As my symptoms had got worse I went back for more blood tests and a full spine MRI. This is when they finally found the Osteoarthritis.
My back muscles and neck muscles are very dense and the neck joints are very restricted, probably caused by sitting at a computer for 17 years.
The initial problem started with an injury to my left big toe which caused me to limp for a few weeks. This cleared up and then my left knee became affected. This was eventually diagnosed as sero negative arthritis in the knee joint lining. My back and neck issue started during my knee problems (limping for months). My knee cleared up in February 2017 and now I am left with the back and neck problems. My job is a draughtsman so I have been at a desk for the last 17 years. I have however been attending the gym 3 times a week for the last 5 years and I go for a 20 minute walk each lunchtime so I do keep fairly active. It’s the Tramadol that worries me.
I currently take 4 x 50mg tablets a day for the pain plus Pregabalin & Amitriptyline to try block the pain signals so I can finally come of the Tramadol.