Currently only taking Humira and pain killers.
Does anyone have pain in their chest that feels like ... - NRAS
Does anyone have pain in their chest that feels like a flare but also moves around the ribcage for a few days then goes.?

It might be a good idea to get to see a doctor, it isn't a good idea not seeing a doctor, one should never take a chance on chat pains.
I hope you get sorted pretty soon.
Thanks Phil I am already awaiting an appointment for Wednesday just checking with the troops.
this does sound like symptoms of A.S . ribcage and chest pain .. i guess with RA and AS both being autoimmune diseases , symptoms can be very similar .. its good your on the ball with an app . already ..
Andy excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by A.S. ?
sorry danny ..
this is going to test my spelling A.S is ankylosing spondylitis
i was first diagnosed with RA ( gp ) then once under the care at rheumatology it changed to PSA.. psoriatic arthritis.. and then changed again to ankylosing spondylitis. so over the past few years ,, ive changed 3 times .. many people who suffer with AS do have these symptoms ( chest n rib pain ) along with lower back n neck ..
im not saying this is what it could be ,, its highly unlikely especially if youve already being diagnosed with RA at rheumatology .. but its worth maybe asking the question when you next see your rheumy .. i would even mention this to your GP ,, because he`ll probably ask you ,, the same question you asked me ... what is AS ??? ...
Any chest pain needs checking out by a doctor, but it does sound a lot like costochondritis (inflammation of the rib cartilage), which as Andy says is really common in Ankylosing spondylitis, though a little less common with RA. Another cause of chest pain in autoimmune disorders comes from inflammation around the lungs, and again, thats a good reason to get your doctor to check it out, as it is something that needs dealing with. Finally, some of the DMARDs can cause lung problems that will give you chest pain as well.
But, if it was tender ribs, then my bet would be wiith costochondritis, and the only thing you can really do for it is just keep on at your rheumatologist to get your inflammation and your disease well controlled.
i quite often get costochondritis and its tender all down either side of the breast bone.
But I get reflux pain from a hiatus hernia as well and that's also in the chest.
I've had several ECGs to check my heart, 'cause the GP worries about not missing a heart attack, and they have all been OK - so don't worry too much, there are other causes for chest pain, but you do need to know what's causing it.
I have chest pain also and dyspnea. In my last CT I had degenerative change in sternum nr two and three
but my rheuma sad that it might be costochondritis or dry pleuritis from ra. I am on medrol 8mg day and I have improvement now.
I've been diagnosed with angina as a result of my RA. My GP explained this happens sometimes.
A big thanks to all who replied, I have seen my rheumatologist and they are doing more blood work because my last results show normal levels crp and esr . They also want to do a scan ,they do not think it is my RA because of the low inflammation scores, but even with the low scores I have had more pain and stiffness so I don't believe my disease is not active. Once again thanks to you all and I will see what happens with the scan and blood work to be continued.