well as you know on here regards my problems
i talked to sylvi yesterday and did something about this thing i whent to the walk in centre at leigh with all me toes blue and cold saw one of the people who said go back out i will let you see a nurse.
seem to have been flairing ever since the knee operation all over realy feet main problem blue and then red hot at night with me hands flaring up and walking like a zombie every bone seemed to be not playiong ball with me realy even though i keep trying.
when i was waiting feet started to go red hot again with ringing in my ears hell i hate this thing not stabalising
when i saw the nurse she checked my feet for pulses but thought maybe somthing had been disturbed under the knee operation and i need a blood flow test in them legs.
she asked me what was my doctors name and phoned them and told them i want an appointment for john TOMORROW she got me one at 11.40am
she said what support are you getting cos it looks like you are doing your own thing i said seen phisio after op but they said just keep doing what you are doing.
she said this is no good you need support
i said i will go and get some private phisio to that she said you should not have to do that.
we cant do a lot for you here without a referal from your gp if your feet go blue again take a picture of them.
im going to have to be more asertive today at docs.
i seemed to be doing well getting around before op but since it got the swelling down
feet sores
hands red lumps flaring and numb
and just about every bone not wanting to play ball with me due to sort of mussle ligaments.
im at the point whishing i had stayed with what i had.
she informed me your an inteligent person and you know what is sore and not sore.
it feels today like i got something attacking me all over which is like dry bone then wet inflamation.
she also told me if these feet go blue again i want you streight down to a and e
no messing about.
the problem i feel i have how can i tell the doc all these body parts are hurting me it just dosnt seem right to have so many parts hurting at the same time does it.
regards john