Feet: Well i've been to the foot specialist, my feet... - NRAS


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sylvi profile image
35 Replies

Well i've been to the foot specialist, my feet are like the rest of me crap. I've had hammer toes for a long while and never thought much about them. Then a friend of mine who lives just down the road from me had to have her toes broken due to the way they had bent. She had plaster and it took a long while to heal. I didn't want to go that way,but it seems that will happen eventually. She has given me a mould round my toes to see if they can help get them more comfy. She is thinking of getting me some insoles as my feet are not aligned right. Told me not to wear slippers as they are not good for me because they have no support. I will give it a go. Flip flops should go as well,but thats something i'll look at next year. I should wear socks with my boots, which i don't as they are very warm,cheap version of the uggs. They are not ideal either,but i'm afraid they are not going.

I think i will finish this now as my fingers ache and i haven't got my splint on. I'm going to get in bed and get warm and cosy.

Night everyone.

Sylvi. xx

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sylvi profile image
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35 Replies
Gina_K profile image

Hi Sylvie,

My heart goes out to you with the hammer toe, as my mum has one and I know the pain she goes through.

Keep warm.


ps. your decorations look great, we hav'nt even looked for ours yet.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toGina_K

Thank you gina, it makes me feel brighter with all the lights and tinsel.

I ache again today,i think the big freeze is here and me and the cold don't get on.

The podarist was really informative,which helps as a lot of proffesionals don't always tell you everything.I learned a lot,like i shouldn't be wearing slippers as they have no support,its little things like that that we need to know.

Are you recovering well?

Take care sylvi. xxx

Hi, what actually is hammer toe ? my toes on my left food are sore at the moment and causing me to limp, and they hurt when I move them around.

I really feel for you, and it scares me to think that this will get alot worse one day.


sylvi profile image

Zusan,hammer toes are when your toes curl over into a hammer. The tendon under your toe becomes tight and your toe can't move. I have two,one each side of the big toe. Yes it can be terrible,the only solution in my case will eventually be an operation. That measns having the toe broken and straighten and put in plaster until it heals. My friend had it done this year and it took a while for her to recover,she has ra as well. I am not going there yet,it will have to be a lot worse than it is at the moment for me to go there, i'm still getting used to my knee which still has a lot of problems which i'm still suffering from.

Hope this is of help for you. Everyone is different and one person might not suffer like another.

Take care

Sylvi. x

in reply tosylvi

Greetings Sylvie! I'm sending you the most brilliant day you could have!! because the sun is shining very brightly here this morning and I'm sendit to you, so it should be there when you wake up:)

Atleast for today, you will have no pain in your knee, or feet or hands, and you will feel so good, you will be singing Christmas Carols all day, while you bake cookies:) How's that.

Well that is what I wish and pray for you, dear friend. Atleast for today. Then, we'll try to do that again and again.

So much to do, so much I want to do, so much I assign myself to do.

Had 4 friends here yesterday, for birthday luncheon, we laughed and giggled so much we sounded like a bunch of teenagers.

Now I must get some laundry started. I usually make my self stay away from the computer until my chores are done, but I'm procrastinating! Whew, haven't used that word for a long time:) Gotta go, hope you have the best of days, enjoy the sun! You know , we are all suffering from lack of Vitamin D, which your body makes when in the sun. Ha, no sun! XXX , Loret

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

That was a lovely thought loretta,i wish it was true. Its 3.45pm in the afternoon here and it raining stairrods and blowing a gale,but i could picture your lovely house with all that sun though,i do wish for some sunny days. I don't mind if its cold as long as the sun shines.

hope your well

Love sylvi. xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Sylvi, I sympathise. I have had hammer toes since a teenager. I did mention it to my chiropodist a while ago and he does not recommend the operation to straighten the toes! Even the Surgeon who does the op, doesn't recommend it either which is saying something I think. It can cause more problems apparently in the longer term. I also don't fancy the idea of having all my toes broken to straighten them out and being back in a wheelchair again for several weeks. Had enough of that before!

I have been referred to the Podiatrist at the hospital but still waiting for an appt. My feet are very painful mainly caused by the RA in my big toe and ankle and the plantar fasciaiitis which seems to have settled under my toes and across the ball of my feet.

Like you, the cold weather does me no favours. I am wearing thermals under my jeans and jumper also leggings to keep my knees warm, a cardigan over the top of my cashmere mix jumper which is warm. Have just turned the heating back on which had gone off on the timer as the temp. in the house had dropped. It is very cold although a clear blue sky and sunshine.

Take care and wrap up warm. The decorations look lovely. LavendarLady x

in reply toLavendarLady

Hi LL! Have you tried any of the cookie recipes yet? Think I might get some baking started today, while I am out doing a pile of laundry in the laundry room anyways.

Really just want to sit and read a book all day, but I have putzed around doing Christmas decorations for several days, so really need to get laundry done.

Plus, I wore out all my muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints preparing to have 4 dear friends here for a birthday luncheon yesterday, so, of course, I had to have the decorations done. Only thing I wanted to do and didn't get done was to go out and cut some Holly to put around the wreaths and candles. Oh well.

As always, when the 5 of us get together, we laugh and carry on like a bunch of teenagers. To the point, somebody suggested, and so we shall, have a slumber party here some night between Christmas and New Year's. We'll stay up and watch old movies and eat all night., maybe have a little to sip :) Oh mercy, hope the neighbors don't call the police!! Gotta go! Taking my crooked toes and achey body to the laundry room! Have a really nice, pleasant, painless day! The sun is shining very bright this morning. XX Loret

sciqueen profile image

Hi Sylvi

Sorry to hear about your hammer toes. Are they really painful?

I am hoping you get some relief from the supports/moulds she gave you. I think if she gave you customised insoles also they would help greatly. You may not need the op in future then??? Any way you don't have to have the op if you don't want to.

I have a friend who has the most viscious looking bunion I've ever seen. Had them since she was a kid and now she is 50. Won't have them operated on. Says they don't really cause pain, but getting suitable foot ware is a problem.

Hope you get some comfort soon

Sci x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply tosciqueen

Thanks darling. See response i've put on to lavender lady. I'm very sore today as i bet you are. LL is sore as well. It seems to me that i am worse this year than i have been before. Just had a thought,i was taken off the hrt a few weeks ago,i wonder if that has anything to do with it,probally not as i wasn't very clever before. I'm waiting to have a bome scan to see how my bones are indesity,no i can't spell that big name and i'm not even going to try. My doctor will then look at giving me something to stop any detoriation that might be there.

Apparently slippers are not good for us as they have no support in them. I'm struggling what to wear as house slippers that are comfy to wear.

The price we pay for getting older is frightening isn't it.

Keep warm

Sylvi. xx

sciqueen profile image
sciqueen in reply tosylvi

Sylvi I should of mention I also use berkinstocks. They are so comfy, wider especially the toe post sort. Try them.

You should be able to pick up a cheap summer pair from the website. I keep a pair for around the house as slippers also. When is really cold I use them instead of flops.

hope that helps

Joanne xx

sylvi profile image

I have put the heating on constant as well. I don't think i will be going very far todat as it is too cold. My fingers are really sore today,hubby has put my wax bath on so i will put both hands in it. It feels strange not having my wedding ring on,but i suppose i will get used to it.

I am not going to go and have my toes broken unless it is absolutely neccessary. I find these things she has given me very uncomfortable,but like evey thing i will get used to them. I hope it has some benefit.

I have a couple of pairs of fleecy trousers and i have got them on,t shirt and a short sleeved jumper on the top. I have put my socks on and a pair of they are trainers but their not if you know i mean,they slip on and are a suede pair very comfy.

My appointment came through very quick indeed. It makes a change to get help as quickly as that. Its only been a couple of weeks i think since i saw rheumy and i've seen ot and podiarist so thats not too bad is it.

Keep warm.

Sylvi. xx

sciqueen profile image
sciqueen in reply tosylvi

I am also having an in day. Yes I am finding still to cold. My son is at home also. I was going to send him back to school today, but it seems that the viral infection/cold that he has, has loosened and now he has a runny nose and his voice is hoarse. Decided he was still unwell and told him to go back to bed, after putting the heating back on. He says he feel cold, so its not just me!

He has just come back from walking the dog. We may wrap some chrimbo pressie later. I am waiting for a nice cup of tea to brew then we shall have breaky together and then I am back off to bed.

Have a good day - keep warm

Sci x

Im sorry to hear about your poor feet, would wide fitting boots or shoes with plenty of support for foot and ankle be best?

sylvi profile image

Thats something i will have to look at summer. At the moment i do have some shoes that i can wear. I've had some from the shoe tailor that are a good fit,so i'll

wear them. Next time i go i've got to take some shoes with me for her to have a look at,that should be interesting.

At least the sun is shining even if its b""""y freezing, excuse the swear word,thats how i fel about the cild weather. We can't win can we, too hot we suffer,too cold we suffer. Anyone know a place we can emigrate to and get a good climate that we can enjoy ourselves and not suffer like we are. I want it all don't i,i can try at least.

Keep warm and cosy and if you don't have to go out don't.

Sylvi. xx

in reply tosylvi

Oh yes, Sylvie...it's Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Constant warm temps, very dry, so no humidity, daily sun, no clouds That's where everyone goes to retire. Not just Phoenix, anywhere in Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and so on across the Southern and Western Southern states.

Not Florida..too humid, been there, was miserable!

helixhelix profile image

Do nag the podiatrist to get some inserts. I've found they make a huge difference for me and I wouldn't be without them now. I've only got one pair (NHS cuts!) but move them to whatever shoe/slipper/boot I'm wearing. Where I am it's normal to take your shoes off indoors, and particularly when you visit people, so I carry my slippers with inserts fitted with me wherever I go. The podiatrist also gave me some v easy exercises to stretch my muscles that has helped too. Stay warm. Polly

sylvi profile image

Polly, i think that at my next visit that will happen as she tried some yesterday and though i'm a seven, the two she tried weren't right. I'm not 6 1/2 ot 7 1/2 so its going to be hard i think,but we'll see what happens next time.

Thanks polly.

Sylvi. xx

Hi Sylvi,

I've also got hammer toes next to my big toes plus the middle toe on both feet. Have also got some nasty bunions that make footwear difficult - my feet have been like this for at least 1O years. I saw an orthopaedic surgeon early on and was advised to avoid surgery for as long as possible as because of the mobility of my toe and foot bones [because of the RA] I will need to have the surgery done several times.

The specially made insoles from the podiatrist have made a huge difference and I have a 3 yr repeat prescription for 4 pairs so can renew them as often as needed - just have to call the Appliances dept at the hospital.

I've also had a bio mechanical assessment of my gait and very specific advice about what footwear would suit my particular foot problem. In the past the only option would have been specially made brown leather orthopaedic boots [still available on the nhs!] but the man I saw identified 2 brands of footwear and specific styles that would work well.

I have no fat pad under the metatarsal heads (ball of foot etc] this has slipped forward then eroded due to the RA. This leaves me feeling like I'm walking very painfully on a pebbly beach with inflamed feet:-( This had a serious effect on my ability to stand or walk for any amount of time [more than 5 mins] so the insoles and specific foot wear advice has made a huge difference to my quality of life. I've also gone to a chiropodist and had the calluses that build up on the bunion and metatarsals thoroughly removed:-)

I love the wax bath for my feet as well as for my hands - so perhaps give that a go:-}

Cece x

in reply to

Cece, My feet are similar..have no cushion on the soles of both feet, absolutely cannot walk in stocking feet. Must wear shoes with the supports. My toes are awesome..only way to describe how awful they are! Both feet huge bunions with big toe, they slant inward across the other toes. Most of the toes are pulled up into hammer toes, makes getting decent shoes to fit over the hammers, plus the toes are all slanted and overlapping on each foot. The second toe reaches over to overlap the little toe on the outside. Now that is just plain rediculous!!

I can find wonderful slippers with arch supports and memory foam padding, like walking on little pillows.

One popular brand name is Isotoner. Usually sold at large department stores.

Ortho surgeon said don't let anybody try to operate on my feet. Podiatrist said he wouldn't touch them! So I'm stuck with them and the huge problem and expense, of finding attractive enough dress shoes that don't look like my great-grandmother's :) Found a lovely pair for my son's recent wedding, but cost me $149.!! Wanted to tell the Electric company I'd pay them next month, so I could buy groceries. Ha. They would just shut it off.

Jan66 profile image

Wow, after reading all the above, I am wondering why I have never been referred to a podiatrist - is it on nhs? I am actually not feeling

too bad today but send best wishes to everyone suffering at present, j

sylvi profile image

Yes it is Jan,see your rheumy and ask them. You would be surprised whats available when you ask. They won't tell you i'm afraid,because it proballycosts to much,but does it matter as long as we can walk in comfort. I've seen o/t, eye specialist as well. If anyone is sufering from dry eyes its worth looking at getting the tearducts cauterised, they have made my eyes a lot better. The downside is i now have bags under my eyes,as i look rough anyway thats not a problem anyway.

Sylvi. xx

swoodge profile image

Hi i have recently found a mobility shop that does slippers as well as shoes with fitted inserts so i can wear proper pretty slippers that support my feet and are warm at the same time. They come with 2 innersoles so i can alter them as i need to when my feet swell etc and the toe box is a good size. I have them in a 5 and a fitting size 6V so they fit my swollen RA feet perfectly. I have just now bought my second pair of ankle boots which i thought i would never find that have 2 zips on so that i can unzip each side and still wear them slightly unzipped if needed and they still stay on and feel comfortable. They are called Da Bella shoes and have a website dbshoes.co.uk if you wish to look them up. I go to Sheringham Mobility as its local for me and see what they have in stock so i can try them on, i find them very helpful. I do have you can find what you want to help you feel more comfortable so you can enjoy a Merry Christmas


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toswoodge

sue,sheringham i know that well. We used to holiday in wells next to sea and we had a lot of happy times there. I will certainaly have a look at da bella shoes. I'e just been up the village as i thought i would sort out our writing bureau out. I wish i hadn't been now,lost my stick on the way back and i ache more now than when i went out. I had a good cry when i got back and hubby madse me a cup of tea and i've taken some painkillers,so i should soon settle down i hope.

I have ankle boots which i will get out of the wardrobe. Tomorrow i'm going down to ely to see the family and give out the christmas presents,my brother lives in ely,my in laws live in stretham and my cousin lives in papworth,so it going to be a busy day all told. Not sure how i'm going to be. I think it will be bed when i get home tomorrow night.

Take care.


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply toswoodge

Just sent for a catalogue,thanks. x

joan_w profile image

I have had toes straightened on both my feet as they were bending upwards in the middle and rubbing on shoes. The operation is OK, you have wires in your toes for 6 weeks and just a bandage. I have to say it is wonderful to have straight toes again and be able to wear fashionalble shoes, even if they are flats. A great boost to the way I feel about myself as shoes affect the clothes you wear. I could only wear trainers previously so nice skirts and dresses were out of the question.

I know straightening your big toe is a different matter, mine is bending inwards now but I won't hesitate to have the op when they get too bad.


sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply tojoan_w

Joan its not an op i'm looking forward to as it takes a long while for me to heal, if there comes a time when it becomes urgent then i will have to have it done,but not before. I made the mistake of having my knee replaced and that caused and is causing me problems. I'm glad its been a good experience for you,it heartening to know these ops don'talways go wrong.

You look after your joints.


joan_w profile image
joan_w in reply tosylvi

Sorry to hear about your knee replacement. I have to have both knees replaced but have to have a spinal fusion op soon (which I am dreading). After that I can get 2 new knees. By the time they have finished replacing bits of me and propping up other bits with metal I will never get through the security at airports without a letter from my GP!

Can you wear trainers round the house? I found they were the only shoes I could wear when my toes were bent. I got them a half size bigger for width and ones with a really thick soft sole.

I hope you find something comfortable soon, I know how rotten it can be when your feet are sore and rubbing on shoes.


in reply tojoan_w

Hi Jo, Well I've been where you are going..Have had 8 spine surgeries, with fusion, using harvested bone from the pelvic bone and now lots of titanium rods, plates and screws. My neck has a metal plate bridging C3,4,5,6to C7.

Can't have full range of motion, but really don't feel limited.

Had both knees replaced in 2007, 6 months apart. Best part of me. The secret to best results is the Physical Therapy. I went to a rehabilitation hospital the day after surgery, went to PT and OT twice a day. Was there for 2-3 weeks, then went home and to outpatient therapy 3 days a week. Excellent results, hurts at first, but every time you bend it makes it hurt less the next time.

A lot of work and concentration, but well worth it. All the best. Lore

joan_w profile image
joan_w in reply to

Hi Lore, Thanks for your reply. I have been trying to find someone who has had spinal fusion as I have a lot of questions. As this section is really about feet I am going to put a question up about spinal fusion so I would be really grateful if you could answer some of my questions. Jo

swoodge profile image

Methinks you're not managing your time properly are you??? Do a little rest a little!! It has taken me a long time to get used to doing that and even now i have days when i just cant stop and rest and have a full day not resting at all and pay for it with 3 or 4 days of agony and not being able to do anything at all! In fact having a couple of days like that at the moment!! Had my mum up to stay for some retail therapy and enjoyed shopping so much i didnt stop and rest or nap as i normally would and now i am really paying for it. Am on third day of very painful wrists and ankles and knees feel like i've been hit by a truck and am exhausted beyond belief! I'm telling my hubby its probably a cold coming not too much shopping or i'll never hear the last of it! Mind you he will expect the Christmas shopping to magically be done when he asked if anything is needed on Christmas Eve!! Try and pace yourself and glad you sent for a brochure you will be able to see my flowery slippers!! Sue x

sylvi profile image

I'm going to look at it defintely. They say theres a living to be made out of the dead,but the same can be said of us poor disabled folk as well. I can't belief how expensive it is to buy things just to make our life easier.

I've happily done all presents and wrapped them as well. Hubby finished writng cards that have to be posted and that will be a job for friday i think. Hubby is out now trying to buy me some xmas presents,i had to give him a list as he struggles with what to buy me, and then he will get into a tizzy and come home without nothing. He is such a good man it upsets him if he can't get me anything.

He will do the food shopping as usual so that will be taken care of. I've got a few bits when i'm out and about. WE have got most of the meat,i think we're going to makro friday so i'll see if thers anything else we need and get then.

Sue i can't do pacing very well.All i've done today is go up the village and i managed to screw myself up over that. My rheumy nurse told me just to rest,for gods sake thats all i've been doing and still the pain won't go away. I dread to think if this is my life for the next 20 or so years i've got on this planet, theysay we go to a better place afterwards ,god i hope so. No i'm not suicidal nor am i going to overdose,just the thought of this for the rest of my life is frightning.

Lets hope tomorrow will be brighter as i'm off to ely to see family.

Sylvi. xx

Tinwoman2 profile image

I agree with Joan, I had my hammer toes fixed and am so glad that I did. I also had a long pin in each and just a bandage-for 6 weeks. I had them done when I was in college-22 years ago or so. Then, 3 years ago, I had my right foot totally reconstructed because all 4 smaller toes were dislocated. They took out that joint so that they can never dislocate again. My big toe was bone-on-bone, so they fused it then, too. I can never wear anything but big toe-box shoes, but that was never a problem, since where I worked changed to where we could dress casual, all the time. I just wore tennis shoes.

Now, since I was let go, last January, I have received disability status, and have been looking for a new part-time job & wearing the one pair of big toe-box nice shoes that I have, a lot. Since the surgery, I have had a lot of pain with my big toe-I can always feel the plate inside. I have had an on-going problem with an in-grown toenail too, ever since the surgery. My left foot is just about as bad now-but I lost my insurance with my job, so I'm not able to do anything about it. I'm still so glad that I had the surgery done & I would do it again.

I know it is hard, but I find that exercise, helps my feet to feel better. I walk in the mall twice a week with a friend, before the stores open. Also, the exercise helps my brain and my depression, and my heart and my osteoporotic bones too. Good luck, everyone.

sylvi profile image

I'm up and its 3.00am in the morning,wish i could exercise i don't think i would suffer like i am,its hard work to exercise when your in so much pain. I will have op as a last resort. I have heard on here that a lot of people have had their toes done,but a lot of people have had knees done and they didn't suffer,but me i must be the awkward one as i've had nothing but trouble since my knees been done. thats more the reason than anything else,though my neighbour did suffer after she had the op.

I have to say I haven't worked since i got finished two years ago, Its hard when you get finished,i found that working hard doesn't count for much in a takeover,its who you can creep up to is more the reason. They kept a girl on who was always off and spent a good part of the outside smoking. I don't think thats theres a job i can do now as i'm not allowed to drive,due to said knee.

Its nice to hear of people who have had success with this op, when the time comes i will take into account all the comments on and assess which course of action to take,thank you,it will help me.

Sylvi. xx

Hardtolove profile image

I am needing surgery on both feet due to the same problems with my toes. May I ask, what kind of shoes did they recommend for you? I was told I would need a wide shoe with a wide toe box but not sure what else. Thank you so much. I know how painful this can be. I'm praying that your toes get better and you're relieved from all of your pain. In Jesus name I Ask. Amen

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