Silly o'clock in the morning: Well people here i am... - NRAS


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Silly o'clock in the morning

sylvi profile image
6 Replies

Well people here i am sitting at my laptop wide awake and i can't tell you why. Had a busy day yesterday, we went to get a carpet for the stairs and landing,then i had to change a pair of trousers. Went to get scooter out of the car and i had forgotten my key. My day seemed to go downhill from then on.I found that i was getting very frustrated with myself for no reason. Anyway onwards and upwards as my mum used to say. We then came home and had a cuppa to refresh the brain. We then went to b&q as we needed a few bits to finish of the bathroom which hubby and daughter had decorated on sunday. We couldn't get what we wanted there so we proceeded to head through town to get to bedworth to pay some bills. By this time i'm becoming a miserable old so & so. went wrong way and ended up at the range, so decided to stop and have a cuppa, which reached the parts needed. We got the towel rain we needed. So now we're on our way again. Hubby went and paid the bills while i sat in the car, by this time i'd had enough so i stayed put. Got home about 3pm. Had another cup of tea, as you can see i like my tea!! Had a bit of a rest and then while bob went to fetch the carpet we had brought i was in the garden repotting 3 baskets ready for winter. Hubby got back and got dinner ready while i cleared up outside.

We had a bath and i got in bed to rest. I know its early but this way i stop otherwise i would go until i drop. I'm not very good at pacing, though i try. Went to sleep quite early, but i was awake on and off all night, hence here i am writing this blog.

I think i've bored you all enough so i'll go and make a cup of tea and watch the news.

Have a good day everyone.


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sylvi profile image
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6 Replies
cathie profile image

Enjoy your tea! I know that kind of day well, I'm quite good at it. Am having my tea (rooibos) now to wake me up slowly xx

sylvi profile image

Cathie, Had three cups of tea and crumpets and pinapple. Now i've got to and motivate myself to go and sort conservatory out ready to bring the plants in. What on earth is rooibos? xxx

Gina_K profile image

I drink rooibos too it's a south African tea very strong but quite nice. I am having coffee & toast still in bed! Work tomorrow so making most of it.

That sounds like a very busy day sylvie, are you not tired today. I am doing same sorting garden out for winter, thinking of putting geraniums etc in green house, but all still flowering away, so think a bit early. Think will get some daff bulbs and put in pots, so when I see them flowering I should be well over this damn operation in October. Am going to do a blog this eve after my Ra consultation at 3.

Beautiful morning here in Dublin, might take dogs to beach too if have time.

Have a good day all. Using daughters iPad is fab for anyone with finger / wrist problems but very easy to predictive type incorrectly.

Regards, Gina.

sylvi profile image

Gina, i'm trying to do this pacing thingy, so i've sat down for a while and now after i have finished writing to you i am going to try and do a bit more. I'm st every thing ready to come in, while its still nice i will leave them outside, got some pruning to do as well. I've got bulbs to go in as well,but i'm finding it hard to find the time. My index finger has decided its time to start annoying me and with the lack of energy its all about resting and there isn't enough hours in the day for all i want to get done.

When do you go in? i hope it goes well for you. I don't know about you but i find it takes me longer to heal.

I am tired, but i'm going to keep going as long as i can, then i'll have to stop if my body doesn't stop me first. Where do you get that roobios tea from, i've got redbush and earl grey from my ringtons man.

Well gina i'm off to try again,

Best Sylvia. xx

cathie profile image

Roobos is the same as redbush - sorry if I confused you. Some time ago an acupuncturist recommended it to me so I tend to have it first thing in the morning. I'm having a little semi-rest talking on the computer after a useful diabetes meeting at my GPs. They gave me my flu jab - its in early here in Scotland!


sylvi profile image

Cathie, so thats what it is called. I like that. Just had a cup of that and now i'm sitting down again,it seems to be every five mins that i have to stop, i must be getting old and dodery. My flu jab isn't until next month and when i have to see him for review of drugs i'll get him to give it too me.

Got the ornaments washed and i've started to do a bit of hoovering. i'm going to polish and then hoover again. Have all the doors open and the fan on as its hot here in the midlands. There's so much i want to do and can't it annoys me no end. Nobody can do how you want can they, thats the problem of being a housewife with ra and fibro, you can't do it fast enough.

I better get some done or i won't be able to get outside.

Take care i'll be back in about 10mins i'm sure.


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