Hi all
Hope you are all well.
Apologies for not being about for a while - a few issues but i have been reading all your blogs.
I had a brilliant appt with my lovely rhuemy and we've finally got a plan.I've been on 25 mg of injected MTX which has been OK but ESR is now creeping back up.He has given a novel to read about the biologics and i go back on 28th Dec to discuss further.I know it sounds daft but i really wanted to keep these in reserve - a back up plan if you like -difficult decision.
I'm really jealous of all you folks who are all ready for Xmas -the panic mode is just kicking in ! but my son and his lovely girlfriend are coming down from Scotland for Xmas so now really looking forward to it now.
Work is hell at the moment - we are so short of staff at the moment which means the abuse from our lovely customers has risen -good job i've got a thick skin - only 6 days left and then i've got 2 weeks off can't wait!
Anyway i've rambled on long enough
Have a great weekend all
Julie xxx