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beauty96 profile image
19 Replies

Well had the dreaded MRI today and felt my heart banging so much I got worried over it and could do nothing. I came out of it and tried to sit up and asked for help and was told "we have to look after ourselves". No help? My right hip was really painful at the back area. Well I could not walk and was shaking so much I could not even drink. Just shown the door and that was that. Eventually went to A and E and asked for help and the Sister once she had checked my BP, pulse and so on made a cup of sweet tea for me which settled me enough to walk to the car.

Anyone any advice as I can still feel that bang bang bang on my head back.

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beauty96 profile image
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19 Replies
shasmac profile image

Quite frankly I am horrified by your casual, insensitive treatment by our supposedly caring professionals. The NHS is not a free service provided by volunteers dontating their time, free gratis. They are a body of professionals paid from the public purse, ie income tax, VAT, Council Tax, etc. Do not accept shabby, sub standard treatment...complain officially and make a difference. Often staff are under so much pressure due to the sheer volume of work that the job is impossible to do. By making an official complaint you can result in the higher managment being forced to examine through-put numbers of patients.

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to shasmac

Yes I intend to write, the staff were wonderful when I went in but it was just over and off you go attitude.

that's not good I have a great fear of hospitals I tell them this when I go and I get treated with respect and care for they treat me as a person not a number this should not have happened to you but they are not mind readers tell them your fears and remember you don't have to do anything you are not comfortable about but well done on having your scan take care

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to

Yes I told them and rang also some weeks before as I have had bad dreams over thinking of this. I buy all results so shall read the disc anyway. OK and wonderful to start with it was the finishing and coming out that was horrid and completely ignored. Glad my husband was with me.

soootired profile image

Sorry, slightly off track, but how do you buy the disk?

Sorry you had such terrible treatment. Unfortunately some people view their job as just that - a job, and it results in a callous uncaring "work to rule" attitude.

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to soootired

I write to the Hospital and in Pilgrims [UK] case there is an officer that deals with data protection. Then I get a letter asking me for what I want, asking for details of who I am, send passport page Photostatted. Then they write and tell me how much to send and it arrives. I get all my results this way and keep them then I know what is happening and also they have not got results from 1992 and I have so got them out of my file and showed them...make sure you get them back. The maximum you pay is £50.

Slumberparty profile image

That's disgraceful. I hope your complaint gets some positive action x

nomoreheels profile image

What 'care' you received. It obviously upset you. My first port of call would be to contact PALS if your hospital has this service. This link will help you to find out if it does.

I've never has cause to use them (yet!) but I do know they are very good in instances such as this.

Hope this helps & you get the necessary help.

beauty96 profile image
beauty96 in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks for that and yes there was a new office made just weeks ago for them. Glennis

fastball profile image

i was told on my first MRI that they are not allowed to help you get up, as they might damage their back etc. So i have always had to struggle as i get awfully stiff and cannt move. They take the cushion out from under my knees and that is it. So i dont rush and will not be rushed, it takes time. Hope you some answer but dont expect it will be much. Sorry to be negative just going with what i was told.

Sending hugs


Whyme2 profile image
Whyme2 in reply to fastball

Talk about a loss of Humanity, how Hard and uncaring is that.. They are in the Medical Field to help the sick and disabled etc. The hospital cannot allow this sort of behaviour, where injured patients have to struggle to get up un helped, unless satisfactory alternative options have been put in place to help a patient up.

I would write to the hospital, the local newspaper, MPand Minister of Health. this is not acceptable care and it should not be tolerated.


Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience. I've had several MRI scans lately and had very positive experiences. I would agree with above reply that you ring pals. Your experience must not happen again! I've complained to pals in the past and they were very good and so caring and sympathetic. When I had an MRI last year I had a bad experience. It was very long and I was very uncomfortable and felt physically ill for days after. I honestly think I had post traumatic stress disorder. Do you think you have anxiety like me and this is why your head is banging? Hope you feel better soon. Take care kiki

trianon profile image

I've had several MRI's too and had very positive experiences, with the staff being extremely helpful. I would definitely complain.

mistymeana profile image

How awful! I had a full spine scan a few months ago and was disappointed that I wasn't offered music to try and mask the awful noise as I'd been told was the case with other people on the forum. However, they were really kind and helpful when they saw I was having trouble moving. The scan took about 45 minutes and I was really quite sore from lying confined for that long and very stiff. They offered assistance without being asked. I am quite small so two grown men would have to go some to hurt themselves helping me up but even if a patient is on the larger side they have nursing staff trained in safe handling. People don't put themselves through the "pleasure" of a scan for fun - they've all got some infirmity so the chances of them needing assistance is pretty damn high. Oooooo!! Rant over!

allanah profile image

Dreadful disgusting care. Complain !

jell profile image

Had MRI on hip twice. First time I hated it - so claustrophobic and no they didn't help me after either -Grt Western Hospital Swindon. Second time was at Bath RUH (since my experience below have refused to go to Swindon hopsital ever again) and they were lovely. Plus after I told her of my fears, she put me in scanner 'back to front' so I could see I wasn't trapped.

Off topic a bit. Perhaps we should name and shame all the bad hospitals. I nominate Great Western Hospital, Swindon where my first admission for operation I was left TWICE in a wet bed after vomiting and weeing at same time and bedding and night gown were allowed to dry on me. The nurse said 'why didn't I use a bedpad'? Confused as to what she meant and not sure how I could have got one if I was bed bound, (she had flung the sick bowl in my direction) I feebly replied - 'really really sorry but I didn't know where they were - may I have one please'? reply 'NO! we haven't any left'......I felt so degraded and humiliated like I was a burden. The whole experience was awful. I had been taken in by ambulance. Was a freezing cold wet February. Spent whole day sat on hard chair on my own in ward waiting room. Nothing to eat nor drink, not even a sip of water. Had x-ray at 2pm. Then saw doctor at 6pm who told me I needed emergency op asap. Nurse came back hour later and told me I had to go home and come back at 7am next morning for emergency op! Didn't have clue where I was, newly moved to village nearby. I had no money. Wearing slippers and t-shirt, no coat let alone umbrella. Couldn't do jeans up cos of pain. Lovely lady lent me some money. Was a two bus trip back to my home. First took me to centre of Swindon bus station. Was terrified and humiliated and in so much pain could barely walk. I arrived home at 9.30pm.

The second time for my RD and hip spent a week there bed bound. Am in my early 50s but rest of patients were between 75-99. Now I fully understand why have often heard those cries 'please help me' (thinking twas elderly patients with dementia). I cried the same, waiting and bursting for bedpan every time and then left to sit on it for over an hour. I once filled it up so much nurse slopped it over her shoes.. :) I found they were very attentive when you first go in but after the op didn't give a damm and just wanted you out. I even heard one nurse explaining to a new nurse that she should be having more coffee breaks. She replied 'but I can't I have already had it'. and nurse said to her 'Noooo!, you can have as many as you like, we all do.'

Sorry about the ramble but felt good to get if off my chest!

Whyme2 profile image
Whyme2 in reply to jell

They need to be named and shamed.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to jell

Did you complain to the hospital, or have you sent this to the hospital chairman. I am sure they would take action on this serious complaint.

jell profile image

I was so ill and just so pleased to be out of the place but when I was well enough to do something I thought twud be too late :( I did once leave a bad review but I notice that page on FB has been removed. This was Feb and Oct 2011 so would be too late now... One thing that got me, although one of the male nurses was really nice and the only one that talked to all the patients, he did the medicine run with non stop chatter and would get muddled - I know he was mixing my hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic whch was slightly larger. I told him but he said I was wrong. Even when my antibiotic finished under just 3 days I queried it but he said no they was none left so was a 3 day course. I should have said something for that reason alone.

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