Well they do say time flies when you're having fun! Bitter laugh.
When you're a teacher and things get measured in terms and half terms it's easy to suddenly go "oh wow it was just before half term when..."and that's what's happened to me this morning as I fumble with clothes and shuffle about staring at my wrist. So where am I?
Well I'm less scared in many ways. Still scared but not in the "oh my god what has happened why can't i walk" way of a year ago.
And I'm in considerably better shape - but as always with questions and far far from how I was BEFORE.
And I'm usually not crying. But still am quite often.
And I have sort of got used to not drinking very much but boy I'm really angry about that!
And maybe I'm a bit less angry these days. Hard to admit for a cynical old cow like me but I think counselling helped that.
And there have been whole days - weeks even- when I've hardly thought about IT.
Sadly Not this week.
And i know about this place - my refuge for all the worries and questions and for which I am eternally grateful!!!
So you didn't think you'd get away without a question did you?
Is there anyone out there on MTX and prednisolone who has found that while the MTX works like a charm when you are on a certain dose of pred that as you try to reduce you get to a certain point and it seems just not to be able to hold it any more? This is my second time round and it's happening again. What should I do?whatbdid you do? Any answers gratefully received as always!
Thanks to all. What shall I do to mark my anniversary?