Have you had a joint replacement. Does the RA pain in... - NRAS
Have you had a joint replacement. Does the RA pain in that particular joint go away?

Hi, I have had several replacments and for me the pain hasn't gone away totally but has certainly eased off a lot and has helped my day to day living. Issues such as flare ups and fluid retention have also got better. Hope this helps or msg me if you wanna chat more. Georgi x
Hi eduk8
I've had both my hips and Knees replaced and for me they pain has completely gone away in those joints........ the knees were alot more painful to be done (which joint are they replacing), but the outcome has been great......all i would say is DO THE EXERCISES!!!! they seems futile at the time but the people who have come out with the best results have always done the exercises. (the metal bits of me seem to be the best bits
Hope this helps??
Ella xx
My knee replacement was A+! The key to success is a competent doc and total compliance with your physical therapist no matter how bad it hurts! If you need a tylenol 3 to get moving TAKE IT!!!!!! Never give up!!!!!!!!
I had my left knee replaced June 1st this year. Once you get over the initial pain the joint feels a lot less painful. However as mentioned do keep up with your exercises it does make a difference to your knee quality afterwards. Good luck.
I havnt but my moms friend had a total knee replacement and she has RA and she said the pain was GONE...She is amazed at how painless the surgery was even, so I would say go for it!!!!!!!!!!!Good luck,,,,,Cathy
The answer is a definate yes! If you faithfully do all the exercises the Physical Therapist gives you, and as often as you are told. Or even more!
I had both knees replaced 4 years ago, 6 months apart, went into rehab hospital the following day, went to PT and Occupational Therapy twice a day. I know that is how I was so well recovered in only 2 weeks.
I live alone, so my son, Dr. Doug, insisted on my inhospital recovery. My knees are my best parts I am facing a possible fusion of my right wrist. Has anybody here had a wrist fused, can you still do most things? Thanks Loret

I had my left wrist fused in 2005 and it is great, it looks so much more like a normal wrist eg no swelling.deformaties and it is completely pain free!!! I can treat it like a normal un arthritic wrist except obviously it doesn't bend! I can cook/carry bags/drive etc with it, the only exception is that i can' t wash my face with it (wrong position for that). Everyone who sees me is shocked if i tell them as it looks and behave absoultely normally!!
I would highly recommed it
Ella x
I am 63 and am constant pain. I am worried about haveing replacements as my Mum had this done and a week later she died through a pulmery embelism,(spelling,sorry!) That is why I am worried.
I am wondering if there are medications you can take (in advance or after) which will help your chances for a good recovery. For example, cumidin taken after the surgery?
Eduk8, You are right on. When I had my knees done, both times I got daily injections of Heparin to prevent blood clots forming in my leg. That was the surgeon's standard procedure. This was at the Rehab hospital, same place they treat the most seriously injured accident victims. It is an oustanding place, so I was very glad to go there. SHESH: I was there about 2-3 weeks both times, went to Physical Therapy twice a day. Now my knees are my best parts! I feel very blessed that I recovered so well, but really it's no miracle. It's very important to go through all the exercise steps, as many times as they tell you. If you have to take a pain med before PT, then take it, it will allow you to be able to make all the moves sooner.
Good luck, go for it, you will be so glad you did! Have a nice weekend. Loret
Arnica good. Although movement hurts, non movement destroys. You can do it, pace yourself.